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ZIHNA IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


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What wonderful news! Just about the best news one could hope for. I am so glad that Zihna is back home, safe. This topic has been one that so many of us have been tracking, hoping the good news would come. Give Zihna some extra hugs from all of us.

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Ok I read over everything you guys said. I try to sum it all up in one post. I do have a spare tired of the hubby's Dodge Ram Pick up truck in the garage so I will go out and get a chain later to attach it to her collar! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I got up my husband had already ordered a 5 in 1 leash and it will be here tomorrow....he must have ordered it EXPRESS lol


and they both get new collars but they will be here regular shipping.

So the vet checked her and she is fine. She has some worms and we found a tick and a little bald spot on her leg which could be that she scratched herself or it could be something else. She said I should keep an eye on it and see if it gets bigger. But she thinks she scraped herself somewhere. Her temperature was a bit high, but she said it could be from all the excitement that she is back home. She gave me some eye drops for her because they look a bit irritated, could be from dust or maybe allergies. She got some heart worm and flea preventative and front line for the ticks and anything else she may have crawling on her. She got her last parvo shot since it was due soon anyway and when we weight her she was 25 lbs (11.3kg). She was 24 lbs last time so she is not in too bad of a shape but she looks like she has grown and she was a itty bitty thing before she ran away and had just started to put on some weight. She got some meds for the worms and lots of cuddles and treats and then she fell asleep while we waiting on the result of the fecal exam. LOL. She is sooooooooooooo tired!

I will probably use a harness and a collar on her and I have a coupler and I will just attach one end of the coupler to her collar and the other to her harness!!!!!

And let me tell you.....She is listening so well!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder why!!! LMAO. I am pretty sure she learned a lesson but I am also pretty sure that she would run again if she had the chance just because it is in her blood! So she will be secured and I will do anything possible that she can not get away again!!!! Oh and we also double checked her micro chip and it came right up and it is where it is supposed to be between her shoulder plates.

I did read that Husky's were expensive dogs, but phewww time for her to get a job before we end up in the poor house :D :D :D :D :D

Definitely going to call VIP pet insurance again today and see if I can get that done ASAP!!!! No more I will do it tomorrow. AND FOR EVERYONE that is new and reads this thread:


If you have one...please grab it right now...go to the kitchen...open your trashcan....and drop it in there!!!!!!!!

I will put together a post one of these days with all the stuff we did to find her....including websites to contact and what can be done to get the little runaways back home safe.

Ok I got like 100 emails so I will be back later!!! Thanks for everything and all the support through these horrible 9 days. And if you are ever in the same position....do not give up hope. She is 5 mth and found her way home/to the place where she was lost. I had given up hope around noon yesterday and whoopdidooooo.....there she was. They are such smart dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still wish she could tell me where the heck she was!!!! LOL

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So so glad to hear she is back, I must have watched the wee vid of her doing her puzzle a dozen times hoping she comes back to you.

My 2 got out this morning as I was taking them to their run, and all I could think about was the anguish you were going through, as I watched them disappear around the corner, it really is a horrid sinking dress that goes right to your core :(

(fortunately i was able to catch up to them and get them to turn into a driveway, but. Had to sprint for over a kilometer. Caught pups, three up from the effort, dragged them back home, lmao!)

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I have to say i totally agree with you. A few months ago i was walking a 7mth foster pup on one...i was walking along minding my own business and he was happily trotting along, sniffing etc and then he spotted a cat before me and he just ran...and the handle just went out of my grip. Thank god he was freeked out by the cat defending himself.

After that long lead attached to waist belt

I bet you just cant stop smiling. Wouldnt it be nice if she could tell you where she had been. Glad to hear she didnt loose much weight and will soon be back to good health :)

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So so glad to hear she is back, I must have watched the wee vid of her doing her puzzle a dozen times hoping she comes back to you.

My 2 got out this morning as I was taking them to their run, and all I could think about was the anguish you were going through, as I watched them disappear around the corner, it really is a horrid sinking dress that goes right to your core :(

(fortunately i was able to catch up to them and get them to turn into a driveway, but. Had to sprint for over a kilometer. Caught pups, three up from the effort, dragged them back home, lmao!)

