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Thats the last straw they are going


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awww I feel for you I really do. I have learnt alot of short sharp lessons with my husky. He is only 9 weeks and 5 days old. I had him 5 days ago and I dont think there has been a day when I thought What have I done lol. BUT. I decided against my first wishes to crate him. He cried ALLLLLLLLL night the first night, so I came down stairs and sat by the cage and every time he howeled I banged the cage this went on and off all night. The next night I had to do it a couple times and let him out for a wee. Last night nothing, It would have been very easy for me to say sod it the first night and give in for a nights sleep, but I didnt let him win.

I never wanted to crate him as my staff X and my akita have free roam and are EXTREMELY well behaived, but I can already see my lil man has got a more energetic streak that needs exercising or controlled!

I wish you lots of luck in the decision that you make. X I am only local to you, so sending lots of midlands cuddles x

I would be devestated if i was in your shoes, dont let any one sway your decision as you are the one that has to live with it and at the end of the day kids a job a home and 3 dogs sounds like alot of stress without having the destruction added to it on top x

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Is there anyway you could possibly board them somewhere until some of the damage is dealt with and things are husky proofed once again and you get things in order for them to be left alone safely?

I know it must be terribly frustrating and i'm sorry you've had such a rough time.

Is there a spare area in the house perhaps that you could get a run built in? Like this, but smaller and one with a roof and floor on it.


Was just a thought,seeing as you've had no luck with the crates being a bit flimsy

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i wish our house is quite small the only room that is sort of dog proof is the concervertory but theyve managed to chew the wood which cant be replaced the plastic in betweeen the wood again cant be replaced the black sean stuff on our sliding door which can be replaced the bedroom carpet which has to be replaced will cost and hard work as there are fitted wardrobes the bathroom carpet personal things shaver books bags list is endless i ve been trying to find the babyliss istuble trimmer everywhere but cheapest is 59.99 i payed 70 for it dont really have the cash to buy a new one hubby has no shaver now he even chewed his old one soo upset wanna cry they are locked in concervertory scratching the door like mad but they are going no where at least until hubby comes home then quick walk not that they deserve it but am not crewl i hate animal crewlty and wish i could stop it. i just wish we had more room for the dogs kiara is already figgered out how to escape from her den the git she was under our bed when i got home she will be 4 weeks thursday thanks for all the advice but honistly crating them wont work its mainly zero that needs crating but he wont give no matter how hard we try

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This is why we have always left ours in the garden when we are @ work or go out, they have all the garden concreted & high fencing all around so never had an escaping husky since we owned our 1st 20 yrs ago. They have chews, bones to keep them happy. All the sheter,water they need whilst out in garden.

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i wish our house is quite small the only room that is sort of dog proof is the concervertory but theyve managed to chew the wood which cant be replaced the plastic in betweeen the wood again cant be replaced the black sean stuff on our sliding door which can be replaced the bedroom carpet which has to be replaced will cost and hard work as there are fitted wardrobes the bathroom carpet personal things shaver books bags list is endless i ve been trying to find the babyliss istuble trimmer everywhere but cheapest is 59.99 i payed 70 for it dont really have the cash to buy a new one hubby has no shaver now he even chewed his old one soo upset wanna cry they are locked in concervertory scratching the door like mad but they are going no where at least until hubby comes home then quick walk not that they deserve it but am not crewl i hate animal crewlty and wish i could stop it. i just wish we had more room for the dogs kiara is already figgered out how to escape from her den the git she was under our bed when i got home she will be 4 weeks thursday thanks for all the advice but honistly crating them wont work its mainly zero that needs crating but he wont give no matter how hard we try

I would at least crate Kiara, since she's only four weeks old. She needs to be kept somewhere that she can't escape, because if she runs off somewhere and catches cold, she could get sick, or worse. If she's figured out how to get out of the whelping box you had set up for her and Sky, it's time for a more secure location for her.

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I definitely agree with Kelly and Claire, exercising them before they're left alone will leave them more tired, so they'll have less energy to destroy. Here's an idea of my daily routine:

6 am, get up and feed the two pups, take them out to the yard for a pee.

6:15, feed Zoey and Cesar, go for our 45 min. morning walk

7 am, come home, let them play, go back to sleep, whatever they wanna do.

