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Aggressive towards other Dogs

Shadyy Wolf

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So I've seen varoius things around the net but I'm trying to get to the bottom of this. I was out taking her for a walk and 2 Labs ran up to her and she tried to attack both of them she had one pinned to the ground by the throat and I was baffled as she's never done this before in the time I've had her. (Roughly about 2-3 months now) I also have an 11 year old Lab/Shepard mix which they got into a couple nasty fights over food but other than that they do not fight. SO I'm wondering how I can curtail this behavior as I said the other dogs just ran up to her and she went at them like they just stole her bone! I've noticed when I had her at the dog park (The small enclosed area wasn't 100% sure how she'd be around the other dogs) every time a dog walked by on the other side of the fence she'd be growling and snapping at them. I know Huskies play roughly but I'm not sure this is playing as one of the labs she had pinned had a nice gash in her ear and on her snout. Thanks for any tips you can give me. I won't give up on this girl she's had a rough enough life already!



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Sorry to read this Josh :( I can't help you on this one, but I am sure someone on the forum will be able to help. I presume she has been fixed?

Yes she's been fixed. I can understand the food aggression (her previous owners pretty much starved her) but I'm not sure why she goes after the dogs even when they aren't even posing a threat to her. What's sad is she does not know how to play with other animals I think might be some of the problem I don't know I'm at a loss I want to take her out to dog parks and things like that but I just don't want her to get into a fight she's already gotten into 1 nasty fight where both dogs were bleeding I don't want to do that to someone else's pet nor do I want any harm to come to her.

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We have quite a few dogs at work who fence fight. Also, was she on lead when the dogs ran up to her? If she was- a LOT of dogs actually have leash aggression, it isn't uncommon at all. Also, when dogs approach head on like that it is seen as a threat and she may have overreacted a bit if she's insecure or unsure how to act.

How was the introduction to your own dog?

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We have quite a few dogs at work who fence fight. Also, was she on lead when the dogs ran up to her? If she was- a LOT of dogs actually have leash aggression, it isn't uncommon at all. Also, when dogs approach head on like that it is seen as a threat and she may have overreacted a bit if she's insecure or unsure how to act.

How was the introduction to your own dog?

With my own dog it was the usual sniffing of each other neither really seemed to care well the 10 year old Lab/Shepard mix (Her name is Pecan) actually started to act like a puppy and wanted to play I about died laughing. But as soon as Pecan came around her face she started growling and snapping but nothing major. Their only major fights was really over food or a food source besides one night when Pecan came in the fence and Kayla just went after her.

As for the other dogs that she recently had a fight with yes she was on a leash but even when she is not on a leash she will chase them and try to pin them to the ground. Yet when it comes to the cat she tries to get them to play, I'm thinking she's confused! She will play with the horse (They run up and down the fence together) with no signs of aggression yet it's just when it comes to other dogs she just can't seem to stop seeing red.

I did notice when she is separated from the other dogs (Like when we're in the truck and she see's them or when I can get her to concentrate somewhat on me) she whines and cries. I think I saw some progress the other day I got her to stop paying attention to the other dog all together and got her to sit at my feet but when the lab came close again she just kept whining which turned into growling and snapping.

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Yes she's been fixed. I can understand the food aggression (her previous owners pretty much starved her) but I'm not sure why she goes after the dogs even when they aren't even posing a threat to her. What's sad is she does not know how to play with other animals I think might be some of the problem I don't know I'm at a loss I want to take her out to dog parks and things like that but I just don't want her to get into a fight she's already gotten into 1 nasty fight where both dogs were bleeding I don't want to do that to someone else's pet nor do I want any harm to come to her.

You may know that they don't pose a threat to her, but if she's fear aggressive (sounds likely from your posts) then it's likely when a dog she doesn't know approaches her she does see it as a threat. I have a FA dog and the very definition of fear aggression is that the dog is afraid of dogs/things/people it doesn't know.

You really need to get a behaviourist in to assess her ASAP, one who is experienced in working with aggression. This is not something you can muck around with or get good advice on over the net, you really need someone to see the dog in person.

For now I would definitely stop taking her to off leash areas or anywhere she will be off leash around other dogs or has a high chance of running into off leash dogs. The more opportunities she has to aggress the more ingrained the behaviour will become.

