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Fears, phobias or just pet hates ...

Val (Zebedee)

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A post on another thread has got me thinking :unsure: (dangerous, I know!!) but what are your fears, phobias or pet hates?

I am like the OP who put the idea in my noggin, I really don't like hairdressers! I'd rather go the dentist (which doesn't phase me at all!) but I used to be a hairdresser & I know the things that can go wrong!! :lol: :lol:

I have a fear of spiders & don't like moths but my main PHOBIA is balloons! I know - daft, but that's what makes it a phobia! :rolleyes::lol: It has a name too - Globophobia ... and I'm not alone! :laola: I used to think I was but I worked with 3 other people in an office of 100 who were the same ....

People think I'm an anti-social mare when I refuse to go to parties but it's the knowing there'll be balloons on tables or adorning the walls / ceiling that keeps me from going .... I just say I'm busy now!! :P

I don't even know where it started; my earliest recollection was at a birthday party when I was about 6 & watching a clown do balloon modelling, but I don't recall any bursting or being startled by them, I've just grown to hate them :unsure:

So, come on - share! What are your fears / phobias / pet hates?? :D

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phobias (as in earth shattering, panic attack, collapsing on the floor)


-people dressed up as things such as the characters at disney world......

-crowds of people if i'm alone

-not knowing where my exits are.....being trapped.....claustrophobic i think it is, but i'm ok in lifts.....it's more like caves etc........



-death of a loved one


-eyes (eg contact lenses etc)

-balloons near me (like val i actively avoid places with balloons-but as long as they are at least a few meters away from me i'm ok.....think it's coz im allergic to them that i'm so scared)

pet peeves


-people speaking down to you if they think they are better

-people that do not consider other peoples opinions (eg always think they are right)

-2facedness.....this is prob my worst coz i'd much rather have people say things to faces rather than behind backs

-toothpaste gunk (that you have to clean off the nozzle before you use it)

-people leaving just 1-2 sheets on a toilet roll-i mean wtf am i going to use that for??? a miniscule drop of wee???

-people thinking just because they are older than you they automatically have to be right.

-those horrible shirts that have different colour collars and cuffs to the rest of the shirts!!!

-beer bellies sticking out of t shirts like they're carrying triplets!

-horrible bushy eyebrows on people-aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!

im sure there is more to come!!!!

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LOL Diz!

Phobia... well its not really a phobia as such Im not scared screaming jumping on tables or anything but I HATE spiders the repulse me utterly! Im fine as long as I can keep my eye on it so I can get my mini hoover and hoover it away to chuck in the bin outside at the bottom of the garden! HATE them!

Fears... anything happening to one of my family (furry or otherwise) or friends and not being able to be there and help them!

Pet peeves:

Completely illogical behaviour

Practicle jokes

True stupidity with no desire to improve the situation

Neglect of animals in any form - although that one is more of a blind making annoyance rather than a mere pet peeve.

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oh god... this is gunna make me sound like a baby....

i am terrified of the full moon, if it is a full moon or almost one i am very on edge, i cannot let the dogs out for a wee if it is a clear night!! total wimp i know, but my dad flicked the channel when i was about 9, onto a clip of american werewolf in london, all i saw was when something grabbed him from behind a bush and then him starting to change in the toilet. It gave me nightmares for weeks and i still hate the full moon. Yet i love things like being human and werewolf films, but i regret watching them after. I refuse to walk the dogs alone on a full moon.

in fact, i'll be honest, im scared of the dark. not if im in bed, but like if i need to go for a wee, i have to take my fone, then when im done i have to walk backwards into my room so nothing can creep up on me.my eyes play tricks on me and i see things slinking up the stairs! Im always worse on a full moon.

OMG im so embarressed!!!

my pet hates are... umm....

ricks snoring

men leaving wee to go stale on the toilet rim

ricks dad dropping bits of polygrip in the sink and not washing them away so when i go to clean they're rock solid and wont budge!

people bitching at me, like my parents...

people sneering at you or looking you up and down

theres more but i've gone blank :lol:

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Phobia - I'm absolutely terrified of heights. I don't know why because my mum said I did death defying things when I was a kid & wasn't frightened at all. Something (no idea what) must have happened as I got older but I'm terrified now!

