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I need help with diarrhea!!please


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Hello guys,

My puppy is 6 month old now, I have not change his diet and I had him for 3 months already. But recently he is having diarrhea, and it has last for 3,4 days already. I tried to give him cooked rice but he refuse to eat it, he still want to eat his dog food(I feed ACANA puppy and junior formula). He never has diarrhea for so long before, sometime just have one loose poop and the next one is solid again. I have not feed him people food, especially for these 3 days. He is STILL full of energies, so I do not think he is sick. But the diarrhea is ready annoying, make more accident, and make me worry about my puppy. Any thing I can do to stop this?

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Try raw chicken wings. Works every time for us. :D

Not cooked, and yes bones as well. they Love 'em.

Will thicken up in about 24hrs.

Once thickened up. . . reintroduce the kibble in small amounts

opposite the chicken, eg, Chicken for the morning meal

and small amounts of kibble (half a cup) in the evening.

Don't mix the kibble and chicken as they go through the body at different speeds.

Good luck

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Has he had a recent fecal exam recently? it could be multiple things. Maybe got into something, it could be an allergic reaction to ingredients in the food, could be he doesn't have enough digestive enzyme bacteria in his tummy

Loki had that problem for a while we'd have him on the same food and sometimes he'd have solid poo and sometimes diarrhea type (he had multiple fecal exams and all came back clean) with loki we ended up having to get a supplement (our vet said it could just be the way his tummy is but we didn't want his tummy to be upset and have diarrhea so we found our solution) .Vets carry some types and so do some dog food brands. (other brands may carry it, its just the one that we use )

http://www.solidgoldhealth.com/products/?product=86&code=628 (that one is just enzymes)

http://www.solidgoldhealth.com/products/?product=36&code=591 (this is what loki is on, its an all around supplement with enzymes)

I'm not saying that is the problem but thats just my experience, I'm sure more people will have advice smile.gif

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Try raw chicken wings. Works every time for us. :D

Not cooked, and yes bones as well. they Love 'em.

Will thicken up in about 24hrs.

Once thickened up. . . reintroduce the kibble in small amounts

opposite the chicken, eg, Chicken for the morning meal

and small amounts of kibble (half a cup) in the evening.

Don't mix the kibble and chicken as they go through the body at different speeds.

Good luck

Odd thing, it worked the first two times for us w/the raw chicken but now he gets diarrhea and the worst stinkies haha

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Odd thing, it worked the first two times for us w/the raw chicken but now he gets diarrhea and the worst stinkies haha

It's got to be raw chicken wings, rather than just chicken. It is the calcium in the bones which solidifies the pooh.

William - check the amount of food he is getting. By far the most frequent cause of diarrhea in young dogs is overfeeding. You can also give him a small probiotic yoghurt drink each day. This will help stimulate the beneficial bacteria in his gut.


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Chicken and rice always worked well for my pup but about a month ago she had bad diarrhea for more than a week. She was her usual self but just had the runs really bad. I took her to the vets and was told just to carry on feeding her the chicken and rice (I did this for over a week) and then gradually introduce her food again as she cleared up. They also gave me some stuff called Pro-Kolin +. I've noticed you can buy it from some pet stores. It just helps replenish the gut with good bacteria. It worked a treat for her. If your pup does seem under the weather though and if it continues it is worth getting the vet to take a look and also get a stool sample sent away, just incase it's a virus and your pup needs antibiotics.

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It's got to be raw chicken wings, rather than just chicken. It is the calcium in the bones which solidifies the pooh.

William - check the amount of food he is getting. By far the most frequent cause of diarrhea in young dogs is overfeeding. You can also give him a small probiotic yoghurt drink each day. This will help stimulate the beneficial bacteria in his gut.


It was raw chicken wings not just chicken....ever since I started giving him his supplement not once has he had diarrhea w/the exception of people giving him treats that I don't approve of

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Thank you guys. I am prety sure I am feeding him with the same amount as usual. The recommended amount is 3-4 cup a day, I was feeding him 2 cup a day but recently he seems to be too thin, so I am slowly increasing the amount I feed him. But no more than 3 cup a day.

I will try cooked rice mix with boiled chicken first to see what happen. Many people suggest me to feed this.

and btw, i do not think he has worm, he is dewormed up to date.

