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i need a mini grump....

Lil Miss Bump

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as most've you will know i managed to fall down the stairs,knock myself out and break my wrist (again) yesterday....well i need a moan coz i'm in pain :-( at ems party last night i was tryin my best but did not feel 'with it' for most of the night as my head was pounding-i was so exhausted that i thought i'd sleep through tonight but no :-( i've been up and down as my head is still pounding despite parcetemol, can't get comfy coz of the cast and generally just feel a bit useless and rubbish. Esp as poor ems was woken up yesterday by an almighty crash when i fell :-( rah :-( sorry guys am just feeling sorry for myself. There are people much worse off than me in the world. Please tell me some jokes to cheer me up-or ur disaster stories xxxxx ps it was evil genius that pushed me down the stairs-he's trying to bump me off!

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haha well i was in the supermarket on monday trying to be healthy and buy an apple as i made my way to get a bag for the apple i stepped on a grape that was on the floor and went ass up for everyone to see.... AND i was wearing a dress so it was not a good look... i wanted the world to open and swallow me whole LOL i got out of there as quickly as possible luckily the only thing hurt was my pride lol

hopefully your wrist heals quickly and you can get back to normal

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Poor you, I was half way down the stairs when all three decided to run down with me, Thor to my left and Odin to my right, then Loki decided that she will go through the middle of my legs, so with nowhere to go but down I went flying straight into the shoe box at the bottom of the stairs, I bounced of that and fell to the floor in pain, dogs thought I was playing and jumped on me untill I yelled in pain, Loki ran into the kitchen, Odin backed off and Thor came and layed down by my side with his paw on my head, I must have been there for half an hour before getting up. Xrays showed two broken ribs :angry:

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many years ago i broke my leg, and when i got home after being released from hospital, my youger brother had polished the spiral wooden staircase up to my room in the attic, 1/2 way up the stairs one leg went one side of the step, and the other leg went the other side of the step. i went back to hospital for another week.

wasnt funny at the time, but it makes me giggle now.

another funny thing now is..... when i was younge3r and a skateboarder i decided to skateboard down this really steep hill. i was going really fast and 1/2 way down i hit a tiny stone that stopped my skateboard dead, unfortunatley i wasnt stopped by the stone, and carried on going straight into a lamppost. my friends thought it was cool and i should do it again.

i dissagreed as i had broken 3 of my rear teeth and my collar bone.

i have hurt myself in neumerous ways over the years. not so much now any more thankfully.

hope you get better soon. you can get co-codamol over the counter, its a bit stronger than paracetamol

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Oh Poor evil genius being blamed for his mummies accident (lol).

Many years ago my older brother and I were playing bull fighters with me as the bull and my brother as the matador. My brother thought it would be funny to hold his cape in front of the closed inner hallway glass door as I ran down the hallway at full speed and went head first through the glass door. Although there was blood everywhere from my head wound I was OK but my brother fainted as he doesn't like the sight of blood.

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Try 2 paracetamol and 1 ibuprofen.

Louise I was on diclofenic a few years ago. They worked a treat... but only because they gave me excrutiating stomach cramps and I forgot about the reason why I was taking them :blink::o

I'm sure our pooches are trying to take over the world by taking us out 1 by 1 :P . Last year Saffi pulled on her lead whilst we were out walking. I slipped on ice, fell backwards, cracked my head on the floor and gave myself whiplash. I was in the middle of Heaton Park, there were loads of people around and not 1 person came over to check if I was ok. I was lying on the ground for a couple of minutes before I could get up :(:angry:

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When I was about 10 my mum had just sat down in the living room and her face was really red from doing housework. My dad came in and started poking fun at her calling her a lobster (that's my dad :rolleyes: ) and turned to me and my brother saying "Everyone be a lobster like mummy!". I held my breath and clenched my neck to make my face go red......then got dizzy and fainted. My parents thought I was doing some weird lobster impression on the floor because of the way I'd fallen and laughed.....then after about 30 seconds I woke up and started crying. I cut up my chin and pulled a load of neck muscles dry.gif

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Mine have taken me out in the yard a couple of times. Andy is much more agile and will now go around, but Jackson doesn't seem to care and is like a bull. Other accidents? Well, about 17 years ago I missed a step going down the stairs in the dark and ended up breaking my foot, also slid down on my heel once, grabbed the bannister and would have been better off letting go as I ended up rotating my spine 3/4 around and the pain was horrible. Unfortunately, all those accidents as well as a few in auto, add up and now I have chronic pain....you learn to manage it...but some days are worse than others. I always go down the stairs now next to the wall and am aware of where the hounds are!

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A few years ago i was at an swimming pool which fills up with high tide from the sea and there is this middle platform i was on that and decided to dive in little did i realise that there was a rock under it and dislocated my coller bone and shoulder on it A&E had a right laugh when i went in with it lol x

Anouther time at the same place i sliped of mossy type seaweed that was really slippy and cracked my head on the concrete steps was fun trying to walk 2 miles to A&E in daze lucky i had my OH and lola with me xx

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Sorry to hear that Diz ... how did you fall down