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My sister, my neice (she's 5) my sister's friend and her bratty daughter (I think she's about 7?) came over to my house a few days ago to discuss new years celebrations (Thank god I'm gonna be in birmingham :D ) My neice had obviously been bragging to this other kid that her Aunty had "snow dogs" so as soon as they came in I got swooped with questions on where the doggies are, I pointed them in the right direction and sat down with my sister and her friend.I hadn't seen my neice ever play with a dog my sister is one of those WAYYY over-protective mothers who makes their child scared of everything because she won't let them experience anything but anyway that's another rant. I said to my sisters friend that her daughter seems very good with dogs and she replied with oh yeah well not with just any dogs the amount of puppies we've bought her then had to get rid of (You should of seen my face >_< starting to get angry) because she wasn't interested but we've finally done the right thing and bought her own snow dog, we bought her a pedigree husky for christmas and she loves it! I was already fuming not only do I hate puppies getting given to spoilt brats who lose interest quickly for christmas but I know these people their not suitable dog owners!! So I decided to bite my tongue and do my research this is how it went

Me: Oh were you searching long?

Her:Oh no just found an ad on preloved and took the first puppy we saw.

Me:I see..... Did you do any research on the breed?

Her:No? They look so nice on tv.

Me:Well their not as easy as on tv you know, they require alot of work.

Her:I'm sure you're over reacting

Me:No I'm really not,their not like any other breed of dog, whatever other breed needs sibes need 10 times more they need lots of walks, mine get a few hours 3 times a day, their escape artists will dig and jump over anything to get out. They pull like steam trains and could cause some serious damage I've dislocated my shoulder twice due to husky pulling and they would gladly eat the pet rabbit ( well mine would LOL) if they don't get their needs met they can become destructive or even just for the fun of it they destroyyyyyyyy. You should see my aunt's house it looks like a bombs hit it, from chewed up sofa's eaten doorknobs, windows broken you name it they've done it (not cause they don't get proper care their just naughty lol) Their very vocal too my neighbours have already complained about the morning howling

Her:I have the destruction covered, we bought one of those cage things for when me and my husband are at work and if it's naughty.

THEY BOTH WORK 10 HOUR JOBS SO THAT POOR PUPPY IS LEFT IN THERE FOR THOSE 10 HOURS >_< FUMINGGGG BTW I don't know if this puppy is a boy or girl she just kept calling it .. it

Me: Oh my god are you serious? That's animal cruelty! You can't do that.

Her:We've never owned a dog before we're still learning..

Learning my a$$ they just bought their spoilt brat what she wanted probably just to shut her up >_< I explained to her how much my life revolved around my dogs and this is what I got

Her:We don't have time to do any of that we have our own lifes you know.

Me:Then why get her a puppy? Let alone a siberian husky puppy

Her:Because she (meaning her daughter) wanted one.

Me:You shouldn't always get what you're child wants, it's not fair to the child or the puppy.

Her:You're just jealous because my daughter has the things you never had. Now I think I'm gonna leave.

She shouted her daughter and she came in, covered in hair

Her: (Daughters name here) What have you done you look filthy

Me: (plucks abit of Nikitta's hair YAY she's finally blowing her coat :D) Oh yeah they shed like crazy

She puts her coat on and rushes out the door giving Nikitta a dirty look. I could of slapped her, she said Nikitta was dirty >_<

Now I get a call from my sister today saying that I'm horrible because I broke that little girl's heart.. her mother put their puppy up for sale when they got back from my house. I actually think it's a good thing or am I being too harsh? Thankfully the breeder took back the puppy and is going to find her (yeah I found out it is a she (:) a new home. I emailed the breeder to say she needs to screen her buyers a little more carefully so this doesn't happen again. What is with people buying their children dogs they see off the tv and doing no research on the breed at all. What's the world coming too. Rant over <3

Oh on a happy note isn't my Nikitta beautiful <3





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Good for you! I would've done the same thing, but I doubt I could've bitten my tongue and been polite like you did! It makes me so mad when people give their kids whatever they want. Its like this, if your child wanted a new brother or sister, would you automatically make them one? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't get them a puppy because they want one. People seem to think that puppies are play things that can be "gotten rid of" when they're bored of them, and if they want another they'll just replace it. I think Preloved and kijiji are going to be packed with unwanted Christmas puppies the next few weeks :( And I love your Nikita, I would knock you over the head and steal her if I saw you :P

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Trust me I didn't want to be polite but I'm trying to show my sister my more adult side ahaha when everyone left I paced around my room letting my true feelings go xD I would of happily decked her but getting arrested isn't my plan for the new year xD

Aha you'll have a fair fight on you're hands tongue.gif I'd gladly take you're pups off you tongue.gif I miss the crazy puppy stage