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It could also be he's simply developed a sensitive stomach, Nooks went through a bout of diarheoa for a week and we took him to the vets and they suggested a starve for 24 hours and then a spoonful of canned chicken and rice dog food for sensitive stomachs, gradually increasing the amount every 2 hours until we went through all three cans they gave us. He was as right as rain afterwards.

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Three cups a day? That may be too much. It may not be the underlying cause, but could be adding to the problem. I've posted this information before, and this is what we went through with our last Husky several times over her lifetime. She was a Husky with a very sensitive digestive system.

Withhold food for 24 hours. If the digestive system is upset, you need to allow it some time to settle. Make sure water is available.

Feed 1/4 cup steamed rice with 1/4 cup boiled skinless chicken cut up (no bones), twice a day for two days.

Feed two spoonfuls of canned pumpkin (without spices), once a day for two days.

After two days of rice and chicken, feed 1/4 cup steamed rice with 1/4 cup kibble for two days.

If after this the stools are normal, resume feeding the kibble. If loose stools re-appear, you should see your vet.

With regard to the kibble you are feeding: It contains no corn or wheat, which is a good thing. The ingredients list seems to be very good, with a good mix of fruits, vegetables, and quality grains. Chicken is the dominant meat ingredient, with some salmon. However, there could be some ingredient within the food, that is causing the problem.

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Three cups a day? That may be too much. It may not be the underlying cause, but could be adding to the problem. I've posted this information before, and this is what we went through with our last Husky several times over her lifetime. She was a Husky with a very sensitive digestive system.

Withhold food for 24 hours. If the digestive system is upset, you need to allow it some time to settle. Make sure water is available.

Feed 1/4 cup steamed rice with 1/4 cup boiled skinless chicken cut up (no bones), twice a day for two days.

Feed two spoonfuls of canned pumpkin (without spices), once a day for two days.

After two days of rice and chicken, feed 1/4 cup steamed rice with 1/4 cup kibble for two days.

If after this the stools are normal, resume feeding the kibble. If loose stools re-appear, you should see your vet.

With regard to the kibble you are feeding: It contains no corn or wheat, which is a good thing. The ingredients list seems to be very good, with a good mix of fruits, vegetables, and quality grains. Chicken is the dominant meat ingredient, with some salmon. However, there could be some ingredient within the food, that is causing the problem.

Thank you very much for you advice and it is useful.

My dog has been eating this brand and formula for 2 month and never see these happened before so I guess it has nothing to do with the ingredient.

I will do what you say and see how things goes, and one more thing, how much I should feed after all these turn right? you said 3cups a day is too much, I have been feeding 2cups a day but I found my puppy is getting thin. He is male, 14kg, 6months, how is his weight sounds?

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The calories in this food are fairly high. It's impossible to comment on weight vs age, other than to give you a comparison. At six months, Zoya weighed 28 pounds or about 13kg. However, if you take your hand and and run it along the rib cage, you should be able to feel the depression between each rib. Visually, you should not be able to see the ribs sticking out. Do the same along the top of the back and you should feel the depressions between the vertebrae. Looking down from above, you should see an hourglass figure, with a "waist" between the rib cage and the hips. Looking from the side, you should see a tummy tuck-up just ahead of the hips. Also, the hip bones should not protrude.

The calorie count on the food you've been feeding is quite high. It is a bit more than the TOTW (Taste of the Wild) that we feed Zoya. Zoya has been fed one cup of TOTW, twice a day, since she was 10 months of age. She is currently getting 3/4 cup twice a day. If your dog is loosing weight on 2 cups a day of ACANA, I would be curious as to why. Are you feeding the 3 cups over more than one meal? In other words, are you feeding perhaps 1 cup three times a day? The amount of food recommended on dog food bags, is based on an average. Siberian Huskies are not average. They are much more efficient in metabolizing their food than most other breeds, and therefore, do not require as much food per day.

