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Do you walk the dogs every day??


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This strikes me as a fundamentally odd question. You would purposely skip one of your basic obligations because... you can? You would intentionally withhold food or exercise because you want to... what? Teach the dogs a lesson? Really?

May I suggest, ever-so-gently, that your approach may be counterproductive in the long run; and that if you concentrate on providing a more stable, secure, and attentive environment, that your dogs might prove to be less demanding, less anxious, and more settled.

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I walk mine about twice a day. The only time I don’t take him out is if I’m ill and on such a day I just feed him half his usual.

He becomes disruptive if he's not walked enough.

Our Siberian wont do a number 2 in the garden unless he has to, he will hint by pushing his nose in to my coat, bring me my shoe or even stand on the back of the computer chair and walk me towards the back door lol.

But I find feeding him less once a fortnight stops him from not eating. As he stopped eating for 7 days once, I took him to the vet and £100 later they said there was nothing wrong with him. He ate when he came home.

I walk him 10 minutes in morning 1/2 hour after breakfast and we play hide and seek( I hide when he wonders in to trees)

I walk him 1hour after his last meal 17:00 for an hour. I walk a mile he must walk 10 as he runs backward and forwards

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This strikes me as a fundamentally odd question. You would purposely skip one of your basic obligations because... you can? You would intentionally withhold food or exercise because you want to... what? Teach the dogs a lesson? Really?

May I suggest, ever-so-gently, that your approach may be counterproductive in the long run; and that if you concentrate on providing a more stable, secure, and attentive environment, that your dogs might prove to be less demanding, less anxious, and more settled.

I would NEVER withhold food, I have never said that, I said that they have no time schedule, they are fed every day, but not at say, 8am and 5pm, because I dont want the dogs to learn that this is food time and start pestering me. 1st meal is anytime between 8am -12pm. 2nd meal is often quite late, any time from about 6pm - 11pm. Please dont suggest that I dont feed my dogs.

Where have I stated that my dogs are demanding, anxious, and settled?? They are fast asleep, and have been almost all day and all day yesterday, they are perfectly happy and content, Grey is twitching n wuffing in his sleep as we speak.

I never said it was to teach them a lesson. I choose to skip a day of going out because there are times when sometimes we CANT take them out, and as we have no one to help, I would much rather that they were USED to settling without a walk, rather than be stressed out and unable to settle because they want to go out.

Everyone who has been a member for any length of time knows that I would never do anything that would affect my dogs in a negative way.

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I'm with those that put their dogs on the schedule that works with human life, not necessarily on dog demand! Huskies are certainly the most demanding breed I know and Andy will tell me off non-stop when he wants something, and sometimes he just can't have it. They are in the habit of believing every time I shower and get dressed it is to take them for a walk!

I try to walk them daily. Twice daily. BUT...it just can't always happen, for instance, the other day it was 30 degrees, raining, and 50+ mph winds. They went out and played in the yard (a rather large yard) and ran like crazy, and wrestled inside, and survived to the next day. Same thing the next day thought they did get a short walk in the evening.

Sun is just coming out for the first time in 3 days, it's cold, but we will walk later. I have two so in case I can't walk every day, they have each other to exercise/play/run to their hearts content.



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Everyday, no set times but he goes out at least once a day, he normally gets walked twice a day or a good run around in the park, very well behaved before he goes too, i ask him,he talks abit then sits by the door calmly while i get his harness etc.

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We usually walk Glala and Dana three times a day, each about an hour or so. Not at specific times, just whenever it the right time depending on the time of the day, weather and their mood. Sometimes I pop in and walk them even more. But they can, if it is really needed, be left alone for 9 hours. But the owner usually calls me if I can walk them when she can't. So no set times, but we never skip a day. Usually not even a walk.

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More often than not my boys get walked every day but I know what you mean, there are times when I can't walk them - if i'm poorly for example or have hurt my back and am not physically able to walk them they can have a bounce around the back garden :)

I love walking my two though - they get to experience something different every time - the smells - people we meet etc :)

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I don't walk mine everyday. Since my husband is deployed at the moment and I can not walk them together since Zihna is still all over the place when on walks. I do have a big back yard though where they can run around in. I try to do lots of activities with them though.

I just got a dog walker to help me walk both of them together for 30 minutes on Mondays where we will meet at one of the local walking trails.

Tue we have 1 hr obedience training sessions where a trainer comes to my house and sometimes we also meet at a trail or the dog park. So sometimes it could count as another walk depending on what we are working on. One time she brought her 8mth old husky mix with her for a training session and they ran around the yard and did some obedience together.

Every other Wednesday I take them to Doggy Day Camp where they stay all day and play with other dogs all day. That pretty much knocks them out for about 2 days :lol: :lol:

Thursdays we usually take a quick walk in the neighborhood I walk one first then the other. Or like today I took Zihna to the dog park and then I went to the gas station with Whisper and walked him through the neighborhood for a few. Whisper is quite lazy and I think he would be happy with just a ride around the block in the truck :lol: :lol:

Fridays we have another obedience training session and believe it or not last time Zihna fell asleep before the hour was up :lol:! We stopped for a minute to talk about something and when we looked down Zihna had passed out on the floor between us. Bless her!