Pet peeves:

People who mistreat animals :angry:

General lack of driving skills by many of the people on the roads in the UK today. I'm a wagon driver & see people doing the stupidest things every day. Where/how do these people get a driving license?! :o<_<

People who don't pick up their dog's crap! :angry:

Idiots who don't socialise their dogs then take them out in a public place & wonder why their dog goes nuts when your dog goes over to say hello. Worst example of this is old people who pick their tiny dogs up at the first sign of another dog. All it does is pass their anxiety onto their animal :blink:

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Haha Brilliant thread!

My Phobias:

- I am PETRIFIED of getting blood tests! I mean petrified. I had to go hAve some recently and I didnt sleep the whole night before, had to psych myself up going into the nurses room, got in there and when she tied the thing around my arm i started having a panic attack. It was a good 15 minutes mins before I could calm down and eventually told her to just get it over and done with and not tell me what she was doing lol. It's all down to a very bad experience I had a few years ago in hospital having blood drawn. And now when I have to have it done I just freak, I can picture the needle inside my arm and the blood coming out etc....ugh even just writing about it gives me the heebie jeebies lol :blink:


- Hands down my biggest fear is Kodi slipping her harness and running away from me and not coming back. I check and triple check the catch on the harness, the gangline when scootering etc.

Pretty much anything happening to her is a fear of mine!

Pet hates:

- Biggest pet hate is people who cannot read signs and let their dogs off lead in areas that clearly state dogs must be kept on lead, then their dog comes over harassing Kodi and they make me feel like I've done wrong! Argh i hate irresponsible people!!

- People with no respect for others, who look down on others and generally think they are better/ know everything/ are always right etc.

My pet hate list could be way longer but I won't bore you lol :D

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ok well im terrified of spiders my bf tricked me once and i burst in to tears and nearly fell down the stairs xx

anouther one is being in the dark dont mind if im asleep but when walking around the house i have to have All the lights on xx

Being on my own in crowded areas infact going out on my own in general although im not sure where that one came from xx


My grandma and grandpa dying it will crush me the day that happens xx

and losng my girls xx

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I hate spiders (past experiences) they all die in my presence I do not run from them i get an instant anger and they die deservingly.

Pet hates---- hoop earings I despise them p**s off pikeys/chavs and little girlys oh and mass amounts of brigjht coloured make up realy bugs me on people (sorry women who wear these things) lol

ermm i actualy have quiet a few little hates I am a really picky man on some things not as in people just stupid things little things can really peev me of lol

Oh and especialy people who feel the need to make people look stupid an humiliate people.. I pride my self in making you feel how you do others. but sarcastic humour is fine :D

And i despise being corrected or having my words twisted I say what I mean and I mean what i say so don't ever try to say oh what he means is. because I will aim at you lol... err thats it I think thats the big ones Stupid eh lol

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I'm totally petrified by heights and falling.

Large crowds (especially full of people I don't know) make me extremely uncomfortable.

Public speaking makes me want to roll over and die!!!

The only pet peeve I have is when people tell me what i'm thinking. "Oh well you just think that.. blah blah blah... ect. ect. ect." That really makes me irked to no end! Also when people look negatively at me because of the dogs.

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I have no problem speaking publicly, at least as long as I'm comfortable with the subject - good thing, since I'm a teacher! I really hate being in crowds or large groups of people past a point - I find it exhausting! After a day at school, especially when I've been subbing in a busy classroom, it's so good to get home and just be pretty much alone! I enjoy going out to something like a concert, amusement park or dog show where there are lots of people once in a while, but not frequently.

Pet peeves - people who take others for granted, who don't take care of their pets, who are two faced, gossip, people who ask for advice while they tell you what kind of advice they don't want! tongue.gif

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Pet hates. . .

People who drive at 60mph in the middle lane of the motorway, when there is an empty inner lane.


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Spiders, i some times have a mini panic attack if they get too close but i would NEVER hurt one so its a lot of sreamin n squeakin tryin to get it under a glass n then out the window...... thats the worst part cos i always think the wind will blow it back on2 my face SO where did this come from..................... When i was younger i used to be the spider cathcher n would always here mum scream my name n i would get it let them walk all over me etc but 1 day my nanny (as in full time babysitter) was takin me 2 work n she switched on the air vents n one blew out on to me n ive been scared of them ever since !!!!!!!!

thats bout it oh n heights !!!! N that was from Skydivin !!!! I was fine b4 i did that now im petrified !!!

