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Detached Pad


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Saff has been having problems with one of her pads for a while now. It looks like she is missing half a pad... it's weird I've never seen anything like it before :blink: So whenever we go out for a walk the skin wears away and it bleeds. So I've kept her at home home all week for it to try and heel. I've even bought her a boot to protect her paw, but that didn't go down to well :rolleyes:

She fought me over putting the boot on in the first place then when I got it on she sat with her paw in the air and wouldn't put her foot down. When she did get up the boot fell off after 2 seconds... and it was the smallest boot you can buy, so size wasn't the issue. She was also biting at it, so even if it did stay on she would have ripped it off anyway!

Anyway, this morning I walked with her down to the rememberance parade cenataff (spelling?) and it's only a 10 min walk. When we got back I checked her paw and some of the paw has come loose and is just flapping in thin air. It's not bleeding and she doesn't seem bothered by it.

Anyone else seen anything like this before or have any suggestions?

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Sorry Dani, no experience of problem with their pads. However an online search for Dog pad problems suggests it maybe the result of a reaction to chemicals on the floor (ie cleaning products). Alternatively Saffi may have a fungal infection which is slowing down the healing process of her pads. It's probably best to seek advice from the Vet as they can prescribe medication if there is an infection.

Hope Saffi is feeling better soon

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Honey had a pad ripped off her foot this year when she was taken for a walk with an incredibly impatient person and she ended up being dragged.

I think as long as the injury isn't deep it isn't too bad, and foot injuries bleed a lot , but aren't always as bad as the amount of blood would make it seem.?

honey had an antibiotic cream for it and had it wrapped and was kept off her foot as much as i could keep her lazy haha and just washed and flushed out the wound.

But i don't know why saffs pad would just come off if you haven't noticed anything to cause it. maybe she walked on something hot? or got caught on something in the yard?

i hope it heals up hun !

[sorry if none of that makes sense or is useful!]

a friend of mines rotti has dermatitis and he can sit and chew at his paws for ages if its untreated. and another dog i know of has malessesia and will sit and chew at her paws/claws too.

has saff been chewing at her paws at all?

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aw, poor Saff! Does she try & lick it or bite it? Is the pad rough or dry?

The pad is rough and dry and she doesn't lick or chew it. No more than normal anyway.

But i don't know why saffs pad would just come off if you haven't noticed anything to cause it. maybe she walked on something hot? or got caught on something in the yard?

has saff been chewing at her paws at all?

I live in the UK, we don't do hot here! LOL So, no she hasn't walked over anything hot and as far as I know she hasn't had any kind of injury.

I just noticed the pad wearing away a few weeks ago and today the pad is coming off... ICK!!!

I'll phone the vet in the morning :-(

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Stoopid weird vet nurse!

I explained over the phone about Saffi and then mentioned the paw wax. She said to me that they have never heard of protective wax and shouldn't use it :blink:

If they've never heard of it, how can they say not use it? How do they know whether it will work or not?

Anyway, I'm taking her to see the vet tomorrow and we'll see.

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It looks a bit like shes been chewing at it (all the stained fur). I've seen a coupple of pads that have been ripped open (including my greyhounds) and they bleed alot. Yours looks more like its worn away in that picture. When there is a flap and a fresh supply of blood the vets tend to stitch the pad back on and bandage it up (depending on depth of wound)

Because summer sprints around she opens her pads up quite alot on stones or anything in the ground. I tend to just bandage it up myself now and keep an eye on it for a few days. If its not bleeding and has a flap I remove the flap as it jus gets in the way and encourages chewing.

Saffs foot really does look like she might have been chewing at it or sucking it. Is she an inside dog or is she on concrete?

It looks alot like merlins dermatitus that he gets on his feet from time to time. He tends to get it between the pads and if left it develops onto the pads too. I bathe his feet in saltwater for a week and it clears up.


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Looks like another trip to the vets during the week :(

Everytime we go for a walk the skin around the pad rubs off and it bleeds a tiny bit.

After walking in Bury today I noticed that more of her pad has gone, her paw has gone swollen and it was bleeding (only a tiny bit... like a graze) :(

It's not from an injury, it doesn't seem to bother her at all and there's no excessive licking/chewing of the paw.

Poor Saffi, she wont wear boots/shoes, she licks off antiseptic as soon as I put it on and paw wax doesn't seem to help.

Do I just stop walking her outside altogether? :blink:

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My Beagle did the same thing. It was before we had a fenced in yard, so I took her to a tennis court to play fetch to burn some energy. Later on I noticed that she was wincing and wouldnt put her paw down. She had torn off the top layer of pad and it was just flapping around. Luckily, my aunt who is a veterinarian was there, so we cut the loose pad off with a scissors and cleaned it with some alcohol. Then we wrapped it up for a little while and it grew back just fine.

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Dani I would bath it in some salt solution to clean it then apply a dressing if you know how, get some cotton whool and put a bit between each toe and if you have any padding put the atiseptic on that and apply it to the pad then dress the foot from the toes upwards wrapping the foot first then around the anckle if that makes sence? This should keep it clean and stop her from nibbling it till you can get her to the vet. Sounds like she might need some topical ointment or something.

Hope she gets better soon. xxx

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Thanks Sarah :)

I've been bathing it and it's not easy!! I put the water on the floor and she ran and hid. I then had to drag her back downstairs, I'm sure she thought I was going to drown her in that little plastic box the size of a sandwich :blink:

And, I can't wrap it as I have nothing to wrap it in. She should be ok until I get her to the vets as she doesn't really chew on her feet.

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