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Questions about huskies and kids??


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I wanted to start this thread after someone tonight posted that a fb friend made some astonishing remarks about huskies.

If you want to know about huskies and families and kids...I can help you with that.

Here's why. I was 10 when I met my first set of huskies, when my parents brought them home, and as an adult i now have 2

human kids and 4 husky kids.

The basic theme here is this...whatever you may be able to expect from your human child (or even husband lol) you can most

certainly expect from your loving, very smart, and very fast husky child. Husky never progress past "young childhood" status, IMO.

Lesson # 1: if you already know that your human toddler likes to dig through your refrigerator, you can most certainly expect to find

your husky helping your toddler to dig through the refrigerator! lol...yes, this has happened to me (angel and my daughter)

Even when there is food in my daughters hands, this pup has not hurt her, because she wants my daughter to give it to her, lol.

Huskies are smart enough to know that yes, they could just tackle the kid but that if they wait said child will lose interest or just give

them the food because they look cute lmao.

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Lol a family member made a comment to me a few weeks ago that was pretty misinformed. She told me she would take one of our pups in a heart beat, but you cannot trust huskies around toddlers because of what those two huskies did to that baby (two very agressive huskies killed an infant earlier this year in Canada i belive, it was all over the news) and since I have a two year old I just can't take one. Firstly, as a breed, huskies aren't known to be agressive towards kids at all. The Chutchki (sp?) that domesticated huskies even bred them to sleep with their children to keep them warm during winter nights. This is just another example of how two poorly trained dogs have coloured opinions for the entire breed. My dogs adore kids, and love to be pet and fussed over, so when people make uneducated remarks about them being agressive towards children, I usually get agressive towards those people !

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Yeah, once in a while Glala and Dana's owner has two of her grandsons in her house. One is a few months, and the other is, I believe, a year or 2-3?

The last one handles the huskies very gently, and in return the huskies do as well. I accidentally said that "You trained him very well!". But actually it's true. You also have to "train" your children to behave well with the dogs, and stop petting them when they don't want to any more. And once that's figured out, it's all fine. The huskies don't mind much what he does with them, as long as they have a place on their own to go to.

But even than you shouldn't LEAVE your children alone with huskies, or in fact, ANY dog. Not so long ago a husky killed an toddler that was lying in his pram in Germany. The parents where in the garden and left the toddler and the husky all alone. But I believe there is more to this story, because no dog would attack someone without a reason. But this kind of news went all over the place, so when you say husky to someone, most of them will immediately think about this :(

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I have never seen any aggresion to my kids from Maya she licks them to death lol.......she is gentle and when she has had enough she heads to her crate........i have a infant/2yo/4yo/6yo/15yo and 20 yo older kids dont live here but visit reg........i trust Maya and Thor our Northen Inuit wholeheartedly that said i would never leave them in a room alone with the younger kids but that applies to any dog

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Granted both my dog's are still young but as you can see their obviously savage beasts that don't like kids............ Ice sulks through the day when their at school. Bless him

As above i'd never trust or leave them alone together as you never know if something will go wrong, but Ice is brilliant with my 3 kids. There's never been any aggression what so ever and touch wood there never will be.





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Shadows only nearly 5 months our niece who is 18 months comes over sometimes and he just likes to lick her lol he's learnt not to jump up on her and he's never ever gone to nip her atall us adults on the other hand he does it's like he knows lol though he doesn't nip hardly atall now :D

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It makes me sick that people are starting to label them as dangerous because of that incident that happened outside of Montreal... I mean, the mother was very VERY young (17) and stupid, apparently. Her and her mother went outside to have a smoke while they left their THREE-WEEK old baby strapped into a CAR SEAT in the MIDDLE of the FLOOR! Both the mother and the grandmother went outside for a smoke, leaving the child unattended. That just cries out stupidity. On top of that they left the baby with two dogs that were not use to a baby, nor had probably ever seen one that young. It wasn't even their dogs, I'm pretty sure it was the mother's roommate's dogs. Why would you leave your child with dogs you don't even know all the well?

I can see the huskies being curious, they're funny that way, and coming in to give it a smell. Perhaps the child poked one in the eye or did something it didn't like or made a squeaky noise, kind of like a squeaker... I know that would probably set off lots of dogs, not just huskies.

Link to the article about the case

There was another case relating to huskies this year. Four free-roaming huskies mauled a young girl as she was finishing her walk home from school. This also happened in Quebec and wasn't all that long ago.

Article Makes you wonder what the hell the owners are doing with their dogs... I'm not sure if this is true, someone told me at work, but they said that the owner wanted compensation for the killed dogs because they were his working dogs. Ugh, makes me sick. Do not let your dogs roam especially if they are HUNTERS!

I came across this article while browsing up the last story. It has links to all different attacks by all different kinds of breeds. Shows you that it's not just a specific breed that is doing it. I blame the humans, they are usually the ones at fault unless the dog has something physically or mentally wrong with it.

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I have actually become very dedicated to re-informing people that just take these husky "myths" to heart and decide to overlook the breed.

I remind them that under the right circumstances (or tech under the wrong ones) any dog of any breed could harm or kill a child.

I myself, trust this breed unconditionally with my children as I have witnessed them showing alot of affection for children, and I have on

quite a few ocassions witnessed huskies protecting children and/or stopping rough play if they come within a foot of kids. Like you have

said, it depends on training, but also with huskies it depends on what the family environment has shown them. I notice that they watch intently

and listen to what adults in the home do around the kids, and 2 of my 4 have come from other homes with children, and so already had hearts

of gold lol.

Heaven forbid you tease your child, tap them on the hiney during family wrestling, or tell them NO, your husky will be all over you like white on

rice, lmao. And sometimes, the husky is slow to listen to your commands but is happy to quickly comply with you toddler or child lol.

