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Buck saved my life


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Jennifer outed her self to the group in her post. I see no point in hiding myself being Transsexual any more now.

I stated in the past that Buck helped me when I was having a bad time. Let me explain why if it had not been for him I'm not sure I would be here now.

I bought a flat to start my new life, a couple of months later some local scum broke into my flat and found some paper work, which showed I was Trans.

Soon afterwards lots of youths on the estate were calling me a freak, the police told me to move out but that was easier said than done and I told them why should I have too.

After awhile these scum started getting in my face every time I had to go out without Buck. Buck frightened them because he would growl if they came near.

When they couldn't get to me outside they would bang on my windows at all hours of the night. The police told me this group went out nightly stealing cars and doing crack, and when they got back it was a case of lets go f**k over the tranny.

Soon things got worse, my flat was broken into again and my second TV and computer stolen. Then they started throwing bricks at Buck and I as we tried to walk into town. this was happening on a daily basis. Because it was my word against them the police couldn't do anything. Neighbours saw what was going on but had been threatened that if they got involved they would get the same, this was a gang of 20 14 to 20 year olds. Then they started throwing bricks through my window at 3-5 oclock in the morning,. They broke every window at least 3 times before I could no longer afford to replace them. I boarded up the windows and had no natural light for 4 months.

All this time all that kept me going was Buck, his love and the walks were becoming my only reason to live. The police put panic alarms in the flat etc but did little else. Eventually the housing association that owned the blocks of flats decided to you me to get them evicted off the estate which they did get but by then I had lost my job because I couldn't deal with people any more. Because I could no longer afford to pay my mortgage I had to sell the flat, with the profit I made I paid for my gender Surgery £4000. I housing association promised me a safe house to move into but the week before we had to hand over the keys they hadn't found one, so they moved me to what they said would be a short term move 1/2 mile from my flat.

When I opened the door I found some one had broken in and stolen the bioler and radiators. Yes that was a bllody good start this was the 23 December.

Things settled down for a couple of months until one day we walked out of the flat and walked into some of the scum who had attacked me before. So now it started all over again. The Housing association swore blind to me that they had not made me a promise because in their words 'they do not offer temp accomidation. The police got involved again. By now I had a folder of over 200 incidents against me. One night I went across the road of the Fish and Chip shop and was attacked by 2 guys, I of course defended myself and a police car stops and who gets arrested yes you got it me. They tried at the police station to give me a caution and a fine but there was no way I wasn't having my day in court.

Even that became a drama because they hadn't got the paper work so wanted to put the case back to after lunch, I told them that that was not possible because one of the scum was up in court after me and if he gave me any crap I wouldn't be responsible for what I did to him. The court usher told me he could understand my feelings because this scum bag was in here every other week. I fought my own case and won.

A few weeks later during the early hours someone poured petrol through my letter box and set fire to it. If it hadn't been for BUCK waking me up I could have died. I put out the fire, the housing changed the door. That was it I demanded a move, they had send in the past they couldn't move me because my life was not in danger. You would expect being fire bombed would be but they decided they must have been trying to scare me not kill me.

A police officer came round my house regularly and I told him. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH AND I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO TO ME BECAUSE PRISON CAN NOT BE ANY WORSE THAN THIS AND THAT THE NEXT PERSON THAT F..KS WITH ME I'M GOING TO CUT THEIR F..KING THROUGHT. he realised that I meant what I was saying and helped me get a move.

I live in the house they got me now and have for 3 years. I met Jennifer 2 years ago,.

Buck passed away and I trully believe he stayed with me until he know I was Ok and he could leave me now.

Buck kept me alive for those 18 months of hell, he was a special dog and friend.

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wow meesh..

thats a horrible way to have had to live your life...

people can be scum, im so glad you had buck, then jennifer and now us...

it doesnt matter here what colour your skin is/sexuality/religious beliefs or anything...

we are all people who love their huskies...

im sorry you have had to face such hardship and crap from worthless people..



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bless him he sounds like a great friend to have so think of the future now that he made possible for you to have, it's a bad past but people are so narrow minded. so glad you had him hun and now thaks to him you have a life, jennifer and a new family on here. what a fab dog Buck was to make all this possible xxxxxxxxx

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R.I.P. Buck. He loved you and stood by you, because he didn't care what your orientation might be.

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wow meesh that must have taken a lot of courage to post that on here, I admire you for that. I'm sorry you had such a bad time but now things seem to be looking up. Run free at the rainboe bridge Buck. Husky hugs. xxxx

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wow meesh..

thats a horrible way to have had to live your life...

people can be scum, im so glad you had buck, then jennifer and now us...

it doesnt matter here what colour your skin is/sexuality/religious beliefs or anything...

we are all people who love their huskies...

im sorry you have had to face such hardship and crap from worthless people..



Well said Kells! Exactly what I would have said! Meesh you are a very brave person to have been through so much, Buck was a very good boy and I have no doubt hes still watching over you and Jen and your new fur babies from rainbow bridge, waiting till you can all be together again. :)

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Ok, I have wiped the tears away. I can't even begin to imagine what you and Jennifer have gone through but I certainly admire your courage during such an extremely difficult time. Every time you wrote about Buck, I thought here is someone who really loved their dog, now I know why. Bless you both. RIP Buck

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cheers guys. :)

Life is good now,

All I can say is 99% of those scum bags got what was coming to them even if the legal system didn;t, I will say no more than that.

I run a national helpline helping Trans people and their families, what I went through as helped me help them.

I am also a Trans rights activist who works with MP's, home office, the police and the medical profession to improve people like me to have their rights protected.

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wow meesh..

thats a horrible way to have had to live your life...

people can be scum, im so glad you had buck, then jennifer and now us...

it doesnt matter here what colour your skin is/sexuality/religious beliefs or anything...

we are all people who love their huskies...

im sorry you have had to face such hardship and crap from worthless people..



I couldn't have said it any better

R.I.P. Buck

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wow meesh..

thats a horrible way to have had to live your life...

people can be scum, im so glad you had buck, then jennifer and now us...

it doesnt matter here what colour your skin is/sexuality/religious beliefs or anything...

we are all people who love their huskies...

im sorry you have had to face such hardship and crap from worthless people..



Seconded. Why the hell scum like that feel the need to persecute people for their life choices is beyond me. As long as you're happy and nobody is getting hurt then good luck to you.

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R.I.P Buck

what a tear-jerker that was,so sorry uve had such a horrible time with nasty,evil scum persecuting you

but uve come out the other end,head held high and a life worth living now. xx :)

that would make a really good film.

sorry plz dont take offence its just such a moving story and if it were told, would maybe make some of the evil thugs think twice.


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Never met a husky who could play Buck.

People have asked me to write a book about my life. Great up's and terrible downs. One day I might but it is still to recent.

R.I.P Buck

what a tear-jerker that was,so sorry uve had such a horrible time with nasty,evil scum persecuting you

but uve come out the other end,head held high and a life worth living now. xx :)

that would make a really good film.

sorry plz dont take offence its just such a moving story and if it were told, would maybe make some of the evil thugs think twice.


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