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Please Give a Prayer to the cat I furminated :\


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Hi there,

Some of you may remember a little while ago I used a dog furminator on my partners cat and it made him bald and cut his back.

Well unfortunately just recently (about a week ago) he fell really really really ill. He stopped eating, stopped drinking, and could barely walk. Over the past week he's had several trips to the vets, blood tests and was kept in over night on a drip as he really wasn't doing very well.

He's been bed bound for the past week and has lost a hell of a lot of weight. At the minute he's holding things steady (as in breathing, he's still bed bound), but we're not sure how the future is going to pan out for him, and at this moment we are accepting that this may be the way he is going to go as he is 18 years old.

The vets have no idea of what is wrong with him but he is on heart tablets (Istin) and on an appetite tablet to try and get him to eat, but we're having very little success.

So please, give a prayer to Mixi over the next few days/weeks and we will just hope that he pulls through this.

Stacey xxx

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Awww poor Mixi if hes not eating get the vet to give you liquid food and suringe it into his mouth I did this for my best friends cat and it kept him going just a little bit longer so they all had time to say a full and proper good bye... :( (he was like 22 and had kidney failure so he was deffo on his way out)

Praying for Mixi to make a good recovery. xxx

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Awww, hugs and sympathy for both you, Stacey, and for Mixi! I'm going through something similar with my Shad. If you think he might still be nauseous, ask about giving a low dose of acepromazine - it's actually a sedative, so if the dose is too high, he'll be sleepy to flat-out sedated, and won't eat or drink on his own until it wears off somewhat. It seems to be doing a good job for Shad, and now that I've cut his dose back, he's drinking on his own, and hopefully will start eating better. Here's a link that might be helpful - good luck, regardless! My thoughts and prayers are with you all! smile.gif


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Thanks for that Gigi.

We keep showing him his food, but he just keeps staring at it like he doesn't know what it is.

Stacey xxx

You may have to forcefeed him to get him to start eating, as I'm having to do with Shad. Not uncommon in critters that have been that sick! If you can get a can or two of Hills a/d from your vet (one of the few - only one? - Hills/Science Diet foods that I really, really like!), it's really concentrated food, and is palatable enough that it might convince him to eat on his own. Ask your vet for a syringe, and if he won't eat, you can draw the stuff up in the syringe (you may want to thin it very slightly with some warm water), and slowly squirt it, little by little, into his mouth. Try to get it toward the back of his tongue, so he has to swallow it. Start with just a cc or two, and try for small, fairly frequent meals, so it's easier on his system. Part of not having an appetite is that he's not doing anything to work up an appetite, and that because he has eaten so little for a while, that he just doesn't have the energy to try! Fingers crossed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: Amazingly he is still alive. He's not eaten or drank properly in about 26 days now. He's still sticking to his bed apart from when we take him to his litter tray or to his bowls. He's still not walking though he can manage about a meter before going all wobbley. Not sure how the future is looking for him.

Stacey xxx

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