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KC Reg


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Hey as many of you know sky is due with her pup any day now she or Zero arent KC reg and I was wondering how you go about getting the pup KC reg as i have no idea what it means? Help really apretiated also would a contract be a good idea as I ve read a topic about it being a good idea also if yes how do I get one done?

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I ve just been looking at pups that people are selling and there was an add where the mum was kc reg but dad wasnt n the pups were i thought it ment when they have a hip score and eyes tested or am i really lost here i really want to keep the pup but cant perswade my hubby to let me :(

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Hey as many of you know sky is due with her pup any day now she or Zero arent KC reg and I was wondering how you go about getting the pup KC reg as i have no idea what it means? Help really apretiated also would a contract be a good idea as I ve read a topic about it being a good idea also if yes how do I get one done?

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Health testing and reg. are separate. Just because they have one doesn't mean they have the other. And I don't think it's a very reputable registry if they allow non-papered dogs to be registered? If anything, registration isn't that big of a deal. The health testing is what should really matter first.

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oh ok so kc isnt important the pup will be vet checked and have all necessary tests and injections done before going to new home just a tad overwelmed with the amount of things you have to know and do for the pup its unbelievebale anything else i need to know i think i know th basics well what vet told me but id rather have experienced beeders help than a vet lol

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i disagree a little here. I think it does matter that pups should be KC'd as this means there are some 'rules' around over breeding, inappropriate breeding, breeding too young etc.

but in answer to your question you can only sell as non kc'd as the parents are not reg'd. However you can sell the pups as having worm, flea treatment, first vacs & a pup vet check (to cover yourself that the vet cleared them as appearing healthy the day before they go to their new home).

health checks such as hip and eye checks are important but its too late now as they are about to deliver but the idea is to plan a litter only when you know that the eyes are clear and low hip scores (both parents).

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i disagree a little here. I think it does matter that pups should be KC'd as this means there are some 'rules' around over breeding, inappropriate breeding, breeding too young etc.

but in answer to your question you can only sell as non kc'd as the parents are not reg'd. However you can sell the pups as having worm, flea treatment, first vacs & a pup vet check (to cover yourself that the vet cleared them as appearing healthy the day before they go to their new home).

health checks such as hip and eye checks are important but its too late now as they are about to deliver but the idea is to plan a litter only when you know that the eyes are clear and low hip scores (both parents).

Claire it only means there SHOULD be rules around breeding however I have still come across registered pups that are extreamly badly bred and not from health tested parents etc (Health tests are not yet madetory for registration) and from rather unscrupulous breeders they just happen to register as it means they can charge more for the pups!

It is however a guide line that the breeder SHOULD be better than most, its just one box on a whole tick list of things that makes a good breeder with quality pups.

Since this is an unplanned litter between unreged dogs its not a requirement to make sure they get good homes so the O/P doesnt need to worry as they will be going to pet only homes anyway but as surgested I would deffinatly have a interested questionair for prospective owners to fill in and a contract for them to sign upon meeting hom requirements. This is more important than registration at this point. :)

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Claire it only means there SHOULD be rules around breeding however I have still come across registered pups that are extreamly badly bred and not from health tested parents etc (Health tests are not yet madetory for registration) and from rather unscrupulous breeders they just happen to register as it means they can charge more for the pups!

It is however a guide line that the breeder SHOULD be better than most, its just one box on a whole tick list of things that makes a good breeder with quality pups.

Since this is an unplanned litter between unreged dogs its not a requirement to make sure they get good homes so the O/P doesnt need to worry as they will be going to pet only homes anyway but as surgested I would deffinatly have a interested questionair for prospective owners to fill in and a contract for them to sign upon meeting hom requirements. This is more important than registration at this point. :)

i totally agree with you, i realise there are loop holes and ways round 'rules' and that there are still badly bred pups born to reg'd litters...but by reasearching the actual breeder yourself hopefully minimises the chances. i was really commenting on other comments saying that registering didnt really matter. i believe it does matter for the reasons i stated.

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to my knowledge only the breeder can KC Reg a litter, by giving Sire and Dam KC Reg information etc and registering the litter and all their respective KC Names...., when a new owner gets their new pup then a Transfer of Ownership form is fillied out by Breeder and New Owner....

the KC Name cant be changed unless exceptional reasons allow.....

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I meant KC reg takes a backseat to health tests, not that it isn't important. Meaning I'd take a health tested/checked dog over a non tested KC reg dog any day.

In 20 years in the breed in the UK I have NEVER come across a non-KC registered litter whose parents have had the appropriate health tests (Hips and Eyes). You can pretty much safely assume that if a pup is not KC registered, its parents will not have had hip and eye tests. After all, if the breeder can't be bothered to spend £12 per puppy on registration, they aren't going to shell out £200 or so for the parents hip and eye tests.

