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Celestial Echo

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So, I have never posted in this section of the forums, but I am peeved.

I recently got promoted from cashier to

the service desk. (They didn't bother asking me if I wanted to take the

job, they posted my cashiering position during my weekend, and told

me I am now working at the service desk when I came back in to work). That

really ticked me off, as, although I wasn't particularly excited about being

a cashier, I was getting what I thought to be a fair wage as a cashier.

Nothing too amazing, but certainly not minimum wage. It was appropriate

for the amount of work that I did at the time.

I am currently in between being a cashier and working for the service desk.

I was on the desk with NO TRAINING before I had even had my interview

with corporate about moving. I haven't even received my interview from my

store manager that completes my transfer, and I don't know if I am getting

a raise for the move, even though I have been working at the desk for

the last three days. That alone is ticking me off, but that is not the breaking


My supervisor is a complete idiot. I am very sensitive and I care about people

a lot. It makes me happy to please others. I love being involved with my

customers and helping them find the right products they need to complete

their projects. My supervisor is lazy. She avoids customers, gives them the

wrong information, and makes every transaction as difficult and as drawn

out as she can possibly make it. She is NOT time efficient. She does not

listen when she is being trained, and when she is told she has made a

mistake, and the person who is making her aware of this tries to re-train her,

she CRIES!

I came in to work at 8am this morning to find her CRYING at the desk, while

our manager attempted to retrain her on something she screwed up. She

did not listen to a word he said, and then left me at the desk by myself while

I waited for my money to arrive because she couldn't pull herself together.

(Mind you, it was 8am. I hadn't even finished my coffee. I did not have the

patience for this foolishness.) This is pretty much how my entire day went.

Our manager left around the time she went to lunch. I was at the desk with

the help of a wonderful associate from another department who helped me

out a lot with the things that I wasn't really familiar with. We get a nice long

hour off for our lunches. It had been almost an hour and a half before I got a

crying phone call from my supervisor, telling me she would be back in a few


HOURS! She didn't come back until quarter of two, and I had to clock out for

my lunch or our store could have been fined some ridiculous amount if I

went over my 6 hour mark (working over 6 straight hours with no lunch break).

I took exactly an hour off for my lunch. She paged me several times while I was

on my lunch (all of which I completely ignored as I was 'off the clock'.) As soon

as I came back from my lunch break, she told me she was going to knock out

some of the "Call Bin" (this is a list of customers that we have to call so they

know their special orders have arrived and they can come and pick them up).

She asked if I would cover the desk for 30 minutes while she worked on it.

She went into the Call Center for some privacy, and I worked alone on the desk,

with minimal training.

She came out of the Call Center sniffling, and with giant puffy eyes. She told me

she would take over, and she wanted me to go get my computer training done.

I gladly jumped off my register and ran back to start my training.

When I got to the training room, one of my co-workers, who has become a good

friend to me, came in. She also works at the service desk. She didn't want to

go back to the desk alone, because she can't stand our supervisor. She asked

if I would go with her..

So, I decided to go with her, to shield her from our supervisor for the remaining

hour that I was there. When we got there, our supervisor told us that the Manager

on Duty told her that she could leave once my fellow associate got in. We did not

argue with her! We were happy to see her leave for the evening.

Out of curiosity, my co-worker checked the Call Bin to see if anyone had done it

since the last time she was in. There were over 43 people on that list, and they

were all the same people who had been on there for the last week. There were

no new notes put into the system. There was absolutely NOTHING done to it

what-so-ever. That 30-45 minutes that our supervisor left me alone on the desk

was so she could cry and do NOTHING.

I am SO unhappy about this. I am going to talk to my store manager tomorrow. I

really can't believe that they have someone like her running the most stressful

and intricate department in my store. AHHHHHHHH!


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omg how annoying!!!!

Surly they can't just change your job description without giving you some sort of notice / consultancy period? Hope you get compensated and trained properly for it too hun x

Defo have a word with your manager you don't want to let her sit back and take liberties like that sheesh rolleyes.gif

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I couldn't believe that she did that to me.

I am completely in shock had how she composed herself today.

I am the sensitive one in the department. I have a great rapport

with both my coworkers and my customers. I am more personal

and more understanding than other people I work with.

Because of this, I am often taken advantage of. She took advantage

of me today, and I am furious.

My manager will not be back until next week, as he is on a brief

holiday. His mother is ill and he will be paying her a surprise

visit to check up on her and see how she is doing. I would love

to call him up and tell him what is going on, but things are hard

enough for him right now, he doesn't need to take his work across

the country with him!

I really hope my store manager is in tomorrow so I can unload on

him. I told him I was concerned about working with her when he

told me I was being transferred. Now, I will NOT work with her

unless I get a nice raise and they send her to another store for

training like they had promised me from the beginning. Without

those two, I will be looking elsewhere for work, because I can

not work in an environment like the one she has created.

