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Hi there,

I am really interested in working huskies and would love to be in a rally.

I am however to new to this and so would appreciate any information you are able to give me.

The whole point of my joining this forum is to discuss what I love and hear other peoples opinions. Hopefully getting some information out if it also to help me.

I have had dogs my whole life and have worked with dogs since I was 13.

If any one can help me I would be grateful.

Thanks x x

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There are several organisations which run Sled Dog Rallies in the UK. Of these, ABSA seems to run more in the South-East than any of the others. You can check out dates and venues of their website: http://www.absasleddogracing.org.uk/index.htm

Other organisations include:






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oh wow! thanks guys.

I will be honest and do not have a husky yet. I have a border collie at the moment however am looking into getting a husky (or maybe 2!) next year.

Its something I have always wanted to do and thought why not do it now.I am hoping to attend a rally in december so I can have a chat and see the live action which I am really excited about.

Thanks for the advise :D x

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why dont you get your collie trained up to pull u on a scooter? they are working dogs and will enjoy it aswell :) you wont be able to enter them in a rally i dont think but u can still have fun and practice till you get your huskies :) - dont forget to post pics up of your collie too :)

if you can find it - buy 'dogs monthly' magazine, there is a husky on the cover so you cant miss it, theres an article in it about dog scootering

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I did think of that 2 b honest but she is only 8 months at the moment. I have plenty of pics of her! she is my baby girl so I have my own photo album lol. :D

What is the heaviest weight they are able to carry?

How long have you had S. Huskies 4? x x :D

ah well thats ok you can start training her the commands on walks then when shes old enough get a scooter :D, not sure about weight tbh tho sorry, ive had Blaze for dead on 2 years today actually lol and skyla ive had for nearly 8 months :) had my staffy x for 8 years tho

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They are all lovely!!

I think I may have to have a go! when she is not on her halti she pulls really well!

I actually had someone ask me if i had ever thought about doing it with her but then i taught her manners n now she walks next to me.

I've got all these ideas and just want to go and do them now. as much as I know i have to be patient :lol:

ah well thats ok you can start training her the commands on walks then when shes old enough get a scooter :D, not sure about weight tbh tho sorry, ive had Blaze for dead on 2 years today actually lol and skyla ive had for nearly 8 months :) had my staffy x for 8 years tho

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Hey Toni and welcome to the pack!

You dont have to have a husky to get into dog scootering your collie should do just fine with a little help.. infact we have someone on here who has a very successful team of Irish setters running competetivly!

Im just getting started myself but have had the idea of doing it since I got my first pup at 8weeks!! What I do is have a walking belt (like a canicross belt) and have my babies in regular walking harnesses (just something to distinguish between that and their collars on which they have to walk nicely for me) and teach them the commands while walking or joggin along with them... I started with the basics left - Haw, right - Gee, steady - slow down, whooa - stop and you can use Hike or Hike on to start them but generally you dont need to! LOL Thier rearing to go! If I want them to pull harder I say Hup hup! and if they start to slack and I want them to run faster I shout pick it up!

These commands take a little time to get perfect but I'd say after about six months their good enough to run scooter. :)

Good luck and shout up if you have any more questions!

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:D Thank you Sarah. Appreciate the advise. As much as I would love to use my collie she has a heart murmur which is a 5/6 and so I do not want to put extra strain on her.

I know it may sound like a silly question but i am not going to make out i know everything.

How do you teach them the left and right? lol. x x x x

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I know it may sound like a silly question but i am not going to make out i know everything.

How do you teach them the left and right? lol. x x x x

Welcome to the forum, theres a lot of good people here! Canicross is a lot of fun and it doesnt take any crazy equipment or training techniques. I made my own belt out of a web belt, some bungee cords, and thier regular walking leashes. I use normal walking harnesses which have a D ring that connects to the leash right behind thier shoulders, as the leads I use are much shorter than would be used for skijoring or even scootering or biking. More room is required in those sports because of the length of the equipment and the greater speed (i.e. stopping distance.) The last thing that you ever want to do is run into the back of your dog, you will have to start all your training over from the beginning. Anyhow, this setup seems to work pretty well, as the angle of the leash works well with the harness to put most of the pulling force in thier chest and center of thier body. Too far forward, and they wont be able to run properly because thier legs are too far off the ground, too far back and there will be too much strain on thier stomach muscles. (Also, make sure to feel around thier underarms and chest to make sure that the harness isnt rubbing them raw- more of a consideration with shorthaired dogs than huskies, but something to be careful of nontheless.) Youll also want a neckline, which i made of a short bungee that I attatch to thier neck collars, to keep them from running apart. As far as training, what I did was find a wider place (20- 30 ft or so) where I could run for a while without any distractions. This let them get used to running and get thier pace set before I started throwing a lot of commands at them. The only ones that I used at this point were "Lets go" to start, "easy" to slow down and "whoa" to stop. I also started them on the "focus" command. They shouldnt have any trouble with lets go, and if you just slow down and stop when you give the command, they will learn them just fine. Once you feel comfortable with thier ability to be controlled safely, you can take them to a narrower road or trail, preferably one with clear ninety degree turns where they can only go one way. Then just give the left "haw" and right "gee" commands before they hit the turn, and youll be surprised at how quickly they catch on! (Also you can use "haaaaw over" and "geeeee over" to move them to the left or right side of the trail. Just stay patient and always positive (never punish your dog while running them) and make sure to keep an eye out for signs of heat exaustion and give them plenty of water afterwards. If they start slowing down, slow down. Be sure to feel where the harnesses contact and thier legs and feet afterwards to make sure they dont have any pain or tenderness. If your dogs have fun, so will you! Good luck!

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