Vet checks are pretty meaningless - all they show is that the pup appeared to be healthy at the time they were examined (better than nothing, but not much!). A vet check will not be able to identify hereditary conditions - that is why the parents should always be tested before breeding.


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I hate to say but I'm no fan of the KC and to me KC papers would mean very little.

To my mind what matters more is that pups and parents are healthy, vet checked and have all the jabs, worming etc..

I'm not a great fan of the KC either (I don't believe that they are anywhere near strict enough concerning breeding) but they are the best we have at the moment. Of course the occasional breeder might falsify a pedigree on a rare occasion, but the vast majority of breeders who register their pups with the KC are honest and the KC registration papers and the pedigree are a guarantee that what you pay for is what you get. With KC registered dogs (bred by ethical breeders) you can trace your dog's ancestors and their health history back over generations. With non-KC reg dog, you can never even be sure that what you have is a purebred dog.


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I'm not a great fan of the KC either (I don't believe that they are anywhere near strict enough concerning breeding) but they are the best we have at the moment. Of course the occasional breeder might falsify a pedigree on a rare occasion, but the vast majority of breeders who register their pups with the KC are honest and the KC registration papers and the pedigree are a guarantee that what you pay for is what you get. With KC registered dogs (bred by ethical breeders) you can trace your dog's ancestors and their health history back over generations. With non-KC reg dog, you can never even be sure that what you have is a purebred dog.


I don't think you can be "sure" even though the KC. A dog through the tree could have been registered illegaly or inaccutate data give. I think you can probably say that it's a safer bet, but you can never be sure.

With hip and eye scores I understand them and it's nice to have but like humans, dogs can develop diseases out the blue even if their parents are perfect. I'd say that it's more important to see the mother and father when viewing the puppy... seeing the mother and a load of paperwork just isn't the same for me. Being able to see their nature, touch them, play with them before selecting that the puppy is for you. Getting it fully insured with lifetime insurance would help any issues that may occur.

Please no silly trumped up KC enthusist replies. This is my opinion.

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I don't think you can be "sure" even though the KC. A dog through the tree could have been registered illegaly or inaccutate data give. I think you can probably say that it's a safer bet, but you can never be sure.

With hip and eye scores I understand them and it's nice to have but like humans, dogs can develop diseases out the blue even if their parents are perfect. I'd say that it's more important to see the mother and father when viewing the puppy... seeing the mother and a load of paperwork just isn't the same for me. Being able to see their nature, touch them, play with them before selecting that the puppy is for you. Getting it fully insured with lifetime insurance would help any issues that may occur.

Please no silly trumped up KC enthusist replies. This is my opinion.

Of course you can never be "sure" - there are liars and cheats in every area of human endeavour, but the likelihood of the information being accurate is much greater than with non-KC reg dogs. Of course you should see the mother (and possibly the father - although in most cases the breeder will have gone outside his/her own lines for a stud so the father will be owned by someone else), but unless you are a trained vet with ocular and orthopaedic specialities, "seeing" the parents will actually tell you almost nothing.

It isn't "nice" to have hip and eye tests, it is absolutely essential if you want to try to ensure that your puppy will be healthy. Unless eye problems (for example) are well developed, you would not be able to see them by just looking at the mother, similarly with hip displasia if it is an early stage in the parents it may not be noticeable at all. Testing is the only way you can minimise the likelihood of such problems.

The other benefit of KC registration and health testing is that you can research back over several generations to find out whether particular breeding lines are problem free. As an example, someone we knew decided to breed his b*tch. Being a responsible person, he went through the motions - good hip score, clear eye tests - same for the stud dog. The pups were born and seemed healthy enough. At 10 months of age, one of the dog pups developed cataracts in both eyes. How could this be, asked the breeder? When we traced back the pedigrees for him, we found that the pup's great grandfather had failed his eye tests, but was bred from anyway by an irresponsible breeder. The condition skipped a couple of generations, but resurfaced in this poor pup. The pup was operated on, but after the operation developed Glaucoma - an incredibly painful eye problem causing blindness. As a result, after £3000+ of vet bills (only the first op was covered by insurance as the second condition was regarded as a "recurring" problem) the pup had to have his eye removed. He is now healthy and bright, but it is only a matter of time before the cataracts in his remaining eye renders him completely blind.


To me, any breeder who takes risks with his/her puppies by not health testing the parents is at best totally irresponsible, and at worst a despicable excuse for a human being.

If you ask why I am so harsh is is simply because we have taken in and rehomed some 450 unwanted Siberians bred by irresponsible breeders over the past four years and I am heartily sick of people churning out litters with no thought, no health tests and then selling them to people who are equally clueless. This is exactly why we have such a huge rescue crisis in the breed - a crisis we should be trying to slow down, not add to!