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She is simply one of those people who has reached her level of incompetance.

Learn everything she does, then do exactly opposite and you'll be closer to getting it right than she ever will.

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oh my lord......i have been in this position before with completely incompentent co-workers, it is a nightmare-but you NEED to do something, you sound like you're good at your job and enjoy your job when she's not around.....why should you sacrice that?? you really need to speak to your manager hun-please do let us know what happens xxx

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It sounds like your not the only person who finds this supervisor difficult to work with and has concerns about the quality / quantity of work this Supervisor is doing. I would approach your co-workers to establish thier view and if possible go to your manager as a group to express these concerns. It appears that her incompetence is affecting the business which any manager should take very seriously. Ideally when you speak to your manager have some examples of what your supervisor is/isn't doing as this will help your manager to identify the problem.

good luck, I hope you can get the situation sorted soon

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Thank you all for your replies.

Today, I had my interview with my store manager.

Before the interview, I voiced my concerns with

her. I was SO unhappy about what happened

yesterday. I made him listen to me, even though

he wasn't really interested in hearing me (to really

listen to me, he would have realized he made a

big mistake putting her in this position anyway).

I gave him a nice long list of the things that she has

done in the few days that I have been at the service

desk, and how it has impacted me and our

customers. He tried to redirect me to my interview

questions, but I MADE him listen to me, until I was

finished talking (I surprised myself with my

audacity, but seriously, I am livid). He assured me

she will be going to another store for training next week,

and we will know if I get a raise on Monday. We went

through my stupid interview questions after I was

finished with my list, and I stressed how important

each thing on the list was, and how it directly

affected our customers. I impressed him with my

answers to my interview questions. He asked me if

there was anything else I wanted to talk to him about,

and I handed him the list of things that I had compiled

about my supervisor, and I told him to make sure he

mentioned each of the items on my list to her.

I will definitely give you all an update. I know she will be

super disappointed when she finds out I went to our

Store Manager with these complaints, but I did what I

felt was necessary as a new associate at the desk!

I hope that moving forward we can help her be more

productive and efficient. I hope that we can help her

learn the way she needs to so she can pull her own

weight and accomplish the goals that our team is

striving for. I am not a spiteful or hateful person, and I

would be more than happy to see that sending her to

another store for training is what she needs to reach

the bar of our expectations.

Thanks for hearing me out everyone! I will definitely

leave another message after I get out of work tomorrow.

I am staying in late for work (working 6am-5pm) so I

can get some more proper training so I can be more

efficient at the desk!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I thought I would post a short update, has I have been

at the desk for about a month now.

Things are going as expected. My boss is a lazy bitch and

does EVERYTHING possible to avoid doing actual work.

She makes big mistakes that would cost the company lots

of money, and she does not complete any of her work.

Today, I had a customer bring me a receipt saying he was

in to pick up his grill. I looked at the receipt and noticed that

there was no "Customer Agreement" # on it. For my own

amusement, I looked up his name and phone number in

my computer to see if she had put a Will-Call in there (this is

SOP if a customer goes through a regular register and makes

a purchase and realizes they can't take the item with them at

the time, a will-call has to be created so we know that we

are holding a paid-for item for a customer, and that we know

that they can't come back and get several of the same item

for the price of one). My bosses codes were at the top of the

receipt, so I knew she was the one who rang him through the

register, and she was the one who let him go without creating

a will-call for him.

I let him go with his grill, and then I promptly pulled out her

stupid communications binder (another MAJOR waste of time

that she uses as an excuse to accomplish nothing all day) and

I wrote her a PK (product knowledge - what my company refers

to all training exercises as) on the SOP regarding POS transactions

that the customer can not take with them. I also wrote down step-by-

step how to build and complete this type of order. I wrote it in

extensive detail.

This makes me so happy because there was a note in our window

at the beginning of my shift telling me to use the communication

binder and that if I my coworker and I found something beneficial,

that it would be beneficial to all. I shredded the note angrily, and

replaced it with a note telling her to reference the communication

binder when she had a moment so she could get some PK on

a certain topic.

I don't know, maybe I am a bad person, but taking this blow at

her seriously made my day, and a few of the department heads

found it QUITE amusing. *pats self on back*

These small victories, and knowing what I am doing, have made

my life SO much better at the service desk. In all honesty, I am

liking the change of scenery. My new raise has really made an

impact on my pay checks... and I like the job a lot. :) Now, I will

just bide my time until she quits or gets fired..

I hope everyone who reads this is doing well. I hope you like your

jobs and are able to do the things that make you happy! I hope

you have a very happy Christmas/Hannukka/Kwaanza/Yuletide/

whatever holiday I may have overlooked (and I apologize whole-

heartedly for overlooking it!). Bless you all :)

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