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A different viewpoint to headcollars, choke chains etc...


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Just thought that this might get people thinking....

Headcollars, haltis, check chains, no pull harnesses..... This discussion comes up quite often on the board, with members wanting to know which one is the best

I used to use a halti on Kira, and I've used one on Grey, but I've changed my viewpoint after seeing the difference between them walking on a halti and walking on just a collar...

Think about this, Sibes are bred to PULL, its in their genes, its hardwired into them, over hundreds of years, everything about them is designed to run and pull, its the whole reason they exist. So why stop them from doing it? You wouldnt stop a golden retriever or a lab from playing fetch would you?? Or a beagle from sniffing? So why do people purposely make it uncomfortable or impossible for their husky to pull....

If you done any research on the breed before bringing a husky home, you would have known that they pull, if you dont want a dog that pulls, why did you still bring that dog home?? If you wanted a dog that will happily walk to heel, you should have got a staffy

Headcollars, haltis, no pull harnesses etc do not train a husky not to pull, they will still pull the moment you take it off, so whats the point?? If you really want a dog that walks nicely, why not take time to train it instead of sticking a headcollar on.

Imagine how confusing it must be for them, their body and mind are telling them to run and pull and do their job, and their met with an uncomfortable band around their nose, or their choked on their collar, and told off for trying to do what they are bred to do.....

Kira and Grey are different dogs now they dont have to wear their haltis, they love walks even more, they have more room to sniff, and they get to work a little bit, by pulling my fat arse around!! :lol:

This post was not intended to cause offence or belittle anyone who does use a headcollar, halti, check chain or no pull harness, it is simply a different point of view :)

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Just thought that this might get people thinking....

Headcollars, haltis, check chains, no pull harnesses..... This discussion comes up quite often on the board, with members wanting to know which one is the best

I used to use a halti on Kira, and I've used one on Grey, but I've changed my viewpoint after seeing the difference between them walking on a halti and walking on just a collar...

Think about this, Sibes are bred to PULL, its in their genes, its hardwired into them, over hundreds of years, everything about them is designed to run and pull, its the whole reason they exist. So why stop them from doing it? You wouldnt stop a golden retriever or a lab from playing fetch would you?? Or a beagle from sniffing? So why do people purposely make it uncomfortable or impossible for their husky to pull....

If you done any research on the breed before bringing a husky home, you would have known that they pull, if you dont want a dog that pulls, why did you still bring that dog home?? If you wanted a dog that will happily walk to heel, you should have got a staffy

Headcollars, haltis, no pull harnesses etc do not train a husky not to pull, they will still pull the moment you take it off, so whats the point?? If you really want a dog that walks nicely, why not take time to train it instead of sticking a headcollar on.

Imagine how confusing it must be for them, their body and mind are telling them to run and pull and do their job, and their met with an uncomfortable band around their nose, or their choked on their collar, and told off for trying to do what they are bred to do.....

Kira and Grey are different dogs now they dont have to wear their haltis, they love walks even more, they have more room to sniff, and they get to work a little bit, by pulling my fat arse around!! :lol:

This post was not intended to cause offence or belittle anyone who does use a headcollar, halti, check chain or no pull harness, it is simply a different point of view :)

Good point. I just want Jackson to walk, not rear up like a horse in distress. Gave up on the canny pretty much because he was ripping it off his face and the dew claws were digging holes, so he was always bloody, and then biting his tongue, so I'd be walking with a dog with a bloody face. If you carry a treat by your side, he is at perfect heel, very food motivated. Andy leash trained very easily, but again, a very different temperament, and while Jackson has followed his lead on nearly everything else, walking is not one of them. I just find it difficult to take them together in the winter, so they have to wait until we can both go, and exercise each other in the yard. And now my two sweet boys are sound asleep at my feet.

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Thanks for the post Sid. biggrin.gif

We use Halti's for walking our 3.

But purely because it's the only way we can walk all 3 at the same time, and keep some measure of control.

(cat, squirrel, crisp packet blowing in the wind and they are all dragging to follow)

I'm sure you will understand that as working people, time constraints say we cannot walk them all individually.

They get an average of 3 twenty minute walks ( morning / straight after work and very end of the day) + 1 hour long walk (mid evening) per day.

At least once per week we also do one on one loose lead training, which is helping them walk better as a pack.

The aim is that eventually we can have them all on normal collars for walks.

However it takes time and patience.

IF we only had the one Husky, we could walk and do loose lead training on every walk and he/she would be walking more calmly a lot quicker.

Yes it's in their nature to pull, it's also in their nature to hunt and none of us let our Huskies do that.!

Well that's my tuppence h'a'penies worth. biggrin.gif

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I also struggle in this weather, as its dangerous with the ice.... If i HAVE to walk them (as in they are doing my nut and rick isnt home for ages) i will use the headcollars, but only because i'll slip, normal weather or proper snow is fine, i can take them both pulling me.

