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Being Offlead


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I know the general concencus of husky owners is that they should not be offlead, but how do people feel about other breeds of dog? I was unaware until I started doing research on the breed that they should not be let offlead and I've grown up and been used to dogs that are always allowed offlead, it's the norm and keeping them on a lead would be unneccessary really. It got me thinking about Kiska, being mixed with a german shepherd which as a breed are obedient and I've not heard anything about them having to be kept on leads. I don't know where I should stand on the lead issue! :P I've bought her a 100ft long lead as my current plans are to not take the risk, but for those that have crosses or other breeds of dog - do you let them offled or do you stick to the husky rule?

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i let bings off - just when he is on his own tho or he winds the other 2 up - i never trained him a recal BUT he is my boy and wont walk 2 feet without checking that im still close by - id stopped at a lamppost once with the sibes n mum had bings kept walking bings saw i wasnt following and stopped and wouldnt move again till i was close bless him :)

i think if u wanna be able 2 let her off make sure u train a recall

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I think since you have had Kiska since she was 8 weeks old, you should try and train her asap if you want to attempt her being off leash. Try her on the 100ft lead, and if she's good with recall, reduce it to a 50 or 30 ft leash. As her owner, it's all up to you. With her being part German Shepherd, she may be more obedient off leash than you think :)

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Seamus is allowed off lead practically anywhere that dogs are allowed. He follows me outside the front door and will stay within 5 feet of me when I wash the trucks in the driveway. Although, he's a Border Collie and I'd think he have a panic attack if he lost sight of me laugh.gif

Our GSDs were good off-lead but I would never trust them like I trust Seamus now. It's not even trust, I just know all I have to say is "here" and he will practically fall over trying to get back between my legs as fast as possible.

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Echo our White GSD is allowed off lead for ball throwing.

She recalls beautifully, even when teeth to teeth with another dog.laugh.gif

The Huskies tho' only in properly enclosed areas.sad.gif

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Well I'm training Kiska recall at the moment, I have been ever since her first day in the garden. I use "Kiska - come!" and she'll stop whatever it is she's doing (even pooping o0') to come running straight over and sit beautifully at my feet. It's probably because she can see I have a treat (she already knows that right hand in pocket = treats :lol: ) but I'm going to work on it continuously. I can take her out for walks on Monday (she gets to go for a walk over the field with her mummy! :D ) so I'll let her out on the 100ft lead and see if she will still come back with all the new doggies and noises and smells and distractions :)

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I have never left kaya or spirit off lead as I know from being in the garden only they have extremely selective recall LOL , but always leave dougle our old english and yogi our crossbreed off lead as their recall is brilliant. Although having to re think yogi in certain situations as his hearing and eyesight are failing him now :(

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eeshh - my two were great at recall until they hit about 10 months - then they suddenly developed selective hearing huh.gif

with a husky x gsd you don't know what genes are present, will she recall great everytime or if she see's a rabbit run across a road and bounce along after it ignoring your commands?

I think no matter what breed of dog, you always run a risk when letting it off lead - huskies, you run even more so of a risk.

Deffo do loads of recall training and build it up as she's older on a long line with more distractions :)

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My sakari is full husky but i started from day one with her for training off lead an i still do at times what i done to her then to get it all started and that is playing hide and seek.

i would let her know i have treats on me that she loved an start to run forwards huskies doingwhat they do best start to run ahead an as soon as she was ahead of me i would dart behind a tree or a wall and call her name that way if i was ever out of sight she would come running back to look for me when she found em she got a treat if she ran past me i would make a sudden noise to make it a playful game while she darted around me then when i wanted her full attention a treat would come out of my pocket an she would have t sit at my feet to get it an while she was gettingher treat i would place the lead ack on her so she would not see the lead as a restriction but part of the reward for coming back an staying still to have her lead on

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IF the dog has a RELIABLE RECALL I don't see why it shouldn't be let off leash :)

I see plenty of GSDs, labs etc that have little to no recall being let off leash - no dog no matter the breed comes with an in built recall. Getting a reliable recall requires committed training from the owner and until the dog has one, IMO it shouldn't be let off leash even in a fenced area.

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Both Shaer and Talon are let off lead but Talon only where I am sure it is safe. Shaer can be let off lead when ever away from road, we have taken her for 6 mile walks off lead. Wouldn't do that with Talon though.

Buck I trained from a very young age in fields behind my home at the time to be off lead, he only once in 19 years not come back when I told him to. Came back when he was ready.

