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Police that don't know how to deal with dogs

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I try to keep track of animals in the news...this story hasn't made it to the news yet, but I still thought I'd share it. I recieved it earlier today in an email...and am simply passing it on. In the event that the local station does an article or broadcast about it...I'll post it as well.

As of right now, there is no news report, in fact TV 6 didn't even know until I sent them an email. They are setting up an interview with my mom, who was on the scene. The emailed me saying they wanted to schedule the interview for today (wednesday). As for now, I can only tell you the story that I was told by my mom.

A few days ago, in KI Sawyer, MI (by Marquette), an officer of the law openly shot and killed a dog running around the neighborhood because he couldn't catch her. This dog was a mixed breed bully. She had gotten out of her house and was running around when she entered another dog's yard where the two got into an altercation. Neither were seriously hurt (that we know of), but someone called the cops. The cop, who showed up on the scene first, called the animal control. Many neighbors, including the owner and their young daughter, were out trying to catch the dog. The dog thought that they were playing(from what it looked like), so she ran away from them. Before she and the other dog got into the fight, she was playing with another dog (my mom's dog). The cop tried to catch her, but he couldn't. Even the neighborhood kids were chasing her around, but no one could get near her. The owner was trying to lure her in with some meat...but she wouldn't go near anyone. My mom brought out another dog to try and lure her in, and it was working until the cop started yelling at her. The cop mumbled something about just shooting the dog, and my mom went and took her dog inside. She heard a gun shot, and came out to watch this dog take her final steps and die. Right in front of her owners, their young daughter, and all of the other neighbors that were standing around watching, including a few neighborhood kids. The animal control was on its way. The officer then got in his car, left the dead dog in the driveway(a neighbor's driveway, not even the owner's), and drove off...The little girl ran over to her dog, got down on her knees, crying saying "no! NO! NO!"....TERRIBLE. My mom helped the owner wrap the dog in a blanket, and helped haul her to her way, while her owner was sobbing the entire way. He was too upset to even comfort his own daughter, who was now hysterical at this point, so my mom had to calm her down.

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That is disgusting.. and just pure laziness on behalf of the copper..

I feel for the family with having it happen right infront of them..

I could understand if it were attacking people left, right and centre but they were making it into a game, the dog didn't understand..

Poor soul, hope the copper gets the book thrown at him for that bad judgement.

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omg that just brought tears to my eyes, how dare he make that kind of choice, sounds to me like the dog was just out to have a play. Considering their were children chasing her and this dog didnt try and attack any of them just proves to me that she/he was not dangerous and just needed to be rounded up.

How very very cruel and wrong was that police officer, im disgusted

chris x

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This world is a horrible horrible place with some utterly souless people sometimes! I bet this guy read what happened in the Bear bear case and just thought its ok I'll get away with it! :angry: With this kind of blatent animal cruelty being carried out by police what sort of example does that set? How can animal cruelty cases possibley be taken seriously is this is the way the POLICE deal with loose animals!? If it had been livestock he'd have been linched but becuase its a dog its OK?? Escuse my language but FUCK THAT!!! :angry:

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How can anyone be so evil and so stupid at the same time? Pulling his gun out and fireing shooting the dog not only led to the dog'sutterly pointless demise, but endangered everyone else there (many of whom were children) It's a not a GUN a deadly weapon that is only ment to be used as a last resort.

And animal control was on the way, all anyone had to do was make sure the dog diddn't run off and AC could have collected it with realitive ease, but this brain dead bastard had to go and kill a innocent animal, Traumatizing and endangering everyone there for absolutely no reason. And then he dosen't even have the guts to stick around and explain himself. What a pitiful excuse for a human being.

I can't see him getting away with this. This sort of thing should at LEAST cost him his job.

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How can anyone be so evil and so stupid at the same time? Pulling his gun out and fireing shooting the dog not only led to the dog'sutterly pointless demise, but endangered everyone else there (many of whom were children) It's a not a GUN a deadly weapon that is only ment to be used as a last resort.

And animal control was on the way, all anyone had to do was make sure the dog diddn't run off and AC could have collected it with realitive ease, but this brain dead bastard had to go and kill a innocent animal, Traumatizing and endangering everyone there for absolutely no reason. And then he dosen't even have the guts to stick around and explain himself. What a pitiful excuse for a human being.

I can't see him getting away with this. This sort of thing should at LEAST cost him his job.

I hope He doesn't get away with it either but seeing as a cop shot a dog only a few months ago and getting away with it, I'm also guessing this guy will get away with it too

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thats disgusting

to kill a dog is foul

to discharge a firearm in a crowd of people that included children is inexcusable!!!!

that officer had caused shock,heartache and sorrow to a community and should pay for it with his job, a hefty fine or jail time for animal cruelty, he should be banned from keeping animals for life and he should be made to apoligise to everyone who he upset that day

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