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Prong Collar or Halti/Gentle Leader?


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Which tends to be best for huskys/malamutes/wolf dogs ? My girls a husky but i'm working with a friend's Malamute/Husky/wolf cross and they're both pretty bad at walking on the leash. I'm not sure which would be better for the breed? Don't really want to get both. Also, will it make them worse pullers walking in a harness? My girl always slips out of her collar due to all her neck hair.


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You might want to consider a martingale collar. I use that with all my dogs, it's a collar that prevents them from slipping out.

As for the training aid that's really up to you and how your dog(s) are. If you're going to use a prong please become instructed on how to properly fit and correct with one. They aren't as simple as they seem there is a technique which makes it safer for them to wear them and be used.

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Yes do try/invest in the semi slip collar...my girl slipped out her regular collar a couple of time but i've tightened it more now (not to the point it chooke her). I've still have yet to switch her to that. But with the prong collar...i wouldn't suggest it unless u've already used it before b/c if u're not properly trained or used it too forcefully you can severely injure her neck which is very bad.

You can try the harness because it straps onto their body and front legs which prevents to have greater force of pulling....most of the pulling force comes from their front legs so by restricting their movement will create less force = less power = less pull. but it takes time for the husky to get use to.

If you dont want to invest in anything...you can try this method, still with a leash but it will take tons of time and patience. First start off walking normally, if she starts pulling you (ie. to a tree) than you stop dead...not moving...and wait till she calms down and stop pulling you. it's take a while for her to understand, when you try this at first she'll pull even more and sometimes up jump and slip out of her collar to get to what she wants...so be careful. when she does calm down...make sure the leash b/w u and her isn't taut but LAXED!! give her a treat/reward/walk to the tree she wants to go to. If she pulls again, do the same thing, STOP, WAIT TILL CALM DOWN AND RELAXED LEASH, WALK. repeat repeat repeat till she gets it. if that still doesn't work either walk the opposite direction or say "no" and pull her pass whatever she wants to get to.

Honestly...i've adopted my girl and taught her this...it's semi-successful b/c first of of it's in their blood to pull shed so virutally she'll pull you and they'll just go to spots they want to and to achieve that they pull. I'm still reinforcing this method w/ my girl and it'll take a while. so dont lose patience and just keep this up her. hopefully she's a fast learner =)

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depends on how the dog reacts. Pongo did not respond to the gentle leader at all and still pulled and I was afraid he was going to snap his neck! the prong collar is the only thing that works for us. I have much more control over him with it on, but again I also stress that you consult a trainer as to how to use it. We used it when we did puppy classes (the small one at 5 months old) and we were shown how to properly use it. as for the harness, we use it for running him with the bike and we use an ezydog harness as well.

if you want to use a regular collar i would suggest a semi-slip as well. we just keep a normal ezydog collar on pongo but don't use it for walking.

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We use Halti head collars when we walk all three of ours together.

However they also get one on one loose lead training, this (we hope)

will allow us eventually to get rid of the halti's and just have them on the half check collars.

Ours are only in a harness when they are on the Walky dog on my bike.

So they know rhat collars are for walking and harness is for pulling.

Good luck.

Oh, yeah. . . . Welcome to the BEST husky forum in the WORLD !!!!!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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I think it all depends on the dog. I tried a lot of stuff to stop her from pulling and nothing really worked. I had the gentle leader easy walk harness and it worked with my chow mix but not so much with Zihna. I had some other non pull harness, did not work. When she got spayed last week my dog trainer let me borrow a head collar so I could keep her at least from jumping and pulling somewhat while walking her after the surgery. Did not really work for us. She will walk nice for a minute and if she wants to get somewhere she will still pull and fight the head collar. But others had success with the head collar or other training aids. It all depends how determined your dogs are :lol: :lol: :lol: could be that one of them will do well on a head collar and the other may need the prong collar.

The thing that kind of worked for me is what was mentioned earlier. I say ah-ah when she starts pulling and I take a few steps back then start walking again when she is close to me. However, I have been stuck at the other end of my street before for about 40 minutes because I had to take more steps back then forward and we didn't get anywhere. :blink: Definitely takes a lot of time and patience.

Do you know anyone else with a dog that may have any of the training aids that you would like to try? Maybe they will let you borrow it for a day and you can see how that works for the dog and then make your decision on which to get.

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If you dont want to invest in anything...you can try this method, still with a leash but it will take tons of time and patience. First start off walking normally, if she starts pulling you (ie. to a tree) than you stop dead...not moving...and wait till she calms down and stop pulling you. it's take a while for her to understand, when you try this at first she'll pull even more and sometimes up jump and slip out of her collar to get to what she wants...so be careful. when she does calm down...make sure the leash b/w u and her isn't taut but LAXED!! give her a treat/reward/walk to the tree she wants to go to. If she pulls again, do the same thing, STOP, WAIT TILL CALM DOWN AND RELAXED LEASH, WALK. repeat repeat repeat till she gets it. if that still doesn't work either walk the opposite direction or say "no" and pull her pass whatever she wants to get to.

Honestly...i've adopted my girl and taught her this...it's semi-successful b/c first of of it's in their blood to pull shed so virutally she'll pull you and they'll just go to spots they want to and to achieve that they pull. I'm still reinforcing this method w/ my girl and it'll take a while. so dont lose patience and just keep this up her. hopefully she's a fast learner =)

we do this with our 2 and it works great. every once in a while we have to repeat it, but it does work

took this vid a while back


have patience it will work

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Teaching loose leash walking is not about the tool.

A dog can learn to pull on ANY tool, which is why the method you use to teach the LLW is really important. A tool just gives you leverage to help teach them what you need to teach them. What tool is best depends on the dog and the owner. I've seen dogs pulling on prongs, head collars, check chains etc - it's the method used that makes the difference :)

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My biggest concern is with the wolf hybrid as she's sweet but she's about 60-70lbs and i'm only about 4'11. I'm taking care of her for a bit... But she pulls and pulls and with the husky we normally turn around and head the other direction a soon as she starts pulling a bit. But my worry is that if I DONT get the hybrid under control on walks(She's all over the place) it may end badly... We're NOT leaving the property for now, and not walking far as her collar is a buckle collar and I have to go get one that's not the plastic buckle so.

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