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When i leave Niko goes mad i can hear him howling and crying when im all the way down the street walking to work. I dont know how long he does this for im pretty sure its not that long but whats worrying me is at the moment i live with my mum so we have her 2 dogs there too when i leave and Niko settles alot easier as he has them to keep him company(my mum leaves for work a few hours before me). Anyway the thing thats worrying me is when i go to my boyfriends (where we ill be moving sometime next year) he will cry and cry if either of us leaves the house even for half an hour to do the shopping which of course he cannot come, the point is do you think in time he will become more dependant and not get upset as much or what can i do to maybe calm him down when leaving? As we will both be going to work and cant have him crying too much because of the neighbours (they already complained when he cried once for about 5 mins there not the best neighbours to have!)

If anyone can help thanks x

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He has so many toys its unreal i usually leave him with his fave blanket, teddy, his burger which is his favourite and a few others are about in his toy pile in the corner. I think il defo get him one of those kongs as they look really good and will probablly distract him as when were at my mums i give them all a little treat tell them to be good and leave and they usually are very good about it and just go and lay down knowing im leaving. At the moment i cannot get a second dog but we are looking on getting one when Niko is a little bit older as at the moment i dont have the money to take care of another dog.

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Try putting your coat on and leaving the house but just stand outside for 5 mins then go back in, if no noise praise him, if he makes a fuss ignore him when you go in.

Do this afew times a day making each time a little longer, he will soon realise that you are coming back and will only get a treat when he's good.

Also remove his toys as they do get board with them, put them away and only give a few alternating them each day. give him a chewy bone when you go out and yes get a kong to fill with treats/ peanut butter they love em xxxxxxx

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I was looking at those Kongs the other day and i dont know why i didnt buy one!! I get distracted by looking at the animals in pets at home :P hehe

I will try this tonight when i get home from work hes only young so its not too late to sort it

Thanks alot for your help

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Hey Sherrie, he should be fine and get used to it specially if you walk him before you leave that should tire him out, my pup was like this in the beginning to then she got into the routine I walked her before I left filled a kong toy up with some treats and gave her a big chew like a dental one or a jumbone and told her in your bed (her crate) didnt shut her in there but closed the kitchen door behind me so she just had the kitchen to roam with her toys and her chew, she got used to it after about a month.

If you find he really doesnt get on at all and you get complaints from the neighbours PM me and I'll see what I can do about puppy sitting abit for you. :)

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Meika used to do the same thing when we would leave to walk the kids to school. I'd hear her howling from two streets away on my way back home. We now leave the tv on for her and it keeps her quiet. (I filmed it once to see what she was doing while out and if it was working) For us i think she just needed some noise so she didn't feel like she was alone.

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Thanks Sarah and Tanya

Im going to get him a Kong tonight and then after his walk later try leaving him the tv on and giving him his kong or another treat take him to his bed and see how it goes.

Its not like hes left alot which is probs his problem hes only alone when im at work i come home at lunch then go back other than that hes with me all the time unless i nip to the shops or town shopping which he then cant come he comes everywhere else with me.

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Skyla used to do it alot! but she would SCREAM she used to do it for about half hour then quieten down - now she still does it but doesnt do it for as long, i shud mention she has only been using her crate for about 2 months now so dont think it will take till he is nearly 10 months like skyla till he quietens down lol

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Indie was doing this too, so we tried the radio on low, this didnt work, we left lots of toys that didnt work, we now leave her with Chyna in the downstairs hallway and a couple of the kongs filled with treats, the one thing we were told to do though at puppy training was to go out (even when your not going out) stand outside for 2 mins then come back in DO NOT LOOK OR TALK AT YOUR DOG, then walk around the house and go back out again, shut the door stand outside for 3 mins, come back in and repeat, just so the dog knows you are going to come back, its important you pay no attention to the dog at all though, its a bit like having a baby really ha ha. Indie now after having her for 3 weeks does not cry when we leave the house or go to bed.

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Hes getting there lol

Hes at least letting me go out my room at night without screaming or having to follow and then crying which was annoying as id try my hardest to sneak out the room he would see and then start lol

Hes not been too bad at crying when i leave the other day he didnt at all then the day after we had it all so that wasnt good

Im going to keep this up anyway only way he will learn

Thanks everyone x

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