Good for you! I would've done the same thing, but I doubt I could've bitten my tongue and been polite like you did! It makes me so mad when people give their kids whatever they want. Its like this, if your child wanted a new brother or sister, would you automatically make them one? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't get them a puppy because they want one. People seem to think that puppies are play things that can be "gotten rid of" when they're bored of them, and if they want another they'll just replace it. I think Preloved and kijiji are going to be packed with unwanted Christmas puppies the next few weeks :( And I love your Nikita, I would knock you over the head and steal her if I saw you :P

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another spoilt bart with no appreciation of anything i hate spoilt people or any one who gets anythingthey want tnen fooks it off I'm gad you offended her stupid woman you're sister needs wake up call to the fact you saved that dog a lot of hassel and probs a bad life +1 to you :D

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Well done to you (+1). It is infuriating :( But we really do need to stand up for them. My daughter adores my huskies, and visits them a lot, but admits that she would never be able to handle/cope with one in her home - no matter how much she loves the breed, so she comes to my house for her 'Husky fix' :)

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Good on you +1 .....just goes to show how unaware people are when they dive in headlong to get thier spoilt brats what they want.........its good you did what you did when you did....otherwise the poor pup may have been abandoned or worse.......sites like preloved will be full of poor huskys in next few weeks because people have no idea how to look after them it makes me effin angry :angry:Atleast because of your actions this pup will get what it neads and find a loving understanding family

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The poor thing would have ended up being "got rid of" just like the others.

regardless of whether she had come round to your house and been put right, or not.

They would have eventually seen the HORROR that this dog is and it would've ended back up on preloved

or tied to a park bench.

Don't feel bad, hopefully the new owners will come here and get the help they need to care for the dog as it should be.

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wow you have waaaay more verbal restraint than me..........

i hate spoilt brats who get everything and want more,

im glad the pup went back to her breeder as that dog would have suffered if left in their care.

nikita is gorgeous and is a stunning girl, not dirty in the pix but give her a muddy puddle and im sure she will do fine lmao

i really wish people would do their research before getting ANY pet,

too many pets are being sold or passed on because their owners didnt take the time to learn what they were getting into.

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Yeah! Go Kurroi! Well done hon! You tell her! Whenever people or kids say to me aaagh snow dogs I want one of them, I always jump in there with "well their not easy dogs to take care of y'know!" although I did meet a little girl that really impressed me the other day, she said she wanted one I said their not easy and she said she knew I was skeptical but then she proceeded to reel off almost the exact speach I was gunna say to her! I was like wow good on ya kido I hope you get your pup coz you are a husky owner at heart! :D

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OMG! What a wench! I mean witch, lol. Seriously, what is with stupid parents getting puppies "for their kids??"

It is amazing and maddening when I hear stories like this. It simply irritates me to no end. No way, youre def not

being too harsh at all.

Its a very good thing that the poor pup is rehomed now because I cant imagine what would have happened to the

pup when the coat blew out the first time.

It sounds eerily the same as a call I got a few weeks ago, in which, a snotty lady...complained that the chihuahua mix

she adopted was shedding too much!! grrrr! Im like, he!! lady, what did you expect? Most dogs do shed!! She called back

some 4 days later asking could I still watch a dog for her...because she dumped the first one cuz it shed too much and

then she went and bought another one!

When I meet people like this I just want to hit them across the face and yell at them!! Unfortunately, I was not born with

a mean enough bone in my body lol.

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You absolutely did the right thing, I'm almost positive going by that story that within a few months that poor dog would have ended up in the pound due to being "uncontrollable", you gave it a chance at finding a suitable home now!

The poor thing, how dumb can some people be? Just giving their kids what they want is bad enough, but giving in when it concerns a living creature? Just plain irresponsible.

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Ah, well done. We often have similar conversations at the coffee shop when we sit outside with our boys and the kiddies all scream "snow dogs" from their parent's cars. We give them all the negatives first and if they haven't run, then we let them pet them and tell them all the good stuff!!

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Grrrrrr! I extremely dislike people who give their kids what ever they want!!! I am going through the same thing with my niece. :P I also dislike when people see a "snow dog" on TV then go out and buy one because they think they know everything they need to know!!!!! angry.gif

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Grrrrrr! I extremely dislike people who give their kids what ever they want!!! I am going through the same thing with my niece. :P I also dislike when people see a "snow dog" on TV then go out and buy one because they think they know everything they need to know!!!!! angry.gif

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haha Nope. I usually just grab the gangline with my hands as I step over it.

( I didn't mean to post twice above but i couldn't find a way to delete the second post :P )

I laugh and shake my head every time I hear that line - I know a musher who would go ballistic if John Q Public was walking by and stepped on his line! Are you racing this weekend? Good luck, if so! smile.gif

Hopefully the moderators will remove one - I've done it, too!

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