Its really a shame that these myths passed by mis-informed people have made it this far without being extinguished. I, for one, will not allow

this mutiny to continue lol, I have met many dogs from many breeds, and still have come 360 to having huskies in my home.

It is a running joke in my house that no other breed would make it out alive lol. They a hearty, good natured, and fun.

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It makes me sick that people are starting to label them as dangerous because of that incident that happened outside of Montreal... I mean, the mother was very VERY young (17) and stupid, apparently. Her and her mother went outside to have a smoke while they left their THREE-WEEK old baby strapped into a CAR SEAT in the MIDDLE of the FLOOR! Both the mother and the grandmother went outside for a smoke, leaving the child unattended. That just cries out stupidity. On top of that they left the baby with two dogs that were not use to a baby, nor had probably ever seen one that young. It wasn't even their dogs, I'm pretty sure it was the mother's roommate's dogs. Why would you leave your child with dogs you don't even know all the well?

I can see the huskies being curious, they're funny that way, and coming in to give it a smell. Perhaps the child poked one in the eye or did something it didn't like or made a squeaky noise, kind of like a squeaker... I know that would probably set off lots of dogs, not just huskies.

Link to the article about the case

There was another case relating to huskies this year. Four free-roaming huskies mauled a young girl as she was finishing her walk home from school. This also happened in Quebec and wasn't all that long ago.

Article Makes you wonder what the hell the owners are doing with their dogs... I'm not sure if this is true, someone told me at work, but they said that the owner wanted compensation for the killed dogs because they were his working dogs. Ugh, makes me sick. Do not let your dogs roam especially if they are HUNTERS!

I came across this article while browsing up the last story. It has links to all different attacks by all different kinds of breeds. Shows you that it's not just a specific breed that is doing it. I blame the humans, they are usually the ones at fault unless the dog has something physically or mentally wrong with it.


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erika :) fab post hun - i was pure disgusted when i saw what he had put

tho saying that my blaze tries to eat kids



lol im kidding obviously :P

skyla when a kid runs up to her will stop wag her tail and lift her head up to give kids kisses - she knows not to jump up she doesnt get over excited and bounce around shes fab :)

blaze knows too that if they are small not to jump up at them :)

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Granted both my dog's are still young but as you can see their obviously savage beasts that don't like kids............ Ice sulks through the day when their at school. Bless him

As above i'd never trust or leave them alone together as you never know if something will go wrong, but Ice is brilliant with my 3 kids. There's never been any aggression what so ever and touch wood there never will be.

I can see how horrible that dog must be, sharing a tub with your son....:D

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Man oh Man, I really Really want my camera back lol. It got packed up by the movers. Luckily our stuff should be delivered in the next 4 to 5 days.

I so want to get videos and pics of the dogs and kids together and post funny commentary for others to see. lol. These four always want to be

wrestled with by my 8 year old son, and fed and patted by the 3 year old. Ill do a vid of angel allowing my daughter to hold her collar and go

literally anywhere with her. Angel pulls everyone else, literally, but will be patient and go adventuring (without pulling) with my toddler. Now

thats love lmao.

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I choose to keep kids away from mine when out on walks, this is my chose as my 3 don't see kids. I have none at home and none that visit so their just not used to kids.

Don't get me wrong i'm not saying they would do any thing, their good as gold on camp and they have stayed a weekend at Sarah an Marc's with their 2 kids. It's just with them not seing kids very much you just never know.

It's just a personal choce for me as my son had one side of his face ripped up by a GSD he'd known for 6 years, played with almost every day from a pup so i'm just very weary not just of my 3 but kids going over to any dog they don't know xxxxxx

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embry loves my 10 year old sister jasmine, but when he sees kids he starts barking because he wants them to chase him :rofl: but i get nervous with them around kids, they are WAY to hyper and jump on them, especially zoey, she doesn't mean harm but she jumps on everyone and just licks them to death.

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  • 1 month later...

we made a point of taking our two year old with us to pick up our husky puppy and although she was a bit standoffish at first ( the child not the husky! ) they are now inseperable, she cuddles him lies with him brushes and feeds him. he has always been extra gentle with her she can take his food and even bones from him. he has never been aggressive to anyone let alone a child. he just wants to play with everyone!

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I'm glad this was posted. I honestly had no idea how huskies were with kids. I don't personally have kids, but alot of my friends do. I was actually nervous about letting them come over....but obviously I KNOW not to leave kids alone with dogs. The kids I speak of are one and 2 years old, so the only reason I was nervous was because of their height compared to the husky (same size. lol!). Glad to see this information!! Makes me feel lots better! Are husky is nowhere near aggressive, so I was mainly worried about the size factor :)

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Echo jumps too much. I don't like her around small children because of

this. She has met a few little ones in her travels, but she is so "in-your-

face" that she kind of scares them (especially my 3 year old nephew)..

I don't agree with anyone saying that they are a violent or aggressive

breed that will attack your babies, but like ANY OTHER BREED it totally

depends on the dog. After Echo gets fixed and gets some professional

training, I might look into having her visit sick people in hospitals. She

really does love people, she just needs that little bit extra for training,

and I need a little help getting her there.

Really though.. They couldn't unstrap the baby and put her in a play pet/

in her crib before running for a smoke break? REALLY?

We are responsible for our dogs actions, whether they are on or off lead.

If your dogs aren't around people a lot, or they are aggressive.. why would

you allow them to wander around on their own accord? It is a shame those

poor dogs were killed, but they were hunting dogs. They were probably

bored, they were in a pack, and their owner was not with them. That guy

should also face criminal charges in addition to having to have his dogs put


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