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*£%$ing School Anti Bullying Policies!


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My Twin Nieces were being bullied by this boy when theye were about 6/7 so i tought them to headbutt, the following day i got a call from my sis in law having a go at me because this boy had started on one of the girls so the other grabbed him and nutted him across the nose, I was so proud....lol do you think he picked on them again?

I do not like bullies and would never allow my kids to become one, but i will not allow them to be bullied so am teaching them to defend themselves as teachers are so soft with these situations! its always excuses "oh this boy has problems at home" blah blah blah!! i dont give a crap he touches my kid again he wont be going home to a family!!! just cause he has problems at home does give him the right to bully others..

I got picked on by the school bully at the time so i smacked him no questions just hit him, we had a big fight and he ended up beating the living crap out of me!. we were best friends for the rest of our school days after that, Bullies dont like it when they come up against someone who is willing to stick up for themselves, they prey on people they know wont fight back.....

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I was bullied through pretty much all of my school life. It's why I kept my head down and kept myself to myself.

I had money stolen from me, been kicked, punched, things thrown at me, death threats, had people try to set my hair on fire, they hacked into my livejournal and printed it putting it all over the school so everyone started taking the piss out of how "sad" I was for writing about how upset I was in my journal.

The one incident was getting really bad (kids were writing my number on lamposts saying call for sex and a local lad that my 'friend' fancied started beating me in the streets in front of her because they thought it was "funny"). In the end I snapped (told them that if they didn't do something I was going to cause serious harm to myself) because I was self harming and planning suicide at the time. The teachers took me into a "meeting" with the bullies. I basically got told this:

"It's all your fault. They can't help it, they're getting abuse at home and you should respect that".

I'm sorry, so because some little *%$^ is getting abuse at home, I should have to suffer it throughout the whole of my school life? I don't think so. This whole "Feel sorry for the bullies" bullcrap really annoys me. It's sad they're getting abuse at home, but why the hell should some innocent kid at school suffer because they're having it difficult at home? Sort out the parents then, not tell the person being bullied that it's their fault and that they should respect it.

School has scarred me. I hated it so so much and I'm glad to be away from there. It really didn't help construct my mental health.

Because things got too much, I spent the last 6 months of school studying at home for my exams whilst I recieved councelling.

Stacey xxx

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The thing with bullies is that they are often very sly in what they do and make sure that no one is around to see (except there mates), so its a there word against my word scenario.

I'm a teacher myself, and after reading this thread thought it best to give you a few useful tips:

1. As already mentioned some teachers (as much I hate to say this) do turn a blind eye to what's going on. Complaining to them is useless - no matter how many times you go in and say something!

2. You might think the head runs the school, but they dont, they are governed by the governors of the school - If you feel the head is pointless, then tel them that you want a meeting with the chair of governors. Or ask for the chair of governors address and write to them, they are obliged to reply!

3. If all else fails the Local Education Authority is your next port of call.

4. Someone mentioned going to the papers - worst case scenario if you ask me, as this will only get your child Isolated more!

I hope you can get this resolved as soon as possible!

good info alex +1

but if you have not suffered bullying you have no idea how badly it effects the person and can effect the way their lives are for years afterwards.Lots become very intravert and find it hard to communicate with others.

well said.

In basics, I was psychologically bullied through primary and secondary school and now, after many years of treatment, I still feel the painful words cut through me like a knife - walking through town can be impossible somedays as all i get is the paranoia that everyone around is sniggering at me, judging me, stabbing me in the back.... never mind the rest, rather not talk about it

I reall hope for your son's case that is has a stop put to it as soon as possible. Bullying effects people in many different ways and the scars can never leave

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Cheers for the support guys. Slowly but surely we are getting there. Had the home-school agreement home to sign the other day. Got the old hi-lighter out, hi-lighted all the areas that they are failing on and sent it back with a letter to the effect of I'll sign this when you start upholding your side of the contract. Damn it felt good although, oddly enough, they still haven't replied.

Had a "no names mentioned" conversation with the Police the other week so I'm with you on that one. Gonna give the school 'til the end of February to make some progress and, if they don't, I'll call back with all the names and dates.

Like everyone else has said, write it all down with dates. Have your kid tell you exactly what happened. In fact, have him tell you 3 times to make sure that the story doesn't change (that's what the people that take abuse reports do at the state here). If it changes, there could be problems. In most cases, follow my motto, if it's not in writing, it never happened. I wouldn't wait too long. You don't want to home school if you don't have to, because you are then teaching your child that the bullies win, but before anyone jumps on my case, I am saying unless it is absolutely necessary. As long as your kid has a few friends at school, he'll be okay. It's those that are total loners that are at the biggest risk, like my son was. I was proud when he took the kid out, but believe it or not, he left the district, and years later when he re-entered the high school, all the kids could remember was the kid he was in fourth grade. Didn't make any sense to me . He is much happier at college, but still has major issues.

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