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Hi Bec - so glad you saw this post :) How come you are always around when someone needs you ? Do you have your profile set up that notifies you when something is posted in the Training and Behaviour section ? If so, that's awesome :)

Sorry Josh, don't mean to hijack your thread :)

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Hi Bec - so glad you saw this post :) How come you are always around when someone needs you ? Do you have your profile set up that notifies you when something is posted in the Training and Behaviour section ? If so, that's awesome :)

LOL! I have super spidey senses and just get a tingly feeling when someone posts in T&B. LOL just kidding. Thanks for your compliment, though. The truth is I am a bit lame and just pop in every day or two to check posts in T&B or Husky Questions, and if something catches my eye I can't resist popping in to give my two cents.

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You may know that they don't pose a threat to her, but if she's fear aggressive (sounds likely from your posts) then it's likely when a dog she doesn't know approaches her she does see it as a threat. I have a FA dog and the very definition of fear aggression is that the dog is afraid of dogs/things/people it doesn't know.

You really need to get a behaviourist in to assess her ASAP, one who is experienced in working with aggression. This is not something you can muck around with or get good advice on over the net, you really need someone to see the dog in person.

For now I would definitely stop taking her to off leash areas or anywhere she will be off leash around other dogs or has a high chance of running into off leash dogs. The more opportunities she has to aggress the more ingrained the behaviour will become.

Thanks for the advise I will be calling a behaviourist first thing in the morning. I have pretty much stopped taking her anywhere she will run into other dogs at it' snot hard to do around where I live I live on 5 acres of land and my nearest neighbor is about a mile away. Being tomorrow is Sunday I'm not sure if I can get them out here tomorrow but she will definitely be looked at come Monday. Thanks again for your advice and I'll keep you updated on what they say...

Is there a company/website/organization that would keep track of whom are reputable behaviourist I don't want to just trust her to anyone.

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Thanks for the advise I will be calling a behaviourist first thing in the morning. I have pretty much stopped taking her anywhere she will run into other dogs at it' snot hard to do around where I live I live on 5 acres of land and my nearest neighbor is about a mile away. Being tomorrow is Sunday I'm not sure if I can get them out here tomorrow but she will definitely be looked at come Monday. Thanks again for your advice and I'll keep you updated on what they say...

Is there a company/website/organization that would keep track of whom are reputable behaviourist I don't want to just trust her to anyone.

Not sure, sorry :( But Suzanne Clothier is a very reputable behaviourist in the US, I am sure she could refer you to someone in your area;


While your on her website, have a read of some of her articles :) They are brilliant.

Oh and how funny, when I logged in, there was a link to an on leash aggression article


I know your dog has displayed aggression off leash too but I am sure it will still be worth a read.

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it sounds like theres a possibilty she was attacked by an offlead dog, what is she like when she is introduced to dogs onlead? blaze isnt keen on offlead dogs due to being attacked but is fine with dogs onlead when introduced slowly

Even onlead she is good as long as they do not come near her face the moment they try to brush against her face or get around her face she begins to start growling and snapping. I have called Barkbusters today I have a consultation coming in tomorrow to evaluate her keeping my fingers crossed.

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Even onlead she is good as long as they do not come near her face the moment they try to brush against her face or get around her face she begins to start growling and snapping. I have called Barkbusters today I have a consultation coming in tomorrow to evaluate her keeping my fingers crossed.

Hmm, I strongly recommend AGAINST Bark Busters. They are a franchise and all you have to do is a 4-6 week course to become one of their "trainers". Some BB trainers MAY be ok, but the training methods I know they use and recommend are terrible. Even then - they are NOT behaviourists and their knowledge can only extend so far. I think you are doing the right thing by getting a trainer in but the wrong one can and will make your dog worse.

Good luck with the consult, let us know how you go.

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Hmm, I strongly recommend AGAINST Bark Busters. They are a franchise and all you have to do is a 4-6 week course to become one of their "trainers". Some BB trainers MAY be ok, but the training methods I know they use and recommend are terrible. Even then - they are NOT behaviourists and their knowledge can only extend so far. I think you are doing the right thing by getting a trainer in but the wrong one can and will make your dog worse.

