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Huskys and cats . . and other family pets.


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Me and my partner are currently doing lots of research into taking on our first Husky. We already have a greyhound (bitch) who is 4 yrs old and very easy going. I know she wouldnt have a problem with the a new addition but I just wanted to check how Huskys get on with other household pets. We also have a cat :huh: and I wasnt sure if you can get a 'cat friendly' Husky. Also just want to check if it is easier to mix in a male or female as I already have a female. The only thing my current girl doesnt like is being humped!! But the who does!! :P So was thinking maybe an older male :huh:

Any help and information people can give me would be great!!

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hey welcome to the pack :) im from coventry too :D where abouts in cov are you from? if you get a puppy they can be raised with cats but obviously they have a high prey drive so should never be left alone together unsupervised

oh n i have 2 males and a female so its really up2u which sex you get and which you think ur greyhound would tolerate more

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Just saw you are in Binley!! We are in Walsgrave now, but my other halfs parents are in Binley Woods :rolleyes: Thanks for the advice :) It is my other half that is Husky mad!! So we are hoping to add one in to our little family very soon. There is just sooo much to find out first!! xx

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I have 1 Husky, 1 Parrot, 2 rabbits and 2 guinea pigs. Obviously the husky is not allowed near the other pets but he is aware of them and is kept away from them at all times. The parrot is high up by the ceiling in the kitchen. The pigs and rabbits are atm in the garage and usually in the back garden which he is not allowed in unsupervised as the fencing is not up to scratch YET.

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Hey Rach and welcome!

Yeah like Nix said, seperate from cats at aaaall times never left alone together.. whats your cat like with dogs? Is it a stand its ground, hiss and smack the dog sort or is it a run for its life sort? If its the latter you maaaay have some trouble introing a husky to the mix as even the most laid back dog wants to chase a cat if it runs! I have two and my sis has two cats so whenever we go round there theres a mini battle! One of the cats stands his ground so mostly gets ignored by my girl but my boy will push his luck to try to make the cat run an the other cat is a runner so we pretty much have to get him out the house before the dogs go in or he wouldnt stand a chance!!! :blink:

Sex of dog dosent really make a lot of difference unless your greyhound has a preference.. its mostly down to personality and each sibe has a different one so its a try it and see sorta deal! If your thinking rescue just take your greyhound with you when you go to meet the husky and check they get on! :)

Good luck and PICTURES!! Its all we ask on this site! Tons of um! Of your greyhound to!! ;)

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Just saw you are in Binley!! We are in Walsgrave now, but my other halfs parents are in Binley Woods :rolleyes: Thanks for the advice :) It is my other half that is Husky mad!! So we are hoping to add one in to our little family very soon. There is just sooo much to find out first!! xx

was the same with me, my hubby loves huskies and said no husky no dog :o but now I have him I wouldn't be without him and he is much more my dog than hubby's. He is my baby and I would definetly get another. WARNING: Husky's are very addictive and once you have one you will want more, I do. :P Oh and well done for researching first, I did the same. Don't believe everything you read. But use everyone's knowledge on this site to your full advantage! look forward to seeing you around on here. :D xx

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:) So many lovely welsomes and very helpful answers :) Thanks everyone.

bingblaze'n'skyla ~ That would be awesome actually, we dont see many sibes out and about so would be great just to check her reaction.

Sarah ~ my cat is more of a stand his ground and hiss kinda guy!! We brought him into the house as a kitten after we already had our greyhound and even as a tiny ball of fluff he had the upper paw on her.

As for pictures those are promised as soon as we find the right husky for us!! :D

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Kayla doesn't seem to mind the cat to much except when she gets playful then she starts scooting her around the house with her nose till the cat has had enough and just goes somewhere else. The problem is if she's in that "playful" mood and the cat goes to run away she gives chase. Even though when she's caught up to the cat she doesn't try to eat her just resumes pushing her around the house with her snout till the cat jumps up to high.

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I got a cat when my first sibe was about five. There were no problems, what-so-ever. He never bothered it. (He did find our bird rather tasty, leaving behind a tail feather after his snack.) In his defense, the darn bird would swoop down at him when he was sleeping and pull the fur between his toes (which it did to all dogs.) One day, I forgot to close the birdcage when I left. End of Tweet.

NOW we have Ryn who thinks kitty is her personal toy. She is having a hard time comprehending that the cat belongs to mommy and should be left alone. IF cat stands his ground, she is ok with him, but if he runs, the chase is on.

The best thing that you can do is to let the husky know that the cat is YOURS. I'm constantly reminding Ryn that the kitty belongs to ME and she must leave it. We're getting there. Please note that Kat has all his claws. I would never allow them together if he didn't. He is encouraged to protect himself with those claws. Until Ryn understands that the kitty is MINE, she will continue to be kenneled when I'm not there for the cat's safety.

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I defo recommend keeping huskys and cats apart or at the very minimum supervised 100% of the time. There are many horrible stories out there of them living in harmany for years and then out of the blue the husky thinks the cat is dinner.

I have a cat (14yrs) but as she has always been a very sleepy indoor cat its not a problem to keep her upstairs and the dog downstairs secured by a door and a pet gate (for additional protection just in case a door gets left open upstairs!).

I would say you need to have a puppy rather than an older dog and raise the puppy with the cat and greyhound. so next bit...research your breeder well and resist the puppy farming industry who overbreed, breed too young and are in it purly for the money and not the welfare of the dogs. A good breeder will usually only breed when they want to increase their own pack & will only breed when they have a wait list...so start researching a breeder and get on a wait list (assuming you decide a husky is for you). AVOID Epupz (& similar sites) like the plague

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our 2 where brought up with cats, micha learnt that cats don't play, and it only cost her 2 swipes in the face. suki has always lived with cats.

micha wants to be friends with the cats and sits near them, and it is beginning to pay off she now can sit right next to 2 of our cats and they dont mind, but the others keep clear.

but i still dont trust them 100%

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I've raised 3 of the Huskies with the cats. Odin is the only one I haven't had since he was young, as he's OK with the cats but I would never trust him alone with them. Cheyenne, Mickey and Mishka are totally fine (even being left alone) with my cats. With an older dog the chances of them being cat friendly are slim to none. Also, just because they may have been OK with cats in their last home, doesn't mean they'll be ok with your cats. Cheyenne and Mickey are fine with my parents cat who they visit weekly. They don't even give it a second glance. Mishka on the other hand is too interested and wants to be watching it all the time. Even though she totally ignores my cats. Nothing is set in stone and you really have to "know the dog" before ever thinking of leaving them alone with the cats.

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Hiya and welcome :wave:

Yes cats and huskies can live together. I my case Sampson was about a year old when I got him and Nikita was 2 months. We got a baby kitten shortly after getting these two and they lived with that cat for for about 6 years. We moved here and spent about 4 years without cats and then got two. One of my cats stands his ground and smacks the bejesus out of the dogs if they even think about invading his space. The other loves the dogs and runs in order to get them to chase him, if they stop he turns around and walks back up to them and then runs off again. I have never had any issue with my two and cats, they seem to have a healthy respect for them and take their cues from the cats about how to behave.

BUT as said I wouldn't recommend leaving them alone together as I have heard plenty of horror stories.

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