Im getting a walking belt for xmas so thats gunna make it a lot more comfortable, think im gunna get 2 bungee leads aswell :)

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Actually andy I do, but obviously on her long line. If she can catch something then good on her. It makes her feel good and it feeds her aswell ;) But im probably the only person here that actually embraces that trait lol

Havent tried it with grey yet, will see if he's any good come spring :)

thanks for giving another view, and good to see you are trying to change to normal collars :)

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I'm not sure how the walking belts work...can somebody explain? Wonder if that would be a better choice for me than a split lead? At one point I used a caribiner to clip them together and it just seemed like it gave them more power to take me for a walk. I don't mind some pulling, it's the acrobatics that I can't handle when one is behaving and the other wants to go on the run!

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its a belt thats padded and you put around your hips/waist, with rings attached that you put a carabiner on, then put the leads in the carabiner, so it lowers your centre or gravity so you feel more stable and it doesnt hurt your arms

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i have 2 LOL at the - you wanted a dog that will happily walk to heel, you should have got a staffy - bit - Bingo was possibly the worst puller out of the 3 when we had him even now when he decides to pull he is stronger than the sibes ;)

not rly sure how to reply to the rest because i own 1 sibe who doesnt REALLY pull because she never has - and 1 who HAS 2 wear a half check or head collar because he pulls so much and nothing we do really stops him, hes not rly food or toy orentated (sp?) and to be honest - yes its in their nature to pull, we dont like the fact they pull - but why should we have got another dog - we love them for them (even if the pulling is annoying) i dont see WHY they should be allowed to pull ALL the time, theirs a time and place to be allowed to pull, just as theres a time and place labs and retreivers are allowed to retrieve and a time beagles are allowed to sniff ect

walks arent very fun if the dog is pulling CONSTANTLY and we are getting pulled along with them 'because its in their nature' ;)


I'm sure you will understand that as working people, time constraints say we cannot walk them all individually.

The aim is that eventually we can have them all on normal collars for walks.

However it takes time and patience.IF we only had the one Husky, we could walk and do loose lead training on every walk and he/she would be walking more calmly a lot quicker.

Yes it's in their nature to pull, it's also in their nature to hunt and none of us let our Huskies do that.!

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Huskies were bred to pull... but our arms weren't made to be pulled off.

It's a catch 22 situation. If they pull; the strain from anything - collar; halti; harness, can cause damage to their faces, necks and chests. As well as this, if they are pulling we can become injured as well, arms pulled out of sockets; dislocations, pulled muscles - Things that can actually stop us from walking them for a while.

So in my opinion; they might be enjoying it, but they could also be harming themselves too, so we shouldn't encourage it without proper equipment (like what we use for husky sports).

An example of dogs putting up with things like this is like my moms collies - Holly loves fetch! She will do anything to play it. One day she got a stick jammed in her mouth and I had to pull it out. She was bleeding and needed attention - but she continued to pick up other sticks asking us to carry on playing, despite blood pouring from her mouth.

They might enjoy it - but it can be damaging too.

In my opinion - do what you find works for your dog - what ever you have that is causing them the least harm. Aleu is walked on a slip lead now after trying all sorts, and whilst she can pull and cause strain on her neck, I prevent this by walking close to a wall so she has no room to pull sharply, meaning the lead is always slack on her neck; unless she wants to greet another dog of course.

Stacey xxx

EDIT: I've decided I'm going to ask my partner to film me and Aleu doing this kind of walk soon and I will post it to show you what I mean.

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Since i bought the scooteer my two love to pull!! :D

Tikaani more so than Aiyana but I have only ever walked them in collars and though Tikaani now pulls my arms out more than ever i just think 'well its what they enjoy doing so why try and stop them?'

He does ease up when i ask him to but not using my belt in this weather as would go straight on my arse :lol: he leans into his harness now big time!!

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agree - harnesses actually make things worse IMO - Skyla is as you all know a BEAST of a sibe! in a harness she is - uncontrolable - if she seems something she wants - in a harness she WILL get it - even tho it means i WILL end up following her wether i like it or not ;) but on a semi-slip she is much more controllable if she wants something

they can pull with their whole body weight in a harness on a collar they cant

but again - like stacey says - you dont want them trying to pull using their whole weight on a collar as its going to damage their necks - this imo is where a anti-pulling tool can work wonders

i think we ALL need to remember - these are EXACTLY that though - a tool! and should be used as such, not used as a quick fix with no training put in

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I bought a semi check from pets at home this evening. It has a clip to put it on... Is that gonna be strong enough to take all the pulling?

Flash has a full check collar now and he had it when I got him and he wears it all the time but the packaging for this collar today says he shouldn't wear it at all times... So I'm confused. Are the semi collars on snowpawstore without a clip?

