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Skyla got attacked!

BingBlaze n Skyla

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first ill say that i have love for every dog i see ...that being said (this has happend a few times and works) if i see a dog charge my dog in anycase i always put my foot out aim for the nose like im blocking a foot ball and with out kicking the force of the other dog and the contact of the nose 98% of the time will wake up a over hyper dog and force a change of mind and retreit

not the nicest thing to do but id take a bullet for my dog id gladly fight off a dog attack in his place

if the dog bits me oh well .....then for sure the aggresser will be put down by me or the law ......the way i look at it is if i can prevent my dog from getting hurt i can also prevent him from hurting the other dog (god forbid my dog is the stronger one and kills in defence there are no self defence laws for any pet that kills )

so if i take on the fight and keep him out of it then he can never be in the wrong

my cat got in a fight with a strange pit bull i got in there grabed my cat ity was so hurt it bit my till i got it back in the house and i had to go to the medics cuz i was an hour away from dieing of blood poison ......im alive i still have my cat and that pit bull was put down for not haveing licance tags shots/vacc and being vicious if i dident jump in i would have lost my cat also

but charging dogs are a scary thing im a man who has been in the face of dangers with beasts so its ez for me to say all this ...

but really i hope your doggy recovers well and really hope this dose not lead you to think other dogs are scary cuz its all in the owners never in the dog

skyla is a top tog around this sight she has lots of fans me included so she has all are prayers

p.s you did everything the right way .....my above statement was only what a canadian hillbilly like me would do ......from all the post i read with you i know your a loving careing husky owner who i can be proud to have met

i know skyla will come out of this trama with know problems cuz your with them

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thanks stacey - really sorry we cant make it - would have been nice to finally meet u and aleu :)

joesph - it happened so quickly - we only just saw it then it was on skyla - i have nothing against bull breeds or any breed at all and i despise the DDA and BSL - but now im gonna be ALOT more weary around dogs i dont know- i thought i was going to loose her and i NEVER want to have to go thru that again!

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i know the feeling well i lost a champion sled husky when i was 12 to wolfs in the back yard ....i stayed away for 3 weeks sitting out back with rifles and i lost a malamute puppy 3 months old to a german sheperd with rabies i couldent jump in cuz i could see it had rabies

i know the feeling of not being able to do anything to stop it

so i know you did everything you could nothing prepares you for this kinda thing intel it happens

all i know is the nose is always a weak spot and the fastest way to effect a dog with out really hurting him once i learnd that at age of 10 the next time i was attacked by a dog i was able to control the situation

keep lovin those pups like you do your a great owner

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Awwww Nix. It is so horrible what happened. Its bad enough that the dog got out of the door with no collar. I know it sucks to get the dogs apart if one of them is loose and no collar to grab him. :(

But what really pissed me off reading this is that they had the balls to not open the door when your dad went over there :angry: WTF were they thinking. If one of my dogs would hurt another dog I would offer to pay the Vet bill because it would have been my fault if my dog was out unleashed. No matter if he got out by accident or not!

I told you on facebook about the mace I got and I also read that someone said it did not work for dogs. I got mine from Amazon its like a keychain really cute. I read the reviews on it and its mixed. Some say it worked fantastic and some say it did not work. I can't say since I have not had to use it. And I really really hope I never have to!!! But my trainer told me to get some cause I have a Rottie across the street with an invisible fence thats always snarling and growling at me and my dogs when we go for walks and he is outside. And he has been out of his area before when my daughter walked out to her car one morning to go to school.

I just thought it be the best way to go as it will not do any lasting damage and mine may get a swift of it too (depending on which way the wind blows) but I rather have their eyes and nose burn for a little while instead of them or me getting bit!

I really hope Skyla will recover quickly and we sending lot and lot of Husky hugs to her and to you too!!!

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Awwwww, poor Baby - and poor Nixy, too! Hope that she's feeling better tomorrow! Once she's feeling better, get her out meeting other friendly dogs, and I'm sure she'll be fine. She's met enough dogs that HAVEN'T hurt her, that hopefully one that did won't have the effect it might otherwise have had... Hugs to you both.....

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You can purchase small air horns too. I plan on getting one. I have a lot of friends who SWEAR that they will stop any dog in its tracks.

Plus, it wouldn't hurt your dog.

Oh what a great idea!!! I can see that working!!! My brother used to scare the living $&it out of me when I was little with one of those! Almost gave me a heart attack! Then I could still use the spray if it did not work! LOL

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Oh Nix, what a terrible ordeal for Skyla and for you. Hope she heals quickly. Zoya sends Husky Hugs for you both.

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Oh man Nix I'm so very sorry this happened to you and poor Skyla! I'm glad you got the police involved whose to say that dog won't move up to a child next. Irks me to no end they ignored your step dad I really hope they get what's coming to them. I'm very relieved that Skyla is for the most part ok and you as well we wish her and you a speedy recovery. Kiana sends super husky hugs

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Ive only just seen this,poor you and poor Skyla :(

i hope she had a decent night....and you!

it must've been so traumatic,but,huskies are so quick to bounce back i'm sure Skyla will be fine and hopefully wont have any lasting effects.

the pics look awful and made me cry a little.....and i dont even know you or Skyla....but i'm in 'the family' now so feel i do.

Bless you both and hope to see some smiling Skyla pics soon xx :)

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Nix i'm so sorry, hope Skyla is feeling better today and you too !!!!! its horrible when something like that happens, it all happens so fast too. I hope they pay out for the vet bills and i hope you have more success with the police than i did. I would point out what if it had been a smaller dog or a child walking her puppy etc.

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omg! Poor Skyla! What are things coming to when you cant even walk your own dog with out something so traumatic happening!

If the attack wasn’t bad enough, adding insult to injury ignoring your dad at the door like that! Oh i bet the police will be determined to sort things out.

I'm glad to hear Skyla is ok and I'm sure she will have a speedy recovery.

Hope you are coping too Nicola!

All the best! xxx

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