Good luck with the consult, let us know how you go.

So they are pretty much like PetCo and PetSmart trainers? I believe they have the same time length to become trainers, which were ok for the introduction training but beyond that they aren't really all that great. Damn, well I'll call them in the morning and cancel that. I've been trying to find any information on anyone around me but I can't seem to find anyone. I'll go to my Vet in the morning and see if I can pick her brain on it. Thanks again all!

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Hmm, I strongly recommend AGAINST Bark Busters. They are a franchise and all you have to do is a 4-6 week course to become one of their "trainers". Some BB trainers MAY be ok, but the training methods I know they use and recommend are terrible. Even then - they are NOT behaviourists and their knowledge can only extend so far. I think you are doing the right thing by getting a trainer in but the wrong one can and will make your dog worse.

Good luck with the consult, let us know how you go.

So after obsessing over finding someone I called my vets cell phone albeit she wasn't happy about being woken up at 5 in the morning she gave me a few names and I found a website for her the great thing is she lives locally. Am going to be stopping by there today to look at the place and to get a feel for the woman. Here is a link to her website.


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So they are pretty much like PetCo and PetSmart trainers? I believe they have the same time length to become trainers, which were ok for the introduction training but beyond that they aren't really all that great. Damn, well I'll call them in the morning and cancel that. I've been trying to find any information on anyone around me but I can't seem to find anyone. I'll go to my Vet in the morning and see if I can pick her brain on it. Thanks again all!

Sorry to stress you out! I just would hate for you to get a terrible trainer who would do more damage than good :(

So after obsessing over finding someone I called my vets cell phone albeit she wasn't happy about being woken up at 5 in the morning she gave me a few names and I found a website for her the great thing is she lives locally. Am going to be stopping by there today to look at the place and to get a feel for the woman. Here is a link to her website.


Hard to tell from a website really but here's an article that may give you a good idea on how to choose a dog trainer;


Sorry I can't be of more help :(

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Sorry to stress you out! I just would hate for you to get a terrible trainer who would do more damage than good :(

Hard to tell from a website really but here's an article that may give you a good idea on how to choose a dog trainer;


Sorry I can't be of more help :(

Oh it's not you that's stressing me out I just want my girl to be happy in all situations instead of going into that fight mode when she meets another dog. I will not lie we were walking down the road yesterday and a chiuaua came running out after her and she tucked her tail and ran behind me and yanked me backwards trying to get away from the chiuaua. I mean to see Kayla's big butt running from a 2 ounce runt she puts up more of a tough attitude with the cats! laugh.gif

I will be doing a face to face meeting with her in a few hours I'm going to take Kayla to meet her as well that way I know at least Kayla likes her so I can check out the facilities. I'm going to get her to give me a reference within the Police Department so I can verify that she also did in fact train their dogs. Figured Kayla's been through enough in her life don't need some psycho hurting her even more.

Thanks for the article by the way it's scary to know that even in 5 minutes a person can screw your dog up even more!

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Just read this, glad to hear your looking into a proffessional trainer/behaviourist to help. I hope you find someone local who can help you get the aggression under control.

A while back my boy Marley used to be dog aggressive and I know how you feel. Everytime you go out you fear the worst which doesnt help the situation at all as when you hear or see a dog all you think about ids your dog aggressing at the other!

We contacted a behaviourist in our area and after alot of hard work and overcoming the really bad days, Marley is now great with other dogs. He used to be soo anti-social with dogs and now I've lost count at the number of doggy friends he has around our area and on here :)

I really hope you get the right help you need and get the situation under control. Its not easy and takes time, patience, consistency and confidence within yourself. If you are worried about her attacking another dog then may I advise yo buying a cage muzzle for your girl to help protect other dogs and also will protect her and yourself from getting in trouble with other dog owners

ALSO: keep us updated with your progress. Its really does help, trust me :) Writing on here about your good days and bad days gives you something to look back on :) Everyone on here is VERY suppotive and will help in any way possible. If it wasn't for the support from everyone on here I don't know how I would have coped with my 3 when we going tough times. I have a thread somewhere from when we were going tough the initial training, I will try and find it and post in on here for you.

