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Dog park issues....


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I met a few huskys at the dog park near me but my girl got into a bit of a scuffle and bit the other dog (not badly but...)and im terrified to have her around other dogs. She supposedly is fine with other dogs was fine with that dog when we had them meet on the lead and she was fine before and after that, but they were playing and i'm wondering if she just felt overwhelmed? *Sighs* So scratch that idea and im going to just try and take her there when no one else is there and all... I'm considering maybe buying her a muzzle just so she can get used to being around other dogs off lead and not try to eat them if she gets over whelmed.. She's NOT dog agressive, doesn't react around other dogs so...

I'm wondering if she just got overwhelmed as she's a puppy? *sighs* I'm not sure what to do really....

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First time at a dog park can be either the best fun your husky has had or

a stressful encounter with lots of unknown dogs.

Good idea to get her used to the place where she can run around without too many others and gradually build up the socialisation.:D

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How exactly was she acting? Was the hair all down her back standing up (not just the hair between her shoulders)? Was she really bearing her teeth? Snarling? Huskies play rough. I don't have any good videos of mine playing, but I know a few people on here do. I just went to the dog park yesterday and was there alone with one other lady and her 9 month old GSD. This was her first dog and when our dogs started to play, she though they were being aggressive, when really they were just having a good time. I spent most of the time explaining to her what to look for when dogs play and how to tell rough play from aggression.

So your dog might have just been playing rough or might have been overwhelmed from the other dogs and felt like she had to take action. Siku has acted aggressive before, but that was only when she was being ganged up on by several dogs and felt scared. So if you go again watch for signals like hair standing on end and such. Siku's hair between her shoulders stands on end when she plays, but the hair along her whole back stand on end when she's not liking what's going on. Hope that helps! You could also take her to dog class or see if you can bring her to someone's house for a play day. That way she can get used to other dogs slowly if she is afraid of them.

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I know Huskies play pretty roughly. I worked at Doggie Day Camp and we had a regular husky who would take on the big Burmese Mountain Dogs and St. Bernards haha. She was sniffing the other dog and it all happened so fast but I looked over and she was up on her hind legs, and I heard growling/snarling and she had no marks on her.. I'm assuming she just got overwhelmed.. But i'm terrified to take her and have her off lead around other dogs now.

Would it be detrimental if I put a muzzle on her next time I have her around another dog I know is known to NOT attack? I'm just terrified she may do the same thing even though after the incident she was running around ignoring other dogs. I was nervous to begin with as i'm used to taking my little Chi to the dog park...

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I think a muzzle should be fine. Just make sure you tell the people at the park why you have it on her, to test her with other dogs. Or they might think you're bringing a really aggressive dog with you. I know it would freak me out a little if someone came in with a muzzled dog.

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Also try and stay calm, the dog will feed off of your fear, i took Juno to her first dog park, over 40 dogs there of all sizes, I was , OMG ( I was worried ,LOL) and I kept her lead on and she did pretty good, then the next time we found another dog park and there was only 5 to 10 dogs from time to time, this time I removed the lead and just tried to stay calm and she did great, and played with all the dogs. now each time we go she has more fun.

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I am sure she will be just fine once she is used to the whole concept of the dog park. A few weeks ago we had people over for lunch who had never really met my two hooligans. We were sitting outside and Ozzy and Micah did the whole stand up and fight routine - like two boxer in a ring :blink: 5 out of the 8 friends jumped up, and were either getting ready to run or intervene (don't know which) when we told them to cool it, they were just playing. They were amazed :) Great info Sara +1

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I think its a difficult one, but what ever you do you need to keep socialising her so she learns how to behave. Do you know of any other huskys in your area? If so try and organise a husky off lead play...she may well act very different with her own breed. Plan to go at a very quiet time of the day in the hope of having the place to yourself.

I personally wouldnt muzzle but would slowly socialise with other dogs and build up her confidence. Remember if you muzzle your dog and is approached by an aggressive dog she cant defend herself, if you do muzzle remember to take it off regularly so she can drink as she will dehydrate quickly while running around.

how old is she?

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NOOOOO dont muzzle her!! it sounds to me like she was playing... growling can still be playfull.. huskies do talk alot and growling can just be part of that... and even if she wasnt playing its mostly likely fear agression so putting a muzzle on her will make it worse as she will feel even more vunerable!! :blink:

I would surgest doing waht you said going when not too many people and building her confidence... then when you do decide to take her when its busier get a really long lead say like 50ft and attatch it to her on a harness... let it trail behind her unless you suspect shes getting agressive and then you have a safe way to get her out of there fast by just picking up the lead and realling her back in away from the other dogs, give her time to calm down and regroup and then let her go again. This is the only way she will learn to socialise properly.

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mine look and sound really bad when they are playing they bear their teeth and growl at each other all the time!!! i wouldnt muzzle her but if you are really worried why dont u put a long line on her till she gets used to it??

this is my two playing and trying to eat each other lol

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I recently just acquired her.... I know huskys play rough I've been around lots of huskies who play. My worry was that she bit another dog and there WAS blood... Not alot but a little bit and that was my concern and worry... Plus it was on the face... But I took her to another less busy dog park and kept her on the 20' lead and just let her wonder around. She met several other dogs through the fence and was trying to play with them which made me happy. I let go of the lead for about 5 minutes and she just sniffed around. We'll go back tomorrow and i'll let her drag the lead(in the area by herself) and see how that goes.

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I know Huskies play pretty roughly. I worked at Doggie Day Camp and we had a regular husky who would take on the big Burmese Mountain Dogs and St. Bernards haha. She was sniffing the other dog and it all happened so fast but I looked over and she was up on her hind legs, and I heard growling/snarling and she had no marks on her.. I'm assuming she just got overwhelmed.. But i'm terrified to take her and have her off lead around other dogs now.

Would it be detrimental if I put a muzzle on her next time I have her around another dog I know is known to NOT attack? I'm just terrified she may do the same thing even though after the incident she was running around ignoring other dogs. I was nervous to begin with as i'm used to taking my little Chi to the dog park...

A muzzle, especially a basket muzzle, can sometimes be scary for the other dogs as well as make her feel as if she's got to have her guard up since she's got a muzzle on her face. This may not be the best way to tackle things. Since you don't know much about her early puppy-hood (i'm assuming) you may want to start with some brief on lead introductions first. Make them short and sweet as well as reward her for good manners. The next step would probably be to find a friend who knows their own dog and who won't overreact or get upset over rough husky play.

What would also help is if you were to try to tell us exactly what happened, how many dogs were there, how many were trying to interact with her ect. ect. ect. The more we know about the situation, the better we'll be able to help yousmile.gif

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She hasn't been to classes yet. I will be taking her as SOON as I get a job(Or convince the bf to pay hehe). There were about 10 other dogs, she was roaming about just sniffing around, was going around other dogs fine. Than she started to play with the husky(Only one she played with really) and then this happened. The other dog wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.. Im wondering if maybe she just got overwhelemed "playing" Or she didnt mean to? I don't really know.....

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was the other dog running away from her? she might have just been trying to catch it - and as we no they can only do this with their teeth

agree with the classes - we unfortunately didnt get to take our pups to any as there arent/wasnt any near us we could get to at the time but if i had the chance i would have taken them

it just sounds like she needs more socialisation

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