Oh I am so glad you got them all back!!!! I bet you was like OH $%. I really really really dont wish this on nobody to have their pet gone that long! I tried to sprint behind her too but :huh: I am out of shape!!! LOL! There was no way and then I lost sight and did not even know which way to run anymore. My husband will be able to catch her though or at least follow her for a while when he gets back.

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WOW! AMAZING STORY! Did the korean guy just find it that day or did he have zihna for the whole time?

Regardless, Thank god she's home where she belongs!

She had just gotten there last night. I know the first day she had ran away my daughter and I had went back over there around 11pm. We walked down the street by the church and their house and his dogs started barking and he came out with his flashlight to see why they bark. So I believe he had just found her. he said he was gonna leave her there tied at the porch till morning and call me then but she kept chewing and he called me right away before she gets loose again. I know he did not want to call in the middle of the night, but I am sooooooo glad he did. And I was paranoid on my way over there (about 20min drive) since he said she was tied up outside and all I could think off was....please dont chew what he tied you up with!!!! :( He is running the church there so I am pretty sure he is a good person. And people over there by the trailer park knew so I think someone would have seen her if she had been there. On top of several people going walking their dogs over there and my dog trainer and I had driven up and down the road a few times as well. :) So glad she is home....its still sinking in....someone please pinch me!!!!!!! :D

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I have to say i totally agree with you. A few months ago i was walking a 7mth foster pup on one...i was walking along minding my own business and he was happily trotting along, sniffing etc and then he spotted a cat before me and he just ran...and the handle just went out of my grip. Thank god he was freeked out by the cat defending himself.

After that long lead attached to waist belt

I bet you just cant stop smiling. Wouldnt it be nice if she could tell you where she had been. Glad to hear she didnt loose much weight and will soon be back to good health :)

It had happened to me before with Whisper but he never went far if at all. He is so slow, and even when he did run, he would run to the next flower bed and pee. LOL. But yeah I will never never never have a retractable again. i guess I had to learn the hard way.

She just ate again and pooped about 3-4 times. Must be the worm meds cleaning her all out. :) she even walked at a fast paste through the yard in between poops. Not sure if she was walking fast because she wanted to find a spot to poop fast or if she was happy or a combination of both :lol:. But it was good to see her like that. After that, back in to drink water and get some treats and now back to sleep. :) Awww I just wanna crawl in the crate with her and cuddle!!!!!

Sooooo happy my baby is back home!!!!

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Not for walking, that's for sure! But I use one on Loki to let him in the yard to poop and stuff. The yard is fenced, but it's a huge yard and he'll never come inside if I let him out and then he'll go roll in the mud. He's slipped that lead out of my hands too many times as a pup to trust it walking! (I also use it when doing photography sessions, since it's not so noticeable, let him swim around with it. I figure he's not going to bolt knee deep in water anyway)

Glad she came home okay! Doesn't sound like much is wrong with her, that's great!

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Just read the whole thread, I am very happy you got her back well done! She survived pretty good so she was out and about the whole time for a week? How far is the place from your home where you lost her, she seemed to have good instincts about getting close back right?

Yes she was out somewhere for 9 days. The only thing that is a mystery to me is what happened to her leash that was on her when she ran off. I can see her chewing half of it off if it got stuck somewhere or if she just got tired of dragging it around BUT what happened to the hook where the leash was attached to her collar? There is no way she could have gotten that off. Someone must have taken it off her. I did ask the Korean guy when he called to check on how she was doing yesterday but he said there was just the tag on the collar. But I am not sure if he understood what I meant. I will ask him again on Sunday. We are both English second language so he may have misunderstood what I was asking over the phone. :)

One of the theory's I came up with was that maybe a truck driver did pick her up at that truck stop that was close by and took the leash off but figured he would remove the tag later and she got away at the next stop somehow and that is why it took her 9 days to come home? But we will never know. :unsure:

The place where she came back to is actually the exact place where she ran off. The church is right across the street from the walking trail where she ran away at. And the walking trail is about 15 minutes from my house taking the highway. I do have some pictures of the area where she was lost that I took the second day I was out there searching for her. I never had the chance to upload them to photobucket and post them but I think I will do it now. :)

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