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+1 to everything Mick has said.

It absolutely disgusts me when people breed their dogs without any regard to health testing them for very serious and life threatening issues that are common in their breed, when those health problems have accessible testing so you know whether or not the dogs you are breeding are going to pass any issues onto their puppies.

I would never buy anything other than a pedigree dog, not because all pedigree breeders are reputable, but because I am yet to find a breeder who ticks every box I have when looking for a puppy from a reputable breeder who doesn't breed pedigree dogs. People who are serious about breeding good quality dogs don't just put x dog with y ***** to breed some puppies just for fun or because they are cute or because they think their ***** should have one litter before being desexed or because all their friends and family want one. A good breeder breeds for a purpose; they breed to add something positive into the gene pool; they breed to improve and better the breed. They use their dogs pedigrees to research into the lines that they are from to know what they are breeding with. A breeder who doesn't care where their dogs are from is not IMO a reputable breeder.

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+1 to everything Mick has said.

It absolutely disgusts me when people breed their dogs without any regard to health testing them for very serious and life threatening issues that are common in their breed, when those health problems have accessible testing so you know whether or not the dogs you are breeding are going to pass any issues onto their puppies.

I would never buy anything other than a pedigree dog, not because all pedigree breeders are reputable, but because I am yet to find a breeder who ticks every box I have when looking for a puppy from a reputable breeder who doesn't breed pedigree dogs. People who are serious about breeding good quality dogs don't just put x dog with y ***** to breed some puppies just for fun or because they are cute or because they think their ***** should have one litter before being desexed or because all their friends and family want one. A good breeder breeds for a purpose; they breed to add something positive into the gene pool; they breed to improve and better the breed. They use their dogs pedigrees to research into the lines that they are from to know what they are breeding with. A breeder who doesn't care where their dogs are from is not IMO a reputable breeder.

Well said Mick and Bec, and on top of all that they should know their breed inside out and work WITH their breeds instincts to help it do what it has been bred to do for hundreds of generation.. so in the case of sibes I like to see a breeder that runs them in harness like Mick and Gigi do!

I just wish all people had this much common sense and then we wouldnt be in the horrible mess we are at the moment with SO many unwanted dogs! :(

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I just wish all people had this much common sense and then we wouldnt be in the horrible mess we are at the moment with SO many unwanted dogs! :(

i dont think the reason we have so many unwanted dogs is anything to do with KC registered or not... more to do with irresponsible owners !!!

i have 3 of which 2 are rescue ... and they are the 2 that are KC reg... ..Nikita came to me at the age of nearly 4 and had 5 homes before me...

Macie came to me at 8 months old ..

also no one has mentioned that depending on what you wanna do with your dog will make a difference... if just gonna be a pet with maybe fun running then thats fine.. but if you wanna compete in race meets then most clubs will not accept un registered dogs.. except at open events... .. also i found i had a problem with one of mine when i wanted to attend certain dog shows that my wife likes to do that i wasn't allowed to take her as she isnt registered ( my dog that is not the wife ) .. so i had to pay out to have her put on the working dog register with the kennel club.. just so i could go to these events...

as much as i love my Tikaani to death and would never ever regret having her.. had i known the brick walls i would come up against with KC reg then i would not have got her.. .

. but i love her al the same.. she will have home with me and will have fun running ........

for life KC or Not !!!

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i dont think the reason we have so many unwanted dogs is anything to do with KC registered or not... more to do with irresponsible owners !!!

i have 3 of which 2 are rescue ... and they are the 2 that are KC reg... ..Nikita came to me at the age of nearly 4 and had 5 homes before me...

Macie came to me at 8 months old ..

also no one has mentioned that depending on what you wanna do with your dog will make a difference... if just gonna be a pet with maybe fun running then thats fine.. but if you wanna compete in race meets then most clubs will not accept un registered dogs.. except at open events... .. also i found i had a problem with one of mine when i wanted to attend certain dog shows that my wife likes to do that i wasn't allowed to take her as she isnt registered ( my dog that is not the wife ) .. so i had to pay out to have her put on the working dog register with the kennel club.. just so i could go to these events...

as much as i love my Tikaani to death and would never ever regret having her.. had i known the brick walls i would come up against with KC reg then i would not have got her.. .

. but i love her al the same.. she will have home with me and will have fun running ........

for life KC or Not !!!

+1 for rescuing and for the obvious love you have for your pooches registered or not.. I am by no means a KC snob I to have two unreged rescues! However while I agree its to do with irresponsible owners its MOSTLY the fault of the irresponsible BREEDERS! Needlessly breeding unhealth tested, unreged dogs to meet the demands of the woefully uninformed and the irresponsible alike! :(

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