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Crate or dont crate when you leave your husky at home?

slaves to kaya

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Durning the day while at work, Juno is in her crate, at night I leave the door open and she ends up sleeping in there anyhow, but she does check on me from time to time. If I'm off work and I need to run out to the store for a short time I'll leave her have run of the house, but if it's over an hour I dont trust her yet.

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I think I answered this before but I will again. We tried with Andy and about the 6th time he tore apart the crate, literally the top disconnected from the bottom, slid out through a 2 inch gap and happily met his daddy at the door when he got home. Big smile and all! Now with two, they go up in our room and sleep in the bed together when we are gone, we hope that's all they do. They also get a peanut butter stuffed bone first. So far no damage....who knows...the last husky didn't start being crated till nearly 10 years old and she got very nervous being alone!

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  • 1 month later...

you want to make it their safe place, trying feeding her in it, putting toys in it, fill a kong and place it in there, we line the bottom of the kennel with a fleece blanket and then place a sheet over it to make it feel like a den. Zoey only makes noise in hers when she has to go potty. Also if she is making noise in there, do not let her out, it will make her think that if she's loud she will be let out, you want her to think the opposite.

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Sampson - No, tried but he would have no part of it. He would carry on and on getting himself all stressed. He is only in a crate when camping and he is perfectly fine with it then as long as he can see people.

Nikita - Yes, she will destroy everything and anything, even if left for only a couple of minutes. She could honestly cause serious damage, and had done.

They also have an 8ft x 20ft run outside that they used to stay in and probably will again in the summer.

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Never crated our two and never had any destruction (only very minor like a chewed up pencil or similar). sabre didn't used to like being left alone but since we have got Marley they are no trouble at all and the neighbour says they are really quiet, whereas she used to hear Sabre crying when he was on his own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you guys do crate typically how long are they in there for? I know people say if you work an 8hr day of work do not buy a husky...but how realistic is that? How many of you are actually with your husky all day every day or only gone for short amounts of time? My current living situation is I am home all day, work the night and by that time someone else is home. I am on the verge of purchasing my own home where that is going to change and he will need to be left alone for 8 hours at night, most nights. I am going to try not putting him in his crate at first (although he does not mind the crate) to see how that goes and if my house is a disaster when I return home then the crate he will go.

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for two weeks each month both my partner and i work full time-my husky has always been fine but i have a 6month old gsd x collie who is going to squeal the house down when left for the first time i go(thank goodness i work days!)...fingers crossed someone can look in on him but i know he'll be fine-the most he's been in there so far is about 6hrs.....maybes there are others who can answer too-good luck! Xxx

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Our dog has never been crated, we leave her outside when we are out and she is completely fine. She sleeps inside and never destroys anything.

I cant imagine leaving her in a crate during the day when she could be in the backyard playing

And both my partner and i work full time and she gets all the exercise and attention she needs.

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When you guys do crate typically how long are they in there for? I know people say if you work an 8hr day of work do not buy a husky...but how realistic is that? How many of you are actually with your husky all day every day or only gone for short amounts of time? My current living situation is I am home all day, work the night and by that time someone else is home. I am on the verge of purchasing my own home where that is going to change and he will need to be left alone for 8 hours at night, most nights. I am going to try not putting him in his crate at first (although he does not mind the crate) to see how that goes and if my house is a disaster when I return home then the crate he will go.

I work from home so I am usually always here except when I go run errands. Zihna sleeps in her crate and is also crated when I have to go somewhere. She usually goes to bed around 9ish pm then most of the time comes back out around 11ish for a little while, but a lot of times she goes potty and goes back in her crate and sometimes she just looks at me like I am crazy and goes back to sleep. Then I wake her again at 1am to potty and she goes and comes back in and goes right back to sleep. From then on she usually sleeps till 9-10am. So she is crated for about 8-9 hours during the night and she does not make a peep. I am assuming she is sleeping the entire time. I think you should be ok as long as you have enough time to exercise him during the day. If I was you I would go for a nice walk before going to work and then another nice long walk when you get home. He will probably go back to sleep after the walk and that will give you some time to get some sleep as well. :)

When my husband was here and I went to the store he said Zihna and Whisper were laying by the door chilling waiting for me to come home :wub: I thought that was so cute. Whisper was never crated and he just sleeps away when I am gone. I always crate Zihna when I have to go anywhere. Zihna is so nosy and if she sleeps outside her crate and hears something (Fridge door, someone walking by etc) she has to get up and check it out. So she never gets much sleep that way and then she gets grumpy and goes nuts! That's why I usually close her crate door even when I am here. She goes in by herself when she is tired and thats when I get up and close it. That way she sleeps much longer and when someone walks by she will look and go back to sleep. The girl needs her naps or she gets really nasty! LOL!

When the hubby comes home for good in April we plan on having her sleep in the bedroom uncrated. I sleep like a rock and I be scared she may eat the bed frame while I am sleep, but when the hubby is home he always gets up early anyway so she should be fine then. Another reason why I crate her is because she likes to play a lot and Whisper gets irritated sometime. Not sure if she would get on his nerves if she was out and nobody was here to supervise them. But with the husband telling me that they were just relaxing by the door there is hope that maybe we can leave them out together when she gets a bit older. :)

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Aleu has to be crated. Sometimes I think she's like me and has Dissociative Identity Disorder, because sometimes she can act like a completely different dog lol. I don't trust her out the cage because she's made her self very ill in the past by eating things she shouldnt have. I also found that crating her and then uncrating her made re-crating her 10 times harder than the first time.

But now, she loves her cage and during the day she will just go off and sleep in there. So I've learnt that having a crate is the perfect method for Aleu and I'll never try to change it again. I guess some huskies live happily with a little sleeping place like that where as others are better being roaming dogs.

Aleu is in her cage at night for about 8 hours, but she just sleeps the whole way through, then wakes up to a nice breakfast and a long walk. During the day she can be in there for about 4-5 hours if we need to pop out to Derby or something but thats only really once a week.

I dont feel bad about crating her because it's safer for her, and when people don't understand I just tell them some of the things she's eaten.

Stacey xxx

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Kodah was crated until he was around 7 months old, he always went to sleep in his crate and also when he wanted his alone time.

However he made the decision not to use his crate anymore - when he liked it he would cry until we locked it for him to sleep, then all of a sudden he started whimpering when he was in it. He now sleeps on a blanket on my bedroom floor and sleeps from around 2100hrs to 0800hrs.

When we are out he has our bedroom, the hallway and the kitchen as his run - he likes to sit on my bed and look out the window.

The only damage has been one of my sons trainers nibbled at and any mail in a jiffy bag ripped open. I now have a letter cage on my door!

We've been lucky!:D

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I'm amazed that so many people have been able to get away without crating! I feel like Max would have found something dangerous to do while we were gone, like chew on electrical wires or something, not to mention just make a mess. We tried to leave him out once, maybe around 9 months. It was a disaster, even though we used a baby gate to keep him in one room. But he didn't mind being in his crate in the slightest, and will still happily climb in when we tell him to. We started leaving him out after he mellowed out, maybe around 2 1/2, but we were cautious at first, only doing it on days following his day care days. But now we always leave him out, and he doesn't ever do anything but sleep.

We will be crating Kaya, the puppy, for a long time. But then again, we do have a dog-walker come over and take her out at lunchtime.

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I might trust my girls when they are older, but for now they are young and untrustworthy. So they are in crates if I can't keep an eye on them. Plus I have two cats that I'd rather not come home to and discover they were used as chew toys.

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