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Inconsistent work schedule


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I've dreamt of owning a husky since I was about 7 years old. As a child a became fascinated with Canadian Inuit Dogs and Huskies, and although I loved our family Border Collie, I knew that one day when I grew up, I wanted to have a husky of my own!

Now I am 24, searching for a house with a yard, and have found myself very eager lately, doing further research on the breed and it's characteristics.

Currently, I work part time, 5 days a week, only 4-5 hours a day, so I wouldn't be away from home for very long and would have a lot of time to spend with my dog every day. But I am entering the very inconsistent field of commercial production, which means I may be able to be with my dog almost every day of the month, but have to work a few 10-14hr days each month. These days depend on when work is available, some months I could work 2 days and some months I could work 8.

Sometimes, I'm sure my dad or girlfriend wouldn't mind taking care of the dog while I'd be at work, but I don't want to depend on that option 100% of the time. Are huskies able to be alone for 10-14hrs on rare occasion? And would having two make the situation any better?

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I would say no, 10-14 hours is way too long for a dog to be left alone, and having two wouldn't make the situation any better because they're still not getting food, exercise or attention, just some company. Plus chances are unless you have a dedicated room for them you'll want to be keeping them in crates when you're out as they could do a lot of damage to furniture, wires, floors, skirting, doors etc, in 10 hours.

If you can have friends or family guarantee they can look after the dog you should be ok, if not you could look at putting it into a creche for the day on these rare occasions.

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oh dear i'm going to say the total opposit here, as i have 3 sib's loose in my house, i do not crate never have. most of the time i or hubby are home as we try to work diff times but there are times when we both work the same days. so my 3 are left for 10 hours and their great.

i've never ever had any damage from them, the only room they dont have access to is our bed room xxxxx

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oh i know what you mean marc, i'm just saying mine are fine and don't forget i have two rescue dogs, which were 2 an 3 years old when i got them but still on occasions had to leave them when at work xxxxxx

i would not leave a pup i had a lodger when i got Odin, but as the OP said it would only be a few days a month. so in reply if you get a pup no i would not leave alone but an older dog yes, it's a chance you take the first few times, if it don't work then look at a pet sitter or walker xxxx

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To be honest it depends on the dog and the training involved for the most part huskies are not trusted to be alone for that amount of time as they depend on mental stimulation and exercise to release excess energy. I'm lucky enough to have roomates home at all times so I never worry about Kiana while I work long shifts. When they are not here, visiting family up north or what not, Kiana can and WILL be destructive so and she escapes her crate every now and then as well. Crating is NOT a cure all for long shifts lol. Also if you get a puppy they will need to go out every two hours they don't have proper bowel control for a couple months so that would be an issues as well. Again though it depends I know someone whose husky came from a long line of pets and he is the most laid back non caring husky I've ever seen. Completely opposite though is my co-workers who is bred from a long line of sledding dogs and he is the most excitable peppy thing I've ever met LOL.

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I wouldnt personally leave ANY dog alone for 14 hours, its just not fair.. imagine you had to sit in a room with nothing to do and no one to talk to for that length of time!?

However... a solution to that might be local... take a look at your local pet shops see if there are any dog walkers or pet sitters in your area or even better is there a doggy daycare centre in your area? For those rare occastions you need to work that length of time and no one is available to dog sit for you having paid help can solve your problem! :)

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10-14 hours straight?

That will depend on the dog, their age, and the amount of exercise they need/get. I can leave mine home all day after we've done some exercise the day before and they're fine. I think as long as you can either have a family member or hire someone to take them out or at least let them out during the day it wouldn't be a problem. Just be sure they are getting sufficient exercise the days in which you aren't leaving them there for that long. If you don't exercise them enough that's when the destruction comes into play.

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i think it depends - obviously theres members here who CAN and DO leave their sibes for a long amount of time - but then they get nice long walks and they have each other for company

a bored sibe WILL chew - TWO bored sibes - will CHEW! - you dont know if your gonna get 2 sibes who will keep each other company - or two sibes who will decide to just make twice the destruction

ive got 3 dogs - my eldest (staffy x 12 years) gets full run of the house - apart from the kitchen - and he just sleeps when we are out no matter how long weve gone

my middle dog (sibe 2yrs) because he is used to my eldest sleeping when we go out - he too has got into the pattern of sleeping when we are out

my youngest (sibe 13months) WILL chew - we did have 2 crate her - but would never crate a sibe for that long - we have 2 make sure she has plenty of toys, and treats n things to chew on which keeps her occupyied

she chews because shes bored - my boy wont play with her because he is used to sleeping (they get locked in the kitchen/dining room together) - she HAS calmed down and no longer needs crating - but she still wont be given full run of the house - cuz she will chew if she does

it really does depend on your sibe/s

if you can find somebody to look after him/her whilst you go work - or even doggy day care then that would help you ALOT - u wanna make sure your husky IS used to you leaving for certain periods of time so they dont get seperation anxeity because youve been around all day everyday for so long then suddenly you dissapear for 10+ hours

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I will also be running into this problem and am feeling positive about it. They have been alone for up to 5 hours and not done any damage...yet. Hoping to have a job (second interview on monday) in a week or so, and we will both be gone for 9 hours, but may be able to stagger leave and home times an hour or so. We will walk them in the morning and evening, and do a lot of praying. Even when I'm home they seem to spend a lot of time asleep in my bed...so like I've said to a few people, they will be the only ones unhappy that I will be working, since I've been home with them both since they came to live with us, starting in August.

