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OMG That Stupid Woman AGAIN!!!


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I am so angry and I wasn't even there, some of you may recall a few months ago me telling you about the woman with the spaniel who said our dogs were vicious.

Well, Andy took the dogs out this morning and took them on the showground, it was pitch black (about half six) but he knew that they had seen something and then he heard "Charlie, Charlie, come here". Yes, it was the woman with the spaniel, again not on a lead. OK it was half six in the morning and she didn't think she was going to meet anyone. He kept getting closer and closer with her on his heels nearly getting him but then he would run off again, again getting closer to our two. With all the ice Andy couldn't do anything and our two dragged him over to Charlie and started having a go at him. So of course the woman starts crying and shouting "get them off, get them off". Eventually Andy manages to get a grip on the ice and gets them off. He said to her are you OK, and she's crying and saying no I'm not. So Andy says they won't have hurt him and she just walks off.

I can just imagine the things she is going to say about my dogs now, seeing as she already called them vicious and they hadn't done a thing. Again, I don't care about her, she should keep her dog on a lead when she knows it won't come back to her. It is what she is going to be saying about my dogs, giving them and the breed a bad name.

Sorry for the rant but I am so cross. :angry:

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i have had the same problem where i live with people saying "your dogs are dangerous" because of one MUPPET that wears his dogs lead around his neck (obviously what its made for) and can't understand that if his dog which is a lot bigger than my 3 decides it wants to come running upto ours and try having a go at 1 and wonders why all 3 will then go mental at his while we are trying to part them, he went round telling his little group of friends that we have dangerous dogs and when we are out walking and we see them all stood together on the park looking at us and calling us and saying your dogs are well nasty and they better not bite my dog i just tell them to get "jeffed off" my dogs are on leads they should put theres on leads and if they have a problem ring the police and see who is committing the offence and who they would back if anything was to happen.

there are some people in this world who dont deserve pets.

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***hugs*** huni

try and not let it get you down- i know its hard but she isnt worth it at all.....sabre and marley are not vicious- i have met both of them :wub:

i think people in general jst get the impression that huskies are mean and its not the case at all.......when im out with shiloh and off lead dogs come over to him we get the same reaction- he isnt mean or vicious but the way he plays with dogs gives the impression to others he is being aggressive.......shiloh is a soft as my butt!

at the end of the day she shouldnt have had her dog offlead if she hasnt got control over him when doing recall! people like that get on my nerves.....most of the time they are to blame but will quickly turn it around and blame others :angry: :angry:

keep your chin up huni...dot listen to what she or any other nosey busy bodies say...you know sabre and marley arent vicious and so does everybody on here

hope andy is okay aswell x x x x

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i can imagine how annoying that is , try not to let it get to you tho , you know your dogs n if it says anything just say that her dog was offlead and came at both of your dogs so they are gonna stick up for themselves

we are luckily the only person whos said blaze is viscious and shouldnt be on the streets is the stupid cow who has her lab offlead

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Make little cards with the address and directions to the closest off lead dog park. I'm going to do that, as many around here believe that the soccer field right behind my fence is open area for dogs to run without leads. I have a hard enough time walking the two of them alone, let alone it's also a hill back there often covered with kids on sleds, so Jackson thinks he should be out there playing also...and it would be fun, but dangerous. We have a local dog park about 3 miles from here...we won't go, afraid ours will scare the pants off some of the people, and have no idea with the other dogs, and most people don't understand huskies. Some people never learn though...like the lady that claimed my lab bit her when she put her hand through the fence, well duh!

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Our 3 are always on leads. If anyone elses dog is off lead and heads our way, we simply shout out.

"Get hold of your dog. Please. I'm holding them back, but if yours gets within teeth distance it's not my fault."

You'd be surprised at how quick they run over calling them back and put them on leads.

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Next time he sees her tell him to ask her how she would like it if a stranger came running at her shouting obsenities!? And when she says she wouldnt then say exactly and neither do my dogs so either keep yours on a lead or take it to a training class to teach it some manors before you go shouting your mouth off about how my dogs are dangerous when they are quite simpley reacting to your dog coming screaming in their faces!

Stupid moo! <_<

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Thanks guys, I know it is not our dogs fault as they were on a lead and she just cannot control Charlie but when we say that to her she just says "yes, I can" ...err no you can't. It just winds me up that she will be out there saying my dogs are vicious when I know that they aren't!!

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If you have proof she is stating this to her friends as a fact, you can have her for slander. A strong worded letter from a solicitor can make a lot of people shut up very quickly.

Also contact the dog warden/dog control to complain about the woman and the spaniel. She cannot get away with her antics when it causing you this much distress...

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If you have proof she is stating this to her friends as a fact, you can have her for slander. A strong worded letter from a solicitor can make a lot of people shut up very quickly.

Also contact the dog warden/dog control to complain about the woman and the spaniel. She cannot get away with her antics when it causing you this much distress...

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I agree with Emma, report her to the dog warden for having a dog that's not under control. Yours were on a lead so I doubt your dogs will be found to be at fault.

I had an incident a few months ago with a neighbours dog that cam running over to Polee barking and snarling at her and the owner was off in the distance. The dog got right up into Polee's face so she grabbed hold of him by the scruff of the neck but fortunately didn't do any danage. The dogs owner was effing and jeffing at me to get my dog under control as it's vicious to which I replied actually it's your effing dod that's not under control. The owner was big enough to apologise to me the following day when they realised they were at fault.

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