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poorly puppy :(


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Awwww, my Kimba's not well.......he started turning yesterday afternoon and noticed somthing was really off when he didn't touch his tea. This morning when i got up, he didn't come bouncing out of his cage to greet me like he normally does, he just sauntered out and looked so sad :(

I came home at dinner today and he was just the same, totally off his food, until i cooked him a chicken breast, that lasted seconds! But still wouldn't touch his food.

I took him to the vets tonight after work, he's got a temp so they gave him some antibiotics and anti inflamatories with a painkiller and i have to go back with him tomorrow if he's no better. I've had him sat on my knee all night asleep and feel so sorry for him :(

Does your dog every get under the weather? Kimba was only like this the other month but after a few jabs at the vets he was ok again the day after??

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Awww poor Kimba! Lex has been ill once before so we took him to the vets and the vet said he couldn't find anything wrong with him he didn't have a temperature or anything. The next day he was right as rain again. I wonder if it is something he has picked up on one of his walks he loves to dig and yes he likes to eat mud (I know odd dog). He has never been ill like that though! Aww bless poor Kimba give him a huge hug from me!!

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lol awww bless him thats the type of thing Lex would do must be the breed!! Maybe he has picked something up you don't know what people have put in them these days do you! Lex has a fascination for sheep at the moment i think he thinks they are wooly dogs!! I hope Kimba gets better soon i don't like it when animals get sick because they can't tell you where it hurts!!

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God sake Sarah stop taking that bloddy pup to the vets ffs he will be fine and if not give him more time to see if he gets any worst then 24 hours your going ott with it love. Not that I want to see anything happen to him or any of or dogs but your not giving him chance to build up a immune system if you keep giving him antibiotics and the likes he will never be able to fight off colds and other things for himself, remember they are no diffrent to children and will pick up all sorts of bugs and colds but I think you are going about dealing with it in a rushed way and if you keep taking him to the vets they will keep giving him stuff there a bussiness and most of the time only init for the money not the health of your dog.

p.s hope the little fellows ok and hope you dont mind me saying it how i see it :)

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hope kimbas feelin better kendra was like that bit ago she had temp and swollen glands she fine now after few tablets (sorry dunc) us women do worry. i ended up changing vets when i took kendra for her 2nd jab he really put me down saying i wont cope with husky and my neighbours would hate me because of all the howling he said he hoped i was in a detatched house, i felt useless when i came out so i spoke to my mate who works in a vets reception i have to drive further but it great cus she has 6 huskies herself so now am reassured x

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Hi all, well he's been back again tonight (sorry Dunc) he would hardly get up totally not like him! He's had another injection and has picked up in the last hour. He's actually eaten something now thank god was beginning to get really worried!

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he had an antibiotic injection and an anti inflamatory one as he said his gut was tender and might be imflamed if he'd eaten something he shouldn't have done (yet again)

ah didn't think about scrambled eggs! WIll try that with him, i'm mixing some chicken with water and a bit of his food and he's starting to eat that now, his temp has come down again and is nearly normal as well now

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One of the worst things about sibes are thier tummies.

Give them something different and all hell breaks loose .....literally lol

Try the scrambled eggs if he eats that mix a little of his kibble in with it so he is getting the nutrients also.

You can mix it in after cooking or during

If he doesnt buck up let me know and i will give you some tips that the vets gave me and that i have used with great success


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Gave Kimba his food last night and was gone in minutes! Normally gone in seconds but i don't care he's finally eating! Have woken up this morning and he's bouncing all over and desperate for food so i think he's better lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry had to post cause I was with Sarah when Kimba fell in the pond , well not actually fell in but ran and did not stop !! it was funny he is like a naughty teenager and has no........... sence of fear what so ever , you can certainly say he has personallity, god he is funny. He always looks at you with his big brown eyes as if to say " what have I done now " lol

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lol lol that is soooo true he's started sitting on the sofa and sprawling out when i leave the room even though he know's he's not allowed on it, as soon as he sees me, he jumps off and looks at me as if to say "wasn't me, i didn't do anything" lol

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OMG Lex does that he sits on the floor and looks at you as if to say i haven't moved from this spot honest I was here the whole time you were away! The best one was when I went down the hall and the hall door is all glass so you can see all the front room through it and i looked back and saw Lex jumping on the couch so I knocked on the door and pointed at Lex and you should have seen him move it was hilarious and he sat by the door looking through the glass as if to say I wasn't on the couch honest lol he is such a character its untrue and they are soooo right they are VERY VERY intelligent too intelligent he knows everything he can open the fridge yes we have had to get child locks on the fridge he can open the kitchen doo he can open my rabbit hutch! If you watch them it actually quite funny they don't do anything for the first few months they just watch your every move and watch how you do things and slowly but surely they start trying and catch on so easily on how to do things! They are strong too we have a huge set of wooden ladders and Antony was using them today next thing Lex has got hold of them and running off down the garden with them i nearly fainted even i struggle to pick them ladders up they are so heavy!

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kendra the same when i try sweep the garden and clean she always tries to catch the brush im using so i put her in the house and she opens the back door, also i had to change the kitchen cupboards round other day i was at work but scott was in but when he walked in the kitchen she had opened a food cupboard and was sitting in a pile of flour with cereal on top monkey .x

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