I noticed flash wasn't pulling me much today. I don't kno if it's cause I've been training him not to pull or because maybe he is finding it slippery in the ice... without long nails! ;)

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i use a semi-slip from ebay on my two - they dont have a clip but when its loose and i put it right under their chin and then up over their ears i can get it off - when its tight i cant get it off them

they are only about £6.20 including P&P for a medium large are about 50p more - the seller hasnt got her listings up atm tho - so probs wont have them back up until after christmas now

this is the seller - http://www.husky-own...inesgang-lines/

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Yes the semi slips are all in ones, no clips or buckles, which is why they're so much stronger

I think it depends on the harness whether they pull worse or not, Kira is actually quite good with her 3 peaks one, but put her car harness or the working one on and she is NUTS, and can and will pull me down and then pull me around the village!! Her 3 peaks one she doesnt seem to like pulling in :)

I know not all staffs are gunna pull Nix, just used them as an example of a breed which is very biddable, I taught buster (staffy x) to walk off lead to heel in 20 minutes :o

I totally understand the need to walk them together, I have to aswell, because the one left behind will eat my sofa if the other is gone!! But I think a lot of the whole 'they need to learn not to pull' is to do with the way we think other people see us....

I mean, I could quite easily handle Kira pulling, it didnt bother me, but I thought that I would be seen as a bad owner with an out of control dog... So I tried a halti, which obviously didnt work :rolleyes: and now I just think 'fu*k it, i know my dogs are happy and they're pretty well behaved' Only thing I have a problem with is Grey and other dogs, I still dont trust him :(

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I'm a bit older than most of you on the forum, and am old enough that it hurts when they pull (got hurt some years ago when my team dragged me, and never fully back to "normal"!)! I love it when they're harnessed and pull, but they live in a human world, and can learn to compromise with me a bit. The walks are much more fun for me when they don't pull, so to make it more fun for them, they don't have to walk at heel, and are allowed to walk out at the end of the leash ahead, as long as they aren't hurting me. That way, everyone wins!

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I'm a bit older than most of you on the forum, and am old enough that it hurts when they pull (got hurt some years ago when my team dragged me, and never fully back to "normal"!)! I love it when they're harnessed and pull, but they live in a human world, and can learn to compromise with me a bit. The walks are much more fun for me when they don't pull, so to make it more fun for them, they don't have to walk at heel, and are allowed to walk out at the end of the leash ahead, as long as they aren't hurting me. That way, everyone wins!

you got dragged by a team :o worst nightmare ever.....

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I walk my dogs in harnesses with a walking belt on daily and often have a third VERY strong pulling dog added to that and I manage absoultly fine! Iv put in a little work to get them to know the command "Steady" and make sure I have decent grip on my shoes but I can honestly say I have never been pulled off my feet by my dogs! And for those of you who have met my Shadow you can vouch he is NOT a little boy! :)

I am fully with Sid on this one I loooove my dogs to pull me along and wouldnt have it any other way! Infact in this icey weather I actually find it easier with the dogs pulling me, if you walk hesitently your more likely to end up on your arse and I HAVE done this recently! But with the dogs pulling me along it keeps the momentum up so Im actually less likely to fall!

Anyone who is struggling to walk their dogs without them pulling I would deffinalty say at the very least get a police lead and clip it around your waist to symulate a walking belt to see if you can get the hang of it before you buy one this is what I did and I would NEVER go back to walking with normal hand held leads now its just soooo much easier! You can still grab the leads if you need more control to cross roads and such but for walking you just cant beat a walking belt! :)

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No - worst nightmare is that I got bounced hard enough my hands got jarred loose and I had to let go! Been dragged a number of times (feet and runners both get iced, go over a couple of bumps and ..... wheeee - upset!) (I'm a natural klutz, which doesn't help!) but that time was the worst. Fortunately, I had help finding my team, and they stayed on our little trail system, rather than crossing the road to seek unknown territory!

As I said, my boots and runners both had a build-up of ice and snow, my team was just starting so they were fresh, and we hit a mogul on a curve as I was just getting my balance from putting my sled hook in. They had the sled rolling - and me with it. I would have been fine, except that the wind had blown the snow into moguls, then hard-packed them, so then there was motion on two axis, as I started to tumble, too. Wasn't strong enough to pull myself back upright on the runners. I finally landed on neck and shoulder (lucky I didn't break my neck!), and the force jarred my hands off the driving bow. Had a headache for several days after! Just glad to get the dogs (I had 5 hooked up a the time) back safe and sound!!!

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i do the walking belt - police lead thing - with skyla i actually find it harder to walk in the snow if they are pulling - i really dont like the fact they pull so if a head collar is needed then a head collar they shall wear

specially now ive done my back in n my neck is in constant pain

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