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anything happening to Kody


Flying (just take off) used to work at a place thatmade valves for planes in the repair shop. Since then i panic at take off hoping people have checked these valves. And when the plane takes off i cant look at the wings as sometimes can see the damn things behind the flaps

Anything paranormal (my house scares the sh#t out of me at night)

Pet hates

people that cant treat their dogs well

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Only one really - I'm pretty claustrophobic - which is a strange thing for someone who used to include caving amongst his hobbies. It's not about being in an enclosed space, that doesn't worry me. For me it is about being restricted and unable to move. Some years ago when I was still an active rock climber/caver/mountaineer, I thought it would be a good idea to do a mountain first aid course. Everything went swimmingly until I was asked to be "the victim" of a climbing accident and was strapped in to one of the mountain rescue stretchers - completely unable to move. As soon as the last strap was secured I went totally beserk. It was horrible and I told all my climbing companions that if ever I had a bad fall and needed to be put into one of those contraptions, just leave me on the mountain to die in peace as I could never get into one again (unless I was unconscious).

Other than that, only minor things like phones (I hate them) and idiots.


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Fears: That anything bad happens to my 3 kids (2 human, 1 Husky).

Phobias: Flying and Needles.

Unfortunately for me the best job I ever had involved flying between Los Angeles, Big Island (Hawaii), Oahu (Hawaii), Vancouver, Fiji, Sydney and Auckland. It lasted for 3 years and I flew at least once every 8 weeks, before each flight I would get so nervous that I would stop eating for 3 days! Drinking couldnt help as I have a liver problem dating back to my Army days!

Needles just hurt dont they?

Just to let you know I got married in Mexico so had to endure an 11hour flight each way and a blood test - I remind my wife of this every time she says I dont do anything for her!:D

Peeves: Disrespect - no-one is better than anyone else, we all have different strengths. (Bobby Robson was a bit special though):rolleyes:

Pet owners that do not clean up after their pets.

That'll do for now

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ok i hate spiders!!!!!

my wierd fear is of matches!!!!

im not sure why but i cant even be in a room with them,like my mum smokes and if she has a packet of matches they have to be out of sight.

she cant light one when i am there or shake the box, i cant look at them or stand the smell....if i see discarded ones in a pub garden i cant go out there and i panic if i have to go near them...

strange but true lol

oh and i hate heights.........

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Ok I hate spiders. If I am too close to a big spider then I can even have a asthma attack. little ones are ok, it's the big ones with the huge hairy legs! :huh:

pet hates:- I hate when I am accused of doing something I haven't done.

I hate plucking my eyebrows! it blinkin hurts, but so does having them waxed.

I hate people who talk about me behind my back, if they have something to say they should just say it to my face (if they dare)!! :o

I hate that people always have to compete to be the best, especially parents. So you give your kids fish fingers and chips more than once a week, or you let them play on the DS all evening. So what, who cares? :blink: There is no such thing as a perfect parent and I hate that people always try to undermine the unperfect ones and make them feel inadecuate.

Not keen on heights but not afraid either.

My fears:- Losing my Husband (this almost happened didn't it?) (thankfully everythings hunky dory now)

Losing my kids (any parent will say this)

Losing my Storm (I know it will happen one day but hopefully a long time away)

My parents dying (I'm morbid I know but honest)

My Aunt dying (she is in her 70's) (I know it's going to happen one day, I just don't want it to) :(

This forum getting shut down. :(

Losing touch with my husky family

thats it for now.

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I used to have a fear of needles. But ever since I found out it doesn't hurt at all WHEN you don't keep your muscles tense. So now I'm able to ignore the slight fear of needles when I see them.

Fear of heights? No way :lol:

Fear of spiders? Minor. As a child I once petted a very big tarantula. I found it somewhat cute. However, I don't like it when I KNOW there is a little spider in my room and I DON'T know where the hell it is. Same used to go for mosquitoes. But even that seem to slowly go away. Few weeks ago I found a spider walking over my pillow while I was in my bed. Luckily I had big books nearby :lol: But I have no problems sleeping afterwards.

Can't think of anything else right now. Maybe I miss something very obvious but is so normal to me that it's just part of my life. I'll keep an eye for it ;)

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Elevators. If I can find the stairs, I'm going to take them.

The Dark. Or more importantly what could be in the dark.

Flying on the big jet planes. I don't mind Bush planes but the big ones scare me.

Heights. The actual height doesn't scare me but the feeling of being very vulnerable near the edge, does.

Pet Peeves:

People who jump to conclusions about something they know nothing about.

People talking down on others just because of their age.

Hearing people chew their food. ( I know, I'm weird)

Thats all I can think of right now........

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