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I COMPLETLY DISSAGREE iv had my boi since he was 12 weeks and at about 15 weeks i could take him out for walks, almost immeditly i let him off the lead and he loves it ,how you can say there not off the lead dogs i do no know , its how you train them if you keep them on there lead there hole life then take them off they will fun because they suddenly got that freedom if they have that freedom at a young age i dont think there non the wisser , iv had my hard time with him off the lead but now at 9 months he is a pleasur to walk with he now listens to me the hole time off the walk comes bak when i say even wen he chases birds ect i can whilstle and he will stop running and look behind at me , the one thing i hav not craked is when he see's his doggy pals he does like to play and sometimes will play with them for along time without listnen to me but he is gettin better so hopfully soon that shouldnt be a issue

your dog hasnt yet reached his adolescent stage, where they test every boundery and stop listening, this is when most sibes who are good offlead suddenly stop listening and run off, normally found under a car

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again please listen to the stories where the dog was reliable and came back EVERY time........then read the rainbow bridge section

there is a reason why seasoned husky owners will tell you not to let your dog off lead.....

listen to the guys who KNOW.....they have had huskies for years and know thier stuff

yes a few people have been successful i training their dogs offlead......like keathsakariandnukka

BUT.......that doesnt mean that they will always listen to you....their prey drive is off the scale and the most reliale dogs can and will find something better than you

god forbid it happens.....we wouldn't want to say...................................you should have listened to us.

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changes with every dog, some around 8 months, some 10 months, my boy is over 2 and he is still very testing, my girl is 2 and hasnt done it yet, but shes a strange sibe lol

i honestly think hes been threw it at about 7 to 8 n a half months he was pritty bad sometimes iv finshed my dog walk then could not get him on the lead for about a hour that happend a few times and he wouldnt listen or even come bak for a treat in that time but now he is fantastic never been like this even playin fectch with him now and he is bringing the ball bak and droping it , he has also grown up abit in the last few week starting to stick up for him self and not letting dogs get the better of him

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Once they get to the testing / adolescent stage they can stay "in it" for the next few YEARS. It's at this time that they gain the selective hearing ability,

the ability to learn all the tricks in the home but completely ignore all they have learned out in the big bad world.

There are far too many distractions out there, and once that something has their attention, no amount of YOU calling / shouting or waving 12oz sirlion steaks

will bring them back.

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Huskies are unpredictable, just be aware of that.

Aleu doesn't have a lousy recall because she's always been on a lead. She's been to training classes since 13 weeks old, and from day one we did recall. Do I trust her? Hell no lol. She comes back the majority of the time I call her, but it's not worth the risk.

Stacey xxx

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I COMPLETLY DISSAGREE iv had my boi since he was 12 weeks and at about 15 weeks i could take him out for walks, almost immeditly i let him off the lead and he loves it ,how you can say there not off the lead dogs i do not know , its how you train them if you keep them on there lead there hole life then take them off they will run because they suddenly got that freedom if they have that freedom at a young age i dont think there non the wisser , iv had my hard time with him off the lead but now at 9 months he is a pleasur to walk with he now listens to me the hole time off the walk comes bak when i say even wen he chases birds ect i can whilstle and he will stop running and look behind at me , the one thing i hav not craked is when he see's his doggy pals he does like to play and sometimes will play with them for along time without listnen to me but he is gettin better so hopfully soon that shouldnt be a issue

Sorry, but I stand by what i've said. Your dog is extremely young and the dog will run off at some point unless you're doing some serious training and conditioning. And even then, it's not even guaranteed. Nothing is guaranteed. They are dogs... animals. Not robots. I sincerely hope you either begin a serious training program if it's that important to have him off lead or just keep the lead on him unless you're in an enclosed area.

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i think you have to be very careful obviously need to know your dog very well to let him off lead. Logan can be off lead on the odd occasion but he changes his mood daily some days he wants to walk sniff and stay close to me. other days he wants to kill birds play with other dogs and cause mayhem. for that reason i like using 100 ft leads so that he has a good amount of freedom when over the park.

i have a friend who walks his off lead even on the street which i think is crazy but in her case she is like 1 in a 1000 huskies that would be good off lead.

Logan was great off lead until 17 months his last owners told us so they can stop listening at any time i suppose. Dont have a vast experience with all this but i have done huge amount of research and have listened to people on the forum best advice i can give really you cannot ever really trust them.

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Skylas recall is pretty good - n most people at the meet this weekend will probably tell you how she listened to everything i said most of the time - there was 1 moment when sumthing she was sniffing was far more intresting then me but i dont let her off cuz i dont want to risk loosing my dog - or have her die - so shes put on 100ft lead so she still gets the freedom of being offlead but i know shes safe and shes coming home with me - same for blaze too

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  • 2 months later...

100Ft leash..... What sort of arm pull does that give you ? when Milo has been of leash the speed he can get upto impressed me, even on the 10 metre leash i have he can almost pull me off my feet if im not paying attention.

Also how do you go about controlling a dog on a 100ft leash ? No amout of treats toys or shouting will bring him back if he sees something interesting or if he gets his stuborn head on

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Also how do you go about controlling a dog on a 100ft leash ? No amout of treats toys or shouting will bring him back if he sees something interesting or if he gets his stuborn head on

I think its more about the fact they have the freedom of 100ft rather than a short 1 - 5 m one. Kody has a 30ft lead and he can get some speed up, I'm working with him to understand when i shout that hes getting to the end of the lead. Hes coming on quite well, he slows down and the force that i get hit with is dropping all the time. Using a walking belt helps alot. But if you have a dog that will not come back a 100ft lead vs off lead ...

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i found 100ft too lounge to deal with...such a damn tangle! Storm quickly picked up 'feet' this means he needs to lift his leg up to release the lead from beneth him...sooooo handy!

I use 50ft and for thats just about right. they can really get some speed up on that especially if you secure to a waist belt and let them run around you in a big circle.

I use long lead for more relaxed walking (not the constant pull) and to practice recall for those emergency situations we hope we never face.

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Run......... I have a car that i do runs with lol

Milo's recall for a husky i would say is good when he is off lead at Moulden Hill (Enclosed Large Areas) but when he see's another dog he wont come back and when he's 300 - 400 yards away he aint listening anyway.

The 10 metre training leash i have, im more comncerned about it dragging through dog poo, i think anything larger would be a problem esp when there are othere people about id be constantly having to reel him in as to not hurt anyone like little kids with the dragging leash

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i only use my long lead where there is no-one else. large field etc. i went too close to trees the other day and blimey that was so not fun! i always walk mine at obscure times so we have less chance of being harrassed by other people/dogs etc. I never do 4-6pm walking as too many other people are out.

There's some rough ground a short drive away from me and i take them there, they have a great time jumping over long grass etc. I can only manage 1 at a time though on a lead that long

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At this moment in time i have a month off, i got made redundant and found a better paid job in a week, so im walking milo when i get bored of doing the housework, im meeting lots of people out and about and the smaller dogs he see's tend to be off lead and nasty and whgen he's on his 10m lead its hard, on his short lead he constantly chokes himself he knows the heal command, and as for his halty 100ft takes 5 mins as hes always trying to get it off with his paw.

I live on a newbuild with more childrens parks than fields to walk him however when Milo was a pup id take him into the kids playgrounds and make him run between me and my missus and he would go down the slid, not any more hes too big

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