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Thanks for the advice and links!

Well I just got back from meeting with the trainer so far it seems good. I asked her for references she gave me the 3 surrounding county police departments as she has trained their animals. I asked her to see at least 3 other of her clients "papers" myself so I could get their numbers from her paperwork. I just felt as if I asked her for references from the top of her head she would have just given me friends names and numbers.

I didn't realize she would be waiting at the front of her property with another dog, I didn't even see the other dog when I had let Kayla out of the truck and she was ok at first until the dog got around her face and Kayla began snapping at her. I went to grab Kayla and I got my first lesson laugh.gif she got after me for getting in the middle of a dog fight and said if Kayla ever does get into a fight to have the other owner and yourself pick up both dogs by it's hind legs and walk them backwards. If they are still in the "attack" mode keep walking them backwards as it takes her mind from the fight and into balancing herself. Then she threw in there not to mention if I did get accidentally bitten there may be some sort of nervousness every time around Kayla if she started playing rough and she would pick up on it.

She put the other dog back into the yard and told me to let Kayla's leash go and I did and she immediately went to the fence where the other dog was sitting and began growling. She did tell me that it seemed Kayla was even more mad when she was separated from the other dogs and it agitated her even more.

After a few minutes she had me call Kayla back and she began asking me about her past and everything to which I don't know 100% just going on what the rescue had told me and what I can at least confirm from her medical records. She asked me how long has she been exhibiting this behavior and such questions. Asked how she did on a leash how easy it was to recall her. I asked her her methods and she assured me she never resorted to yelling, hitting, or anything along the lines of e-collars, pinch collars, or shock collars. She also stated she didn't believe in using treats as a reward because she would have to feed the both of us because training needs to be done on both sides of the leash. laugh.gif Which is so true. All the dogs I have had before never had any real annoyances or behavioral problems so I've never had to really deal with it. She did let me in on something that I'm not sure if I agree with or not. She said the data concerning the "Alpha mentality" was outdated and just not true. This of course was brought up by me (Wondering if she had the "alpha" mentality) I was shocked at what she said and I guess she could see my uneasiness at what she said so she invited me to do some of my own research on the subject. And that I should be the dogs leader not their alpha. And that the studies that were conducted were on wolves in captivity but when they went back and studied wolves in the actual wild the whole submissive-dominance dichotomy was in fact wrong. So I'll be doing some research on that later.

All in all I mean she seemed to really know what she was doing and talking about. One of the pluses I saw she did not resort to e-collars and such (I actually found a trainer the other night that used them quickly marked them off my list.) And that she pointed out to me that it's not only Kayla making mistakes it's me as well. I'm waiting back on the references to call me back so I'm still reserved.

*Edited for Update*

So 2 of the references called me back both of which said she was really good. The local police departments said she was great and they still call her in when they aren't "acting right" and I guess she still calls these people to see how they are and how their owners are.

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Hi I am just going through a simier thing with my Willow. Just last wednesday she attacked another dog I was shocked as she never done this before. No real harm done but it still shook me up. Willow will let other dogs sniff her she will stand still but think this could be the start of somthing. I did go out and buy a muzzle and over the weekend i have been getting her used to it. I to am looking into a bahavorist but not found a good one as yet that is close.

I think because she has been snappy I have become nervous which may of made her take it that little further so hopping with the muzzle on I will relax a bit better knowing she cannot harm any other dog. You are not alone and I understand how frustrating it is.

Keep us informed and if I find out anything I will pass it on in our quest for calmer relaxed furbabys......lol

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Even onlead she is good as long as they do not come near her face the moment they try to brush against her face or get around her face she begins to start growling and snapping. I have called Barkbusters today I have a consultation coming in tomorrow to evaluate her keeping my fingers crossed.

Blaze is the same he can sniff a dog fine but if they get too close to him for comfort then he will growl n if they dont listen n back off he will snap he is fine when introduced like i said onlead - i shud mention it was in a controlled enviroment with members dogs on here, he even played with 1 and backed down when another wooed at him which is a big step for him, hope you find the help you need like siberian_wolf said, posting up a diary of what has happened that day and what u did ect really helps that what i did :)

heres my thread


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