Saturdays I work all day so its hard to get out with them and they just have to run around the yard. I work from home but have a set schedule where I have to be tied to the computer with some breaks in between. So I can always run around the yard with them during my breaks and at least Zihna does not have to be crated while I am away to work. I love my job. :D :D.

And Sundays I walk them around the neighborhood again or play with them in the yard.

I also have a Agility course for Zihna that I put up sometimes and let her play with it. She loves it. Otherwise we play some fetch. But I don't have no problems with her bouncing of the walls. When my husband comes back he will go jogging with her every morning and then we go walk them in the afternoon/evenings at one of the parks and still do the training sessions if needed and take them to doggy day camp/dog park every now and then. For now she is well balanced but I am sure she will need a bit more exercise as she gets older, but since the hubby will be back it won't be a problem and we probably will walk them everyday depending on the weather.

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I think having more than one dog is the key - being an only dog, I feel obliged to take Dax out more because she hasn't got so much entertainment at home. :P

We have regular playdates with another husky owner and also a northern inuit that lives locally which helps. I won't arrange them with the owners of 'normal' dogs because firstly they tend not to be interested, seeing as their dog can go off-lead anywhere, what's the point of them traipsing to a particular field with us, and secondly because she plays far too rough, like they all do, and it horrifies most dog owners.

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Storm has two non-furry children to play with and today had four playing with him in the garden. But I do think having a Husky it is an obligation to walk them. We knew when we got him we would have to walk him lots. I was also under the impression that like kids, dogs thrive on routine.

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We're out with Lyra three times a day everyday, unless she's sick or something like that.

Every dog is different, though. Lyra is so hyper all the time that if we didn't walk her a bunch, she'd go as crazy as we would. I know a different husky who is just the most mellow dog - one that definitely doesn't need to be walked three times a day. Sometimes I WISH we could get away with one or two walks... :)

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We walk Denali and Yukon twice a day unless it is a day where we have taken them to the dog park. On those days they are so tired after running around with 100+ other dogs for 2 hours that they spend the majority of the rest of the day sleeping. We typically walk about 3 miles (45-50 minutes of fast walking) in the morning before work, then another 1.5-2 miles in the evening after work. Any time that we are at home the dogs have access to the back yard where they can run as many laps off leash as they want. Typically by 8:30 in the evening they are tired out and ready to go to bed.

Now that they are getting older, we are going to start running them with the Diggler Scooter. We will most likely do that 2-3 times a week when we have time to go to the park to do it. Our neighborhood is all paved/concrete roads, and we do not want to run them on hard surfaces like that. When we ran Denali the other week for the first time with an experienced dog, she ran 4 miles, and was wiped out for the rest of the day. It is finally getting cooler here, so we work them a little harder without them overheating.

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Suka knows already when I wake up (or get home from work at 7am) its time to go, shes up and ready, I hurt my knee playing hockey the other night, so I just took her in the back yard and limped around with her, worked alright but she seemed dissappointed I didnt chase her, or run from her, Havent missed a day since I had her until now :(

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Sasha is given at least one lengthy walk/jog a day, and is taken out in the back yard for about 30 minutes a day for play time, fetch, etc. I was a little worried about over-working her in this heat (still almost 90 degrees during the day here in Orlando), so I try to time things as close to dusk and dawn as possible. But hopefully the weather will finally start cooling down in the next month or so, as I want to get her out and about during the broad daylight hours a little more.

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Polee has 3 walks a day for about 30 mins each time and on the weekends we go out for long walks for most of the day. If she's misses out on a walk she sulks but I'm lucky that there is a dog walked who lives over the road from me and when I can't take Polee out I pay the dog walker to take her. Polee doesn't really care who takes her for a walk as long as she gets to go out

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See I'm a dog walker so mine go with me and generally play with and help me tire out someone elses dog for them and this keeps them happy... but they CAN go without if its RAELLY rubbish weather so long as I play with them abit, although Shadow is starting to get a little more demanding these days.. hes the more vocal of the two so if he hasnt been out he nags more so its obvious.. but Nukka is quiet and very good at amusing herself with toys if I'm busy with something, Shads is learning to play wth toys now tho bless him!

As for schedualling... They have a food schedual I stick to just coz this generally fits in with our lives and its easier to know when they are going to need to toilet if you feed them at regular intervals.. plus there has been studies showing that it helps the digestive system to be fed on a schedual. But walks are kept fast and loose. :)

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Mine are fed on a schedule too. They usually get at 10am and at 6pm. Sometimes a bit earlier if I know I want to go somewhere like the dog park etc then I feed them early enough so they can poop before we go. :) If I forget to feed them in the evening then whisper comes and reminds me. But he don't go all crazy....he just comes and kind of sticks his nose under my arm or hand and then I usually look at the time and thank him for reminding me hehehehehe. He makes sure he does not skip a meal! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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We don't have a secure garden . . . so ours HAVE to be walked just to do

. . . .the doo. . . . doo. biggrin.gif

They get walked at least 5 times EVERY day, for those purposes.

and then some for exercise. . .ohmy.gif

Husky ownership is. . . serious.

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