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aggresive/dominant behavior with cat??


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hi , i have a question because ive been watching how my puppy acts around my cat, and im not sure if shes being playful, aggresive or being dominant , because it confuses me she acts playful and dominant at the same time .. this is what she'll do:

1.barks at her, growls a bit and starts jumping and running in circles around the cat like she wants to play or trying to get a reaction from the cat (the cat never responds , only stares at Kenia (my puppy) ) other times she just barks at her until i say ''no'' or ''leave the cat''

2. sometimes she licks the cats face, wiggles her tail (she seems happy to see the cat) then jumps on top of her sort of forcing the cat down and stays there for a bit , sometimes she puts her bottom on the cats face idk if this is done on purpose

3. other times she bites the cats ears and tail, she does it softly at first like in a playful manner but then gets rough and then Jany (my cat) starts hissing and trying to scratch the puppy

and thats about it .. maybe someone had a similar experience and can help me out ?? i dont really think this is very nice behavior though... and thanks

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both of my huskies are great with my cat. Wallie can SOMETIMES get a little carried away and gets a little more aggressive with his play than Jessie (my kitty) likes, but she smacks him and puts him in his place pretty quick.

I would think that if she's raised with a cat from when she's a puppy she should be fine. Just do what you're doing and keep an eye on them, as we all know that sometimes puppies just don't realize how hard they are biting, etc.

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You need to teach your puppy to "leave it" or "easy." Siku did the whole barking/ running around thing, but could never get that close to my cats, cause they would immediately start hissing and swatting at her. They would even chase her to try and scratch her. You've got a very patient cat, BTW! At least from how my puppy acts, I think she is just trying to play (which would probably include grabbing them if she could), so I just have to tell her leave it and keep her away from them most of the time to keep her from hurting them. Since your cat is so calm, you might be able to teach your puppy to be gentle and they may get along fine. I know mine never will, cause they just HATE dogs.

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You need to teach your puppy to "leave it" or "easy." Siku did the whole barking/ running around thing, but could never get that close to my cats, cause they would immediately start hissing and swatting at her. They would even chase her to try and scratch her. You've got a very patient cat, BTW! At least from how my puppy acts, I think she is just trying to play (which would probably include grabbing them if she could), so I just have to tell her leave it and keep her away from them most of the time to keep her from hurting them. Since your cat is so calm, you might be able to teach your puppy to be gentle and they may get along fine. I know mine never will, cause they just HATE dogs.

loll yeah, jany is super patient most of the time she just stares at kenia or will just lay on the floor and wait until kenia gets off of her..lol , and yes kenia knows to calm down or leave jany alone when i tell her ''leave the cat'', i just get worried sometimes heh.. thanks ! :)

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Embry is really playful with our cat. They're really close in age, but my cats a few months older then Embry and he's starting to get sick of the playing. Embry's always chasing him around, and he tends to go and bite his belly, but he never really bites down. We use the Leave It command when he starts getting carried away.

just make sure your cat has a "safe spot" we bought a medium sized dog kennel and put it ontop of Embrys XXL dog kennel, put some blankets on top of it, two cat beds in the kennel and he looooves sleeping up their all day, and he automatically runs to his spot.

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Huskies aren't the best to be with cats, IMO.

you can raise them with the cat and all, but it doesn't change the fact that one day the dog could kill the cat if you're not around.

My cat lives separate from the husks. She's extremely good with them, and they don't challenge her, one hiss or a swipe from her claw and they're a runnin ! But still, i won't ever let them live together. I know they'd get too curious one day, or that prey drive will kick in and i'd come home to a not so happy scene.

But like Jennet says, make sure the cat has a safe spot and can get away from the dog if it needs to.

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my cat is kept seperate 100% of the time, i just cant take the risk. huskys have high pray drive.

A friend had their husky and cat live in harmony for 3yrs and not have one issue...then out of the blue the cat was coming through the cat flap...and well i wont tell you the rest. At the end of the day it does happen.

IF you want to persisit, then the cat needs to be higher ranking than the dog & then NEVER leave them unattended

good luck

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I'm surprised at how many people won't even consider huskies and cats together. I have 2 huskies now, one of which was raised from a puppy with the cats. Wallie however, was about a year old when we got him from the rescue last year.

I would absolutely trust them both with Jessie. I leave them together with her in the house all the time.

My first huskie (who died a few years ago) was fine with the cats too. I also left her in the house together with the cats.

I now have 2 huskies, a rat terrier, and one cat all living happily together. They're all family members and I want them all with me.

