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URGH people with babies!


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So I got friended on FB recently by people with huskies related to my girl..

The girl who has my Nukkas aunty is now pregnant so looking to rehome her.. but she also bred her with her Akita (I dunno if it was on purpose but either way urgh!) and NOW the girl who took two of the pups has a toddler and is now trying to sell on these dogs (they're about a year old ISH) for £500 saying she cant cope with them and her toddler! <_<

What is WRONG with people!?? Why dont they THINK even a tiney bit into the future enough to think hhhmm I want children and so therefore getting large high energy dogs will be alot to cope with, no I dont think I should do that! Imbeciles! :angry:

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it is very annoying...

i know at some point in the future i will have a child.....my dogs will be around to steal its food, unwrap pressies....see them start and finsh school.

i wouldnt rehome mine due to being pregnant or having a toddler

a dog is like a child, its a lifetime commitment

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I have actually given this a lot of thought.

I am the primary care-giver to my dog and

most of my pets. If I were to become pregnant

RIGHT NOW I don't know that I would be able

to walk miss Echo due to poor conditions of

roads. My honey would have to step up to the

plate and take better care of the animals..

feeding them, cleaning the litter box, ect. I

don't think that is something he is willing to

do right now, so I am just not having any babies :P

I think planning ahead is a HUGE part of owning

pets. I don't really understand how a person could

just give up their animals.. Losing a pet to me is

like losing a child. Echo went to her grampy's house

today for a few hours to play with his dogs. I got

depressed because I kept getting up to take her out

and she wasnt here :( I can't imagine losing her, or

giving her away. She is home now, and all is well in

the household of Kayla :P

I don't, and refuse to try to, understand people who

can get their kid a pet for Christmas, and have it tossed

by Easter.. it just doesn't make sense to me. This is

coming from a girl who kept caterpillars as pets as a

child because her parents wouldn't let her have real


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the liklihood of me having a child is pretty much on the virgin mary immaculate conception vein.....but if i was to ever have a child there is no way in a million years i would get rid of ozzy and dexter. i have been through many downs and many ups and there would never be a down bad enough to get rid of them. they eat before i eat.

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i have to concur with the first post people realy need to think about owning a dog and what it means before taking one on ,when i took ralphie on i had the space ,someone was at home the majority of the day so he wouldnt be on his own and i had the perfect garden ,he also shows such unconditionional love and loyalty to me and my girls and hubby ,i wouldnt live with myself if i got rid of him ,now my children are of an age where they can understand and are pretty much capable and independant ,i have more time on my hands to give attention to my boy and my now ever growing menagerie ,as i will be having no more children now ,,,my animals are my babies !!

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I agree with you all. I always give it alot of thought before taking on a dog or doing something that I know full well will mean full commitment for many years. I have moved a few times and for each house the priority is to have space and a garden suitable for the dogs.

But to even consider getting rid of my dogs just cause im having a child....no way!!!!

The dogs are just as much of my life as any child will be, you need to learn to adjust your routine etc to suit.

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When I hear someone is getting rid of there dog because of having a baby it makes me mad. When I had my first child 16 yrs ago I had 2 collies they was not used to walking beside a buggy at all. BUT I soon learnt them to my boy collie Jerry was always pulling on leash but having the buggy actully helped him to walk nicely. He felt he had a job to do..........lol.

Babys and dogs are the best when together. I understand if the dog gets aggressive with baby then yes you find them a new home without kids but surly you know if your dog likes children or not before hand so you make plans.

I raised three children always with dogs around my Sister raised two sets of twins with only 14 months between them and still kept her 4 dogs yes 4 which was 2 german shepherds 1 staffy and a collie. You have to re ajust your life if you make a commitment and work round it.

Sorry but to me thats not a reason to give your dog up just because you are pregnant. People that do this are lazy just cannot be bothered to put the time in. Sorry if that sounds harsh but this post has touched a nerve.....lol

I must go and have a cig before I explode.


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it is very annoying...

i know at some point in the future i will have a child.....my dogs will be around to steal its food, unwrap pressies....see them start and finsh school.

i wouldnt rehome mine due to being pregnant or having a toddler

a dog is like a child, its a lifetime commitment

I have 2 boys, a cat , Tropical fish, and Crystal we manage to do everything just fine, plus Crystal love playin with the kids, ones 3 and the eldest is due to be 7 this month, but my youngest was still a baby when we got Crystal and i think of her as one of mine kids.

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I am probably going to get slated for this.... I made the decicion to re-home my old husky demon when i was pregnant . I already had a son who he was rather boystrous with, it was the hardest decision i have ever had to make. After my hubby going away with work for 6 months i tried everything.. he pulled so much that i ended up pulling the muscles in my side. tried all sorts or halti harnesses etc and it didnt help that i threw up allot of the time also, It wasnt fair on him at all. I feel that i made the right choice for him finding him a good home.. we had lots of people come and view him and were willing to take him but we made sure that he went to the best home we could find for him.

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I've always had dogs since I was very young and they've always been treated as part of the family whose needs are always considered when any decisions are made that affect the family. Unfortunately there are some people out there who consider a pet as a possession that can be easily disposed off.

I have no problems with those people who try their best to cope with their pets needs when circumstances change but I've no time for those who simply give up without even trying.

When I split from my partner (Polee's mummy) we sat down and discussed who would be best placed to have Polee in a similar way you would discuss custody of children. Fortunately I got custody of Polee and my ex partner retained customer of her children (don't worry they weren't mine).

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samuel was 2 when we (i say we but it was me really) decided to get duke. i could never imagine giving duke up as i class him as my 2nd child now anyway but ALOT easier than samuel and ALOT better behaved!!!!dry.gif

i do understand that if u cant give them the time or attention that they require and deserve then u know for the best is to get them another loving home.

i am wanting another child but im lucky as im a stay at home mum and all my time is devoted to samuel and duke :D and if i have another then ill have 3 children! x

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