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Lucy Update Questions


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I haven't posted in a while, but I have a few questions about Lucy's recent behavior.

The first thing she does is love her food at first and then not want to eat it. When I first got her I gave her the puppy mix from Wellness. At first she loved it but then she only ate parts of her meals (three times a day). When I ran out of the Wellness I got her on the puppy mix from Orijen because it is supposed to be better. Once again, she devoured it the first couple of days and then got sick of it and will only eat some of what I give her. I feed her at 7, 12, and 17. Is this just the fact that she is distracted with other things and not very hungry? She always tries to steal the food that my family's dachshund has (some prescription diet stuff because she is allergic to a few things). I've been having the mindset that when she is hungry, she will eat. The food I have for her is quality stuff and I hope she'll just get used to it and eat it.

The other thing just started a few days ago. Her and I had been bonding very well and she was really getting used to me but then all of a sudden she seemed to shy away from me. Two or three days ago I woke up and she was just more hesitant and was acting the way that she did within the first few weeks that I got her. She no longer wants to chase me when we go outside. Instead, she goes on her own to explore or goes under this little roof we have where there is a secluded place and chews on icicles. She also seems less loving than she has been recently. She doesn't want to lick and cuddle much, she'd rather bite and be independent. Simply put, it seems like she is trying to assert her independence and challenge my dominance. Is this just a phase that she is gonna go through? Perhaps it is a fear period?

She is good at sleeping in her crate at night and doesn't budge until I wake up. She doesn't like her crate during the day when I have to work though. Right now I work every 3 days or so for about 3-5 hours. She whines an howls like crazy when I leave and it's heartbreaking but when I get back she is usually fairly quiet. Should I just keep doing this and ignore the howling and whining? She definitely has some separation anxiety. If I even leave the room she cries and whines. I give her plenty of chew toys in the crate when I leave to help with the loneliness but I don't know how much it works.

Other than that all is well. She is getting her final set of shots this week and I will start socializing her with other dogs! I've been socializing her with people everyday and exercising her a lot as well!

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i have a 11 week old and she has gone right off her food, we put it down to her teeth. she was on bakers puppy food witch is what we were given when we got her, but she just stopd eating it, now we have changed food and she is just nibbling still, she will quit happily eat other stuff tho, eggs, cheese ,fish ect... wonder if they just beeing fussy.

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with the food don't change it just coz she's stopped eating it lol i kow i have a real fussy dog on my hands. take the food away after 10 mins if not eaten and dont feed again till the next meal also dont give treats, she wont starve her self.

she's a pup just leave her to do her thing she will come to u when she wants to play or cuddles i also have one that does not really like theses things, so it's don on his terms.

keep up with the crate if u stop now she may not want to go in it at all, put a toy or a t.shirt with your smell on in the day, try a kong filled with peanutbutter xxxxxx

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definitely take away the food after 10-15 minutes if she doesn't finish, otherwise she thinks she can eat whenever she wants and then she won't have a proper feeding schedule. I also wouldn't keep switching it up so much, might give her an upset tummy. also it might be too soft for her teeth, we went through this with Embry and I ended up finding a puppy chow that was softer then others. Or even just adding a bit of water to the kibble to soften it could do the trick.

Also between 8-11 weeks old puppies go through their fear stage, so she will probably be cautious for a little bit longer, she'll outgrow it.

As for the whining and howling, ignore it and don't let her out until she's quiet. She will learn to associate being quiet with getting let out :)

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They go through a fear period around that time, so that may be part of it, and she could well be asserting some independence at that age, as well. Keep up with the crate, as Linda said, especially as you said she's calmed down by the time you get home.

Novel or different food is always better than the usual fare, lol! tongue.gif

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The first thing she does is love her food at first and then not want to eat it.

She may be going through a period where she's not experiencing a growth spurt, therefore, she won't require as much food. I know that many here allow a period of time for eating and pull the bowl after that time has passed. It's a good rule of thumb as then you know exactly how much the pup is eating. As long as she continues to gain weight, I wouldn't worry too much. Trust me, when she's really hungry, she'll eat!

Be careful that she's not training you in that you provide her with a different food each time she gets bored. These huskies are smart little sh*ts and they'll freely use their intelligence against you!

Perhaps give her a chicken wing now and again. Ryn loves 'em and after having one, she'll often go to finish off her kibble.

She doesn't want to lick and cuddle much, she'd rather bite and be independent.

Ahhh, growing pains (for the human!!) LOL - this too shall pass!

Ryn is also at a stage where she's no longer interested in cuddling much. While it breaks your heart, know that once she's done exploring her world, she'll be back for those hugs n kisses. It's just time for her to venture out on her own a bit. Could be over in a matter of weeks....sometimes longer. She does love you, just growing up a bit and finding her independence.

She doesn't like her crate during the day when I have to work though.

To help with this, I suggest putting her in the crate and leaving her only a few moments before going back. Work up to where you leave her longer and longer. It lets her know that you're always coming back.

Ryn, too cries when I leave (I firmly believe she does it to make me feel bad!) But like Lucy, she normally quiets down quite quickly. (Trust me, I've sat outside the door for more than a few minutes, just to be sure she's ok!)

Give Lucy a hug from me! And here's one for you too :hug: to help you make it through this trying time!

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When my Stormy girl didn't want to eat dog food, and only what we were having I did some research and read that Huskies will convince their people they are starving to get what their people have, even going to the extent of not eating their dog food. They are smart, and devious at times, so stick to what everyone is saying, same food, try a schedule. When I had only one, I did free feeding, but that is impossible with my two now because one of them will eat until he explodes!

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I agree totally with everything said above.....just want to say that I am a firm believer in the peanut butter filled Kong..:) At 2 years old, Zoya still gets one every time we have to leave her in her kennel for a few hours. We started this almost as soon as we got her as a puppy...she gets really excited when she sees me pick up her Kong and the peanut butter jar at the same time. You don't have to put too much in the Kong. I usually stuff maybe 2 tablespoons into it. She will then run to get into her kennel and sit and wait for me to give it to her. She's so totally focused on getting that peanut butter that she doesn't even notice me leave. :D

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Just to add - peanut butter doesn't always work!! :P Kiska is VERY VERY food orientated, literally if you offer her ANY food she will stop what she is doing and immediately run over and sit at your feet.....and she doesn't like peanut butter! :blink: And I couldn't be bothered to pay a rediculous amount for that silly meat spray you can buy for kongs, so I just filled it with pâté and she loooved it :lol:

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