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Thank you everyone for all the feedback! I am so glad I found this forum.

About the damage, I notice a lot of you say you leave them inside as opposed to a gated back yard when you leave. Is that so they won't dig holes and/or escape from the backyard?

For the most part. They can easily clear a 6ft fence and dig under it. Also huskies are one of the top stolen breeds.

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I keep my husky outside because as both my partner and i work full time we are both out for 8 hours 4 days of the week. i have a very secure yard 6ft and 9ft fences with concrete retaining walls under so she cant dig and she really is not a jumper so I'm not worried about that. She doesnt really destroy anything in the backyard but i wouldnt trust her inside for that amount of time. Im pretty sure she just curls up and sleeps and chews her toys and runs up and down the fence line because one of our neighbours has a rabbit! We have had her since she was a pup and had her inside for a couple months before we moved her to outside during the day

Every dog is different and it sounds like you have plenty of time to look after a dog and maybe on those days when you have to work 14 hours someone could pop over and let him out and play with him a bit to break up the day.

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Have you considered looking into a daycare service? We take our 2 1/2 year old to daycare 2x's a week which is incredible for helping him release energy and affects his behavior/obedience. The other 3 workdays, he is home, uncrated and does perfectly fine, no damage. Every dog is different but consider either hiring a walker who can come when you won't be around or look into a reputable dog daycare service.

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If you have a 100% secure backyard, I would think they would be perfectly fine outside all day, as long as they have sufficient water (keeping in mind that most Sibes will play with the water in their bowl) and plenty of shade to escape the heat. It would be great if you could get someone to check up on them during the day. I say 'they' as two huskies are better than one when being left alone for long periods at a time, they are pack animals and need the company/comfort of their pack.

They may be a little more work, and you may have to take extra precautions with them, but they are without doubt the most amazing animals to share your home with. Their love of life never ceases to amaze me. Good luck - I sincerely hope you get your husky :)

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If you have a 100% secure backyard, I would think they would be perfectly fine outside all day, as long as they have sufficient water (keeping in mind that most Sibes will play with the water in their bowl) and plenty of shade to escape the heat. It would be great if you could get someone to check up on them during the day. I say 'they' as two huskies are better than one when being left alone for long periods at a time, they are pack animals and need the company/comfort of their pack.

They may be a little more work, and you may have to take extra precautions with them, but they are without doubt the most amazing animals to share your home with. Their love of life never ceases to amaze me. Good luck - I sincerely hope you get your husky :)

I agree, however, I would strongly suggest that you NOT get two puppies at the same time! It's difficult to properly train and socialize one puppy well when you're working (which I realize you said you aren't every day), however with two puppies together, you would really need to take them out separately so that each had time alone with you. That way, each one can bond with you, and get individual training. Another consideration is that two pups raised together need some time away from each other, so that one or both doesn't become too dependent on the other (it makes it very difficult for them to be apart if it should be necessary - for example if one should have to spend a day or two at the vets - or, as they get older, when one passes). You want the bond with you to be the strongest! Good luck, and thanks for doing your homework! smile.gif

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Thank you so much for the all of the feedback.

As of right now, I am working part time, 4 hour shifts Monday-Friday. Is 4 1/2 hours too long to leave a husky alone when he's a puppy? I could always drop him off at my girlfriend's house while I'm at work, but I remember hearing that never being alone could be a cause for separation anxiety.

Also, what about when you go to sleep? Does a puppy tend to get into mischief and destroy when his owner is asleep?

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Depends on the age of the puppy. Very young puppies can't hold their bladders that long. Cheyenne was able to hold it for about 4 hours when she was 3-4 months old.

When my dogs were puppies we crated them at night and when we couldn't watch them. We also have done it for all of the new dogs for the first few months. I wouldn't trust a puppy without a crate during the night! laugh.gif

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i think four-five hours the puppy should be fine. Zoey was able to hold it for that long at about 4 months, also huskies are really good about not going potty in their crate. yes if you spend a lot of time with the pup and then you have to leave they could end up with a case of separation anxiety. Embry had a case of it until he was about 7 months old, it was a miserable stage and he ruined tons while he was going through it.

we crate zoey while were sleeping, and embry is locked in the bedroom with us.. Embry is old enough now that he knows not to go potty on the carpet, not to ruin things. Zoey on the other hand i know would ruin anything she could get her mouth on, and she'd probably pee somewhere as well along with trying to constantly play with Embry.

I'd definitely recommend crate training your pup, it will make things a million times easier even if the first few nights are filled with puppy screams.

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