12 pm, feed the pups lunch, take them out for a pee, then back in their crates for a nap

12:30, Zoey and Cesar's 20 minute walk round the block

2-3 pm, puppies awake from their naps, out for a pee, then they play

5 pm, suppertime for the pups, out for a pee

5:15 pm, suppertime for Zoey and Cesar, and myself

6:30-7pm, another 45 min walk with Zoey and Cesar

8 pm, pups go out for a pee

10:30 pm, bedtime for everyone

Since starting this routine, I've never had any destruction by the two adults. the puppies have ripped up an empty kibble bag but that's it.

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we take our dogs every 3-4 hours for an hour/ a mile walk...

they have playtime in the house, if my dad is at work then i do more walking and my part time job allows me to only be away for 4 hours from them....

no matter what time we get up/ go to bed the dogs get a good walk,

if we both have to leave the house then they will get a three fields walk which is about 3 miles and they have extendables so they can run a bit and play!!!

coke bottles filled with ice and treats keep them amused and balls etc

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i am a total believer in stimulation and exercise. i have very chilled and relaxed huskys. consider:

setting up a mini agility course in the garden - this will stimulate brain and give exercise. can just be 10-20mins per day

depending on finances - take to a doggy swim centre

find a musher local to you and see if you can get them running - believe me they will sleep loads afterwards. storm hardly moves for 24hrs!! its fantastic!!

alter walks so they are more stimulating and integrate obediance while walking again to tire the brain

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i think - every spare moment u get you could do some training / playing or walking - that way they are getting stimulated / exercised - so wont have as much energy

also b4 u go out anywhere i would make sure they get a GOOD long walk

why sell them?

you could rehome them on here and then you could still get to hear how they are doing

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Well firstly the way your talking its like you think they're doing it on purpose! If someone left you locked in a house all day and just left you there every day you'd get bored so just put yourself in their mind for a second! Their dogs they're not being vindictive they're amusing themselves the best they can, thats no reason to hate them! To think they dont "deserve" a walk because they've been distructive is not only silly its counter productive as the less exercise they get the more they will act out!

Im sorry to say it and Im not judging you, but it sounds like your not coping at all, I think it would be best all round if you gave them to SHWA or HIN who will find them homes that can put the time and training into them that they so clearly need.

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I agree with Sarah on this one. You keep mentioning selling them as well, when I see that I tend to think that people are more concerned about their wallet than they are their dogs. It might be best if you are that bogged down by these dogs that you either try to re-home them through here or give them to one of the rescues.

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I hate to be the one to ask, but are the older ones altered? This helps tremendously, but is not a cure-all.

Crates are good things! Try a plastic type crate where the dogs cannot see so much outside of it and use straps or plastic ties to keep the top and bottom of the crate together. (Screws are too easy for them to pull out).

My guess is they simply get bored and see what there is to do. For a husky, this translates to 'What can I find to rip apart?'

Try exercising them just prior to leaving them - long walks and/or runs do wonderous things for a husky demeanor.

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They don't come crate trained. It requires time and effort but in the end, it's safer for them and easier on the wallet for you. I understand you're overwhelmed now, we've all been there. But this is the way the breed is. The are notorious for being rehomed for either being "too much to handle" or for destroying things. They need to be exercised more. I know it seems repetitive, but that's what's got to be done. If they are still being destructive, more exercise is needed. Sometimes a good long walk just doesn't cut it. My dogs are a perfect example. If anything, a walk just gets their motor going even more. They want/need to RUN. Are there no off leash enclosed parks by you? Or a good bike ride.

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a rescue is deffo the way to go and then their issues can be dealt with by people who know huskies....

if you told the new owners exactly what you have posted then i dont think you will get many buyers and it would be negligent not to tell prospective buyers/rescues of their destructive tendancies

i think these dogs just need more exercise and mental stimulation

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Well firstly the way your talking its like you think they're doing it on purpose! If someone left you locked in a house all day and just left you there every day you'd get bored so just put yourself in their mind for a second! Their dogs they're not being vindictive they're amusing themselves the best they can, thats no reason to hate them! To think they dont "deserve" a walk because they've been distructive is not only silly its counter productive as the less exercise they get the more they will act out!

Im sorry to say it and Im not judging you, but it sounds like your not coping at all, I think it would be best all round if you gave them to SHWA or HIN who will find them homes that can put the time and training into them that they so clearly need.

Ditto to the above. I hate hearing people are selling their dog's. Your concern should be for their welfare not recouping loses.

I understand it's hard, everyone here does as we have all been through it but bottom line is if you are not willing to put in the effort to train/exercise them then I think they are better suited to a new experienced home with other huskies.

You'd get your life back and could get back to normal too.

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