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Hi Just got a husky! pic!


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Hey everyone, today someone at my wifes work gave us her husky! ( i guess she couldnt keep a dog anymore) Well sadly she doesn't have her papers for her (if there ever were any). Here is a pic, my question is does she look full blood or mixed with something else? She is very calm and we love her!



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She looks all Husky to me as well. As far as papers go, you don't really need them. She is a beauty. Do you know much about Huskies? If not, best get to reading up on them. They can be a challenge, but there is not another breed like them. We've had Huskies for over seventeen years, and they are a wonderful breed.

She's probably calm now, because she's in a new environment. Give her time, she'll perk up. What's her name?

And, by the way, welcome to the Pack! if you have any issues or questions, by all means post up. We have a great membership with tons of knowledge on Huskies. We've all dealt with just about any issue you can encounter. Enjoy your new furbaby.

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Welcome Trey, be prepared she WILL take over your life. biggrin.gif

Please ask any and EVERY question you have.

With most breeds of dog you can just get your new dog, and guess about this and that and manage to get a way with it.

With Huskies if you don't get it right, you can end up being very frustrated. When the answer is very simple but usually completely the opposite of what you think you should be doing. ohmy.gif

If in doubt ask us. there is usually someone here who will give you an answer within a couple of hours.

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Thank you all so much, I can tell this place will be more than helpful which will definately come into use when I have questions. Her name (which has changed quite a bit in the past 5 hours) is Willow after Willow, Alaska. Thank you all so much again!

Also, what is the best type of dog food for a husky of this size? Thank you :)

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Welcome to the pack! also for the food, the instructions on the back aren't true for the huskies. these dogs don't eat as much as other dogs due to a exceptional metabolism. Pongo at 1 1/2 years old eats 2 cups a day and that's enough for him and sometimes he skips a meal. he just chooses not to eat sometimes. we also feed taste of the wild. it's a great food!

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Hello and welcome.

Just remember to put her on a maintenance diet rather than a working diet if you aren't going to run her or you'll end up with a hyper-destructo dog with too much energy and no way to vent it. Made that mistake initially when I got my first, Star. As said before, there are members from around the globe on here so you'll get an answer pretty quick to any questions you might have :D .

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Welcome and congratulations! Post your location on the map, when you're comfortable, and look to see if there are any members near where you live. They could be a great resource to help you in person potentially!

Also, if you can find out what she was being fed and keep her on that, switching gradually to a different food if you choose, it would probably be a good thing! Dogs tend to have touchy stomachs/guts, and will often get diarrhea with abrupt changes in diet - especially if stressed by a change (even a good one!)!

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Welcome! And yep Id say deffinatly a Sibe too.. and a beauty at that! Love her markings :wub:

Just one peice of advice I wanted to give that hasnt already been mentioned.. these dogs have a VERY high prey drive and can go deaf if they dont like what your saying to them i.e. "come here" so get her either a giant flexi lead (retractable thing) or one of the large 50/100ft lung lines so she can get a really good run around but cant get away and get lost/hurt.

Love both names Willow and Alaska very pretty! So yeah massive welcome to the family, get reading and anything you cant find give us a shout! :D

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Welcome to the pack. She's a beauty and if you are already in love, in doesn't matter if there's anything else in her or where she's from. Like someone else said, don't get too used to the calm. Do you know how old she is or why the person gave her away? There are a lot of Huskies in rescue because they can be mischievous and destructive, and nobody told you the true history. For instance, a good many on here use crates, as the foster family that had mine told me they were doing. No more...he has obviously a strong aversion to being confined. Lucky us, he is not destructive, yet! You will love her more each day and grow to be in great shape because they need to exercise (like a walk) daily!!!

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Thanks again everyone. The person who gave her to us said she is about 1 year old. IS that about the age you would guess looking and her? :)

Huskies are notoriously difficult to judge age wise based on looks alone as they tend to stay looking and acting youthful well into their teens! Best get your vet to give her a once over they can tell you based on her dental health wroughly how old she is and also give her a general once over health wise! :)

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She looks all sibe to me too and a very pretty one. And don't worry about papers. There are several members here that have full blood sibes but no papers due to one of the parents not being registered. :) No big deal. Definitely do your research on Husky's they can be a challenge. But they are wonderful dogs and you will get lots of attention walking her. Everyone seems to love Husky's :lol:. Welcome to the forum and like everyone else said, ask away if you have questions we are all here to help. :)

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