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Me and Mark took Mishga down the sea front yesterday walked her from leigh-on-sea to chalkwell and back ( southend if any1 is interested lol)

well to do this you need to walk down a long narrow path just big enough for 2 people, past the boat yards ect, the amount of poo on this path!!!! why is it still too much trouble for some to pick it up! what the hardship in takin a carrier bag out with you, of nappy sacks, there is always a bag in my coat pocket,

and someone lets there dog poo on my front garden ive got a car on there and they do it right infront of it!!!!!!!!


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Yep we get that around our area too.. theres a certain walk you can take up the woods near me and you REALLY have to watch where you step or you will tread in some! But then I met up with a couple the other day who have two huskies and the girl has to pick it aaaall up coz "apparently" it makes the guy sick to look at!? :blink:<_< It annoys me vastly I think the punishment for anyone caught not picking up should be comunity service.. to go to an area full of it and spend the day cleaning up! They'd soon think just picking up one or two was FIIIIINE! :lol:

My two hav those little bone poo bag holders attached to their harnesses so we aaalways have bags on us! It CAN be a bit of a bugger to find it if their off lead in the enclosed park but I always look and if I cant find mine I pick up another one just to balance things out! LOL

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it's disgracrful the way some dog ownersw think it ok to not clean up after their dogs.

A dog that poos behind you car of gate will do it regularly as dogs have places they poo. On out waks Shaer poos in nearly the same place every walk, Talon as about 3 places he likes to poo. he is that regular we know when to get out the poo bag.

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This is one of my biggest bug-bears, the trouble is that even if the councils wanted to sort it out (lets face it they never bothered BEFORE the cuts anyway) they cant afford to now.

I carry poo bags in my trouser pockets, fleece pockets and coat pockets - at least 10 bags in each. At the casino on Saturday i even pulled out poo bags when getting some cash out for blackjack - got some funny looks but I had taken Kodah out just before we left!

People around here often bag the poo and then leave the bags - whats that about? There a loads of normal bins and dog poo bins here as well so there is no excuse.

Horrible scruffy BAS*AR*S.

Also Kodah isnt allowed to wee or poo in front of anyones house. A bit of respect costs nothing.

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This is one of my biggest bug-bears, the trouble is that even if the councils wanted to sort it out (lets face it they never bothered BEFORE the cuts anyway) they cant afford to now.

I carry poo bags in my trouser pockets, fleece pockets and coat pockets - at least 10 bags in each. At the casino on Saturday i even pulled out poo bags when getting some cash out for blackjack - got some funny looks but I had taken Kodah out just before we left!

People around here often bag the poo and then leave the bags - whats that about? There a loads of normal bins and dog poo bins here as well so there is no excuse.

Horrible scruffy BAS*AR*S.

Also Kodah isnt allowed to wee or poo in front of anyones house. A bit of respect costs nothing.

There are people around where I live who'll pull out a bag, bend down & PRETEND to pick it up, when they're stood next to a BIN?!

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It bugs me when I see poo all over the fields where I walk Anya, a little bit here and there I could understand - a lot of people take their dogs for walks after dark and the field is not lit at all, so if the dog has a poo and you're not right there, you're not going to know about it.

However, the path to get to the field is about 10 metres long and there was an almighty pile of cr*p there the other day, so SURELY whether it was light or dark, the owner would have born witness to that?!

I think that next door's dog has a cr*p right outside my gate as well, it's happened about three times in the past year so it's not every time, but they just let their dog out (the end of the lane where I live is fairly enclosed) for about 10-15 minutes then back in. It's CLEARLY going out to the loo, so why not go with it?!

I'm fairly sure that it's their dog as well, because the only others in our lane are smaller dogs and this is a pile that would bring a tear to an elephant's eye. (The dog is a full sized Dalmatian).


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Once I was rushing to pick my daughter up from school, and i forgot a bag, Mish done a poo on the way home , and i just knocked at the house near where she did it and asked if they had a bag i could have, the guy was more than happy, better that than have there kids tread in it.

There's a big park at the end of my street , at one end has a thing with doggy poo bags, think thats a great idea, shame they can't be in more places.

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i am always pestering other dog owners to pick up poo!!!!

i have three strong dogs yanking in all directions and i can pick it up...so people with their pansy ass dogs can bend over and pick it up!!!!

makes me mad

they know they have to pick it up 'but its disgusting'.....so is standing in it

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Back when I had my first Siberians, I lived in a nice, suburban neighborhood, and one of my neighbors would let her dog out to relieve itself in the front yard, rather than in back where their kids played. Of course it didn't stay home, and after it had gone in my front yard (my dogs only went into the fenced back yard), I got mad! I bagged it up and took it to her front door, rang the bell, and when she answered, firmly told her I'd once again caught her dog pooping in my front yard, so was returning the evidence to her! She looked rather taken aback, but then whined that the dog kept escaping when the kids opened the front door...

