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My partner didn't believe me until now sad.gif I live in a shared house and I STRICTLY told everyone

to NOT leave the front door open or make sure the second door was locked because if the sibes got out they will just run and not come back.

They all agreed not to leave the door open but obviously I didn't get through to them, a guy came over to fix our boiler and my house mate let him in,the guy was going in and out WITH MY FRONT DOOR WIDE OPEN nobody told me that he was here nor let me know the door was open so when Nikitta asked to go to the toilet I didn't think twice I just opened the bedroom door and let them downstairs THEY WERE STRAIGHT OUT THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and gone :( both of them off running, I don't know the area that well but I ran after them I didn't care about getting lost I've only had them a few days and I already thought they would be gone forever. Thankfully they were running into peoples gardens so I was able to corner Nikitta she went to nip me but it was because I grabbed her which I understand so it was fine. I kept shouting Shadow, he was just running in circles around me and in the end came to me. At that point I was already in tears and having a serious panic attack, I haven't had one of those in years. I couldn't breathe and even now I still can't breathe right and can't stop coughing. I only had one lead with me so I hooked Nikitta and grabbed Shadows collar and tried to find my way home it turned out we was actually pretty far from home and I kept stopping to ask for directions. I was just really glad that I caught the dogs :( when we got home I went upstairs and had a go at the guy fixing the boiler saying he was irresponsible and stupid because leaving our door open anything could happen, say we had a small child and they got out and got kidnapped or something, I guess it wasn't really his fault but still HE LET MY BABIES OUT! When I got to my room I collasped because I couldn't breathe and layed there for a while to get my breathing normal again sad.gif It's still not right but atleast my babies are home safe and sound. My fiancé now gets the point, the sibes are never allowed off their leads unless it's secure, atleast someone learned something today. That's my exercise done for the year LOL. Have you're guys sibes ever got out or loose? How long did it take for you to get them back safe?

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I'm really happy that you caught up to them. I know how scary experiences like this can be, I've had them with my other dogs before and the insuing panic is intense. This clearly wasn't your fault though, you didn't do anything wrong. Once again, I'm really happy for you that they're safe with you. smile.gif

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Glad you got Shadow and NIkitta back safe

Polee has run out of the house before and was gone for over 30 mins before coming back on her own. It turns out she had taken herself for a walk as I was working away and my partner couldn't walk her because she pulled too much. It was the longest 30 mins of my life made worse as I was 200 miles away so couldn't do anything

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Glad you got your babies back safe and sound xx Shura has got out a few times xx The first time she ever got loose was at a park because the lead snapped somehow (needless to say it went in the bin) she ran straight to a puddle where i caught her. Second time dani opened the door without asking and let shura out and lola went out after her Shura just kept running and Lola kept up but as they went across the estate road shura got across and lola got hit (she was fine tho just a few graze lucky the car wast going fast) But shura stopped at a fencae were i grabbed her and some boys helped me so i got her back alright and all is well but it was such a heart racing moment and its so hard when they run out. xx The door now firmly says shut. xxx

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Glad you've got them back! Mine have gotten out before when they lived with my ex boyfriend. He really had himself convinced that they would learn to stay in the garden and not take off. Well it only took them running into a major road and almost getting hit before he finally got the point. They've never been gone long, it was usually just once around the block, scariest times of my life.

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Most of us have had this happen, however when we hear of it happening to someone it's heartbreaking because we all know how crazy it can get. unsure.gif

You were lucky in as much that you were there to give chase straight away.

Some of us have had occasion to come home to an empty house, and then start the search.

We know how you've been feeling.

Husky Hugs from us down south smile.gif

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omg sooo glad you got them back ok! i hope your ok?

mine have got out a few times - we live near a road so its even scarier - 1st time blaze got out - luckily he was just running around out the front - grabbed a plate of sausages n he came straight back in to get them - the other time i accidently dropped his lead - he ran but luckily stopped to sniff a bush - he has slipped his collar twice as a pup - once he sniffed sum dogs behind a fence n the other time he ran into an friends house luckily - then he got out when i went out i told my nan uncle ect that if the furnitare come MAKE SURE BLAZE IS LOCKED AWAY IN MY MUMS ROOM!!!! bings is ok he wont run off - so what do they do leave the back door and the gate open - oh its ok he wont go anywhere my uncle said - then blaze shot off! luckily they got him back - and then when i got home they wondered y i was stressin about it! ERM HELLO U NEARLY LOST THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN OUR HOUSE!!! :blink: then he slipped his collar last month - luckily there were people around who got him for me! never been sooo scared !

Skyla - shes only got out twice - once when we first got her as a pup she ran right to the road - but stopped looked back at me n she must of heard the panic in my voice or something cuz she came running back over to me thank god - the second time my little bro didnt put her behind the stair gate when his mates knocked on the door n she got out - shouted skylas got out and then went in the living room with 1 of his mates :angry: luckily his other mate ran after skyla (they are 11 yrs old) so i ran out but i couldnt see her :mellow: so i shouted her name and she ran towards me but then shot past :o ran after her and shouted her again made my voice all excited bent down n started slapping the tops of my legs to make it look like a game and luckily she came pounding over to me so i grabbed her quick!

its the worst feeling in the world - n i would never trust any1 with them - even family cuz even they dont listen to strict instrucions not to let the dog out!

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I'm glad they're safe!!

Aleu got loose once, I was locking the front door and I was holding her lead too loose, she was only about 6 months old so she just made a run for it.

I was crying, running and calling after her all at the same time, because at the time I lived near wooded areas and thought I would never find her again.

I eventually managed to catch up with her and she was digging up someones front garden.

It really really scared me, I was so happy to get her home safe XD

Stacey xxx

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Phew so glad they're back safe and sound!

Best thing is run away and shout them - they should chase you as though it's a game - grab something that make a noise like a carrier bag and shout excitedly - WHAT'S THIS - never fails (touch wood lol) with my 2 x

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Awwww so glad you got them back so quickly!!! Zihna ran away at a walking trail about a month ago and she was in the woods for 9 days until she finally came back to the trail and a guy from a church there found her and called me. It was horrible I cried every day!!! Especially since she was only 5 mth old and she still had a retractable leash attached to her. Didn't know if she was tangled anywhere or what. I honestly thought she was gone for good! :( But she is home now and I got my EYE ON HER 24/7 lol and no more retractable leashes either! ;)

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