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Kira goes off the lead i have trained her from day one using a long line till she was 8 months then i let her off in an enclosed horse school and then i added distractions from other dogs,i took her alot of different places to get her use to alot of people and different noises she has a good recall and i trained a good leave it command, but i only let her off when away from roads as i would with any dog. I always reinforce her training and i recall everywhere in the house, garden, on lead and i recall every few minutes when she is off rewarding her every time making sure coming back to me is a good exciting thing. I've worked with at dog trainer for 8 years and helped to train alot of dogs and kira has been the most stubborn she is willing to work but when she wants to biggrin.gif but i have loved every minute good luck with kiska hope this helps


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i personally see off lead reliability much more than recall. coming from someone who doesnt let mine off lead EVER but come across badly behaved/trained dogs off lead daily.

My personal opinion on off lead is - they should only be off lead if

they come IMMEDIATLY when called

they do not become aggressive to other dogs EVER

they ALWAYS listen to the owner

the owner is 100% in control - which in my eyes the dog must ALWAYS be in their sight and listen to a command such a down, come etc from a distance

and from my experience there isnt many dogs which do this

you have a young pup so if this is your intention then defo start now and get to puppy socialisation classes

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We let shadow off lead in a massive field not near any roads atall he comes back to me 100 % Aslong as I have treats without treats it's slightly harder he never goes to far he gets so far then stops and waits for us but he is only young and I don't know whether he will always be like this as he gets more and more confident as the days go by but we have worked hard to get him to this stage

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i personally see off lead reliability much more than recall. coming from someone who doesnt let mine off lead EVER but come across badly behaved/trained dogs off lead daily.

My personal opinion on off lead is - they should only be off lead if

they come IMMEDIATLY when called

they do not become aggressive to other dogs EVER

they ALWAYS listen to the owner

the owner is 100% in control - which in my eyes the dog must ALWAYS be in their sight and listen to a command such a down, come etc from a distance

and from my experience there isnt many dogs which do this

you have a young pup so if this is your intention then defo start now and get to puppy socialisation classes

Agree with all of the above Claire, I know Sky would come back 95% of the time but the last 5% worries me too much. Other dogs and people he is fine with and he will come back after a sniff of another dog, but if he see's a squirrel or rabbit ........ gone ......and this is on his 100ft lead. The other thing is the amount of off lead dogs that come running up to him when he is on his lead is crazy, theres always that moment when you see a dog running full tilt at you and you are thinking is he friendly ???? add to that the amount of times i've walked in the general direction the other dog came from with him following Sky because i can't see or hear the owner only to be greeted with .... he/she doesn't usually do that. So for me personally i wouldn't let mine off unless it was an enclosed area.

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IF the dog has a RELIABLE RECALL I don't see why it shouldn't be let off leash :)

I see plenty of GSDs, labs etc that have little to no recall being let off leash - no dog no matter the breed comes with an in built recall. Getting a reliable recall requires committed training from the owner and until the dog has one, IMO it shouldn't be let off leash even in a fenced area.

Why wouldnt you let off even in a fenced area? You've completely lost me with that one.

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Why wouldnt you let off even in a fenced area? You've completely lost me with that one.

Sorry I should have been more clear - I meant somewhere like a fenced off leash park (not a fenced area as in your backyard).

If we use an example like a dog park - and the majority of them in Australia are fully fenced - you see people use fenced off leash parks as a free for all. Because it's fenced, owners take that to mean they don't need any control over their dogs. Just because the off leash area is fenced, does not excuse anyone from having no to little control over their dogs. If I walk into an off leash area and some strange dog jumps all over me as I'm trying to get in the gate, or a group of poorly mannered dogs crowd around us as we enter the park, it pisses me off to no end and honestly is one of the main reasons why I avoid fenced off leash parks in the first place. I still expect my dogs to come when called, even in a fenced area. There are many situations where this will be necessary - if you want to call them away from another dog that's causing trouble, if they are hassling another dog or annoying a person or if there is something dangerous or if the gate to the fenced area is open. If you have no control over your dog when its off leash - you simply should not be letting it off leash in public areas, IMO.

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ooh you need to see keaths sakari offlead she is AMAZING when i first met keath sakari and nukka and sakari was trotting along offlead you would think she was a lab or something she was constantly listening to every command keath gave even stopped at the road! pure amazing

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i think keath has been very lucky in his dogs temperment and keath is very strict on his training with his dogs......

not all dogs can be trusted and not all owners are willing to put in the training hours and dedication that keath has with his dogs.....

i love watching keath interact with sakari when she is offlead and trotting happily off and back....

my girl daughtry has amazing recall and has been taught the down command for if she is far away.........however she will not be let off lead unless i a secure area as i am very aware of her prey drive.......

echo has damn near perfect recall but she is a gsd and even she could choose to ignore me one day and get hurt.......

i simply value my dogs too much to give them that dash for something yummy that gets them killed

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