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Embry is really playful with our cat. They're really close in age, but my cats a few months older then Embry and he's starting to get sick of the playing. Embry's always chasing him around, and he tends to go and bite his belly, but he never really bites down. We use the Leave It command when he starts getting carried away.

just make sure your cat has a "safe spot" we bought a medium sized dog kennel and put it ontop of Embrys XXL dog kennel, put some blankets on top of it, two cat beds in the kennel and he looooves sleeping up their all day, and he automatically runs to his spot.

great idea, i dont have a kennel for my cat but now im def. going to get one, i have a little room for her in the house which no one uses she eats and sleeps there at night because my mom doesnt want her on the couch, but the kennel thing on top of the crate sounds much better that way she could stay in the room with me if the puppy gets a little crazy,, thanks :)

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my cat is kept seperate 100% of the time, i just cant take the risk. huskys have high pray drive.

A friend had their husky and cat live in harmony for 3yrs and not have one issue...then out of the blue the cat was coming through the cat flap...and well i wont tell you the rest. At the end of the day it does happen.

IF you want to persisit, then the cat needs to be higher ranking than the dog & then NEVER leave them unattended

good luck

wow .. :( ... yeah i dont know if ill ever trust her alone with the cat, but whenever im not home the puppy is in her crate or my mom will watch her

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Buck my first husky loved playing with Max our cat and yes they sometimes played a bit rough and if buck went to far the cat would tell him off. They lived together 10 years and never did they hurt each other. They used to through the day curl up together on the bed it was so cute to see.

Later in life we came home one day and there was a box on the step with a small kitten in it (God knows why they left in there knowing I had a Dog). Buck was so gentle with it the few days we took care of it while waiting for the Cat Rescue people to take it to a new home they had found for it. He missed it when it was gone.

Buck though was a big softy with other animals, He didn't even chase sheep when we walked through a field that sometimes sheep got into.Yes he was off the lead and no I didn't know they wewre there before letting into the field,

And watching him wash and groom two lambs he adopted was the cutiest thing I have ever seen.

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We got our cat when my first husky was about 7. He knew that Kat was mine and left him alone. Now it was a different story if the cat touched his food. Then, he'd give the cat a warning (which was heeded 99.9 percent of the time)

Now Kat is about eight, and we have Ryn. She's learning that Kat belongs to me. I remind her often "Leave it. Momma's kitty." I don't ask her to leave him alone, I don't let her think Kat is a toy. I expect her to respect me and that includes leaving MY cat alone.

She knows what I expect of her. Sometime's she'll chase Kat, but it's been quite a while since she laid a paw or mouth on him. She understands Kat belongs to me and I won't tolerate her pestering him. Sure, it's going to be a long haul, but I know that Ryn is fully capable of understanding and living with cats without seeing them as toys or lunch.

Yes, i know there are huskies that can't be trusted. But Ryn wants very much to please me and she knows that when she leaves Kat alone, I am pleased. She's learning. While it will be some time before I allow the two of them to be loose in the house together, I know eventually I'll be able to. I think much of it depends upon YOUR approach to the situation and your attitude. Ryn knows I'm not joking. She understands I'm not pleased with her when she bothers him and is learning to respect my wishes.

Kat has his claws and can and will protect himself. If he didn't, I would approach this differently.

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Both of my dogs have been around cats all since I have had them. Nikita was a pup when I got her, nearly 12 now, and Sampson was between 1 and 3, now between13 and 16. When the dogs stayed in during the day they stayed in with the cat, I never thought anything of it as I always had cats and dogs together while growing up.

I never had any issues, Sampson used to play with my last cat. They would take turns chasing each other through the house. The cat would run into the bathroom and jump in the tub waiting for Sampson to come into the bathroom. When he did go in the cat would jump out of the tub onto his head, bite his ears then jump back into the tub. Nikita has never really played with the cats or showed them much interest.

Right now I have two cats(these are both new cats for the dogs), my oldest cat doesn't like the dogs and makes no qualms about giving them a whack just for walking by. They take this and just assume they must have done something wrong. They won't enter a room if he is standing in the doorway. My younger cat doesn't mind the dog and even rubs up against them when he wants to be pet. If is nothing for him to be weaving through their legs when they are walking through the house. Because my youngest cat is so friendly with the dogs and not too bright and Nikita has food aggression, he is not allowed in the room if they are eating.

I may just be lucky, but I never did anything special in regards to getting the dogs to live i harmony with the cats. They just kind of learned that the cats where part of the family but to be treated with respect the same as the human members of the pack. I have heard plenty of horror stories with cats and dogs when left alone. For this reason I make no recommendations, only tell what my experience is.

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