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I don't think I have ever come across dog poo on a walk. We have very, very strict rules on our doggy beach with signs saying that the privilege will be taken away if owners don't pick up after their dogs - it was taken away a couple of years ago, but was then re-instated as a dog beach. Nobody wants the privilege taken away again so everyone picks up or get blasted by other walkers if they don't :) The forests are pristine - not many people walk their dogs there, and those that do, pick up after them.

We don't have dog parks here :( which is really, really a pity as it is difficult to socialize our dogs when you have nowhere to take them to play with other dogs. There are always dogs on the beach, but everyone is too scared to let their dogs play with the huskies, and the huskies are not too interested in them, they would rather play in the water, or scamper around on the rocks looking for creepy crawlies :)

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Here everything is pretty clean too. At the parks and walking trail they have doggy poo dispensers and doggy poo bins along the way. Every now and then I see a poo on the walking trail but does not happen very often. In our neighborhood I never see poop but this is due to people not walking their dogs around here. I only see 2 other people that walk their dogs regularly.

But I am guilty!!!! Whisper ones made a poo and I did not have a bag. I walked right by the poop bag dispenser and forgot to grab one. Thanks god he did it off the side right into a small bush by the woods on the walking trail.

But after that I went and got one of those doggy bone looking poop bag dispenser thingies too and its connected to his leash :) So no more not having any poop bags!!

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Ok, after today's walk I have a question.

Anya had a ginaggerpoo within about 5 minutes of walking and so I bagged it up and carried it to the next poo bin; however, in the next field she crouched to poo and had a small drippy one (hope no one's eating right now biggrin.gif) and while I could have picked it up, it wasn't very big and it was mostly soaked into the grass - does that make sense? So in that case do I pick it up or not? Today I did but I was looking at it thinking does it really make that much of a difference? when it's like that in the middle of a field anyone who would happen to walk through it would have it wiped off their shoes by the wet grass in the rest of the field.


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Ok, after today's walk I have a question.

Anya had a ginaggerpoo within about 5 minutes of walking and so I bagged it up and carried it to the next poo bin; however, in the next field she crouched to poo and had a small drippy one (hope no one's eating right now biggrin.gif) and while I could have picked it up, it wasn't very big and it was mostly soaked into the grass - does that make sense? So in that case do I pick it up or not? Today I did but I was looking at it thinking does it really make that much of a difference? when it's like that in the middle of a field anyone who would happen to walk through it would have it wiped off their shoes by the wet grass in the rest of the field.


IMO I think thats sort of ok. I know exactly what you mean. Whisper gets soft poo but only when we are walking somewhere. At home its always solid poo!

The way I see it....even if you try to pick it up....you will not get it all. When Whisper does it I try to pick it up as good as I can especially if there are chances someone could step in it, but he also likes to decorate bushes and will stick his butt up in it and lay his business down right on the branches! I get what I can, but unless I carry a water hose to spray it down there is no way to get it all. :lol:

Anyone else dog likes to decorate bushes when out on walks??? :unsure:

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Ok, after today's walk I have a question.

Anya had a ginaggerpoo within about 5 minutes of walking and so I bagged it up and carried it to the next poo bin; however, in the next field she crouched to poo and had a small drippy one (hope no one's eating right now biggrin.gif) and while I could have picked it up, it wasn't very big and it was mostly soaked into the grass - does that make sense? So in that case do I pick it up or not? Today I did but I was looking at it thinking does it really make that much of a difference? when it's like that in the middle of a field anyone who would happen to walk through it would have it wiped off their shoes by the wet grass in the rest of the field.


mmm I think its a slippery slope really.. coz my dogs are fed raw so their poos tend to be quite small I could just say ooh thats only two little malteasers I wont bother its not worth a poo bag...but I always try to pick up even if its a reall sloppy one I get leaves to put over it so I can pick up as much as I can as it sticks to the leaves. :)

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the other thing is on my local park there is a dog poo bin but its hardly ever emptied so when you walk past it its always overflowing with little bags so that kinda proves a lot of people do pick up but would be nice if it was emptied regular or maybe put a couple more poo bins on there, 2 more dog poo bins can't cost much ....... I'm lucky because Sky hardly ever poos on walks but i do always have a couple of bags in my pocket anyway

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i always pick up my dog's poo no matter how runny or small....i just try and get it all, even if i have to use leaves and grass to pick it up

we have a problem around here with people not picking up poo and it does my head in....i always have bags on me and am constantly dishing them out and making other people pick up poo

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mmm I think its a slippery slope really.. coz my dogs are fed raw so their poos tend to be quite small I could just say ooh thats only two little malteasers I wont bother its not worth a poo bag...but I always try to pick up even if its a reall sloppy one I get leaves to put over it so I can pick up as much as I can as it sticks to the leaves. :)

Thats a great idea with the leaves. ;) +1 for that!

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