You indicated in one of your posts, that your dog had been wormed. Not all wormers work on all types of worms. There are round worms, hook worms, tape worms, and whip worms that are commonly found in dogs. Most wormers will work on round and hook worms. However, whip worms are more difficult to both detect and to get rid of. Tape worms are easy to detect. Look for rice like segments around the anus. Just to be safe, I would recommend taking a fresh stool sample to your vet and have it checked for all four worm types. Also, when worming, you need to do a follow-up worming about three weeks following, to break the egg-larvae-adult cycle. A wormer works on larvae and adults, but not on eggs. Eggs that are in the gut, may cling to a crevice in the gut track. A wormer if given, which affects and kills the adult worms, does not impact any eggs that are retained. Those retained eggs, later hatch into larvae, which mature into adults, and the dog has worms all over again.

Also, just because your dog has done OK on this food in the past, does not mean he has not developed a sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients. Often times, dog food companies change the ingredient list on a particular product. They don't always tell the consumer. Canidae did this a year or so ago on one of its foods. A lot of dogs did well on that food, all of a sudden, some could not tolerate it. TOTW recently changed the formula on its High Prairie product. In this case, the change was to substitute roasted Bison meat for roasted Venison. While a change, this did not have the same impact as the Canidae change.

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The calories in this food are fairly high. It's impossible to comment on weight vs age, other than to give you a comparison. At six months, Zoya weighed 28 pounds or about 13kg. However, if you take your hand and and run it along the rib cage, you should be able to feel the depression between each rib. Visually, you should not be able to see the ribs sticking out. Do the same along the top of the back and you should feel the depressions between the vertebrae. Looking down from above, you should see an hourglass figure, with a "waist" between the rib cage and the hips. Looking from the side, you should see a tummy tuck-up just ahead of the hips. Also, the hip bones should not protrude.

The calorie count on the food you've been feeding is quite high. It is a bit more than the TOTW (Taste of the Wild) that we feed Zoya. Zoya has been fed one cup of TOTW, twice a day, since she was 10 months of age. She is currently getting 3/4 cup twice a day. If your dog is loosing weight on 2 cups a day of ACANA, I would be curious as to why. Are you feeding the 3 cups over more than one meal? In other words, are you feeding perhaps 1 cup three times a day? The amount of food recommended on dog food bags, is based on an average. Siberian Huskies are not average. They are much more efficient in metabolizing their food than most other breeds, and therefore, do not require as much food per day.

You indicated in one of your posts, that your dog had been wormed. Not all wormers work on all types of worms. There are round worms, hook worms, tape worms, and whip worms that are commonly found in dogs. Most wormers will work on round and hook worms. However, whip worms are more difficult to both detect and to get rid of. Tape worms are easy to detect. Look for rice like segments around the anus. Just to be safe, I would recommend taking a fresh stool sample to your vet and have it checked for all four worm types. Also, when worming, you need to do a follow-up worming about three weeks following, to break the egg-larvae-adult cycle. A wormer works on larvae and adults, but not on eggs. Eggs that are in the gut, may cling to a crevice in the gut track. A wormer if given, which affects and kills the adult worms, does not impact any eggs that are retained. Those retained eggs, later hatch into larvae, which mature into adults, and the dog has worms all over again.

Also, just because your dog has done OK on this food in the past, does not mean he has not developed a sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients. Often times, dog food companies change the ingredient list on a particular product. They don't always tell the consumer. Canidae did this a year or so ago on one of its foods. A lot of dogs did well on that food, all of a sudden, some could not tolerate it. TOTW recently changed the formula on its High Prairie product. In this case, the change was to substitute roasted Bison meat for roasted Venison. While a change, this did not have the same impact as the Canidae change.

Then I guess the real problem is I feed too much now. I feed 1 and half cup a meal, twice a day. I will reduce that to 1 cup a meal after he gets better. Thank you very much for helping me.

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Then I guess the real problem is I feed too much now. I feed 1 and half cup a meal, twice a day. I will reduce that to 1 cup a meal after he gets better. Thank you very much for helping me.

You are most welcome. I just hope the problem gets resolved. Please post back on progress. We are all genuinely interested in your pups health. Just so you know, I've been in the same spot several times, and it is a frustrating and worrisome problem to deal with.

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You are most welcome. I just hope the problem gets resolved. Please post back on progress. We are all genuinely interested in your pups health. Just so you know, I've been in the same spot several times, and it is a frustrating and worrisome problem to deal with.

Yes it is frustrating, diarrhea is not only just give runny poop, but also mess up the schedule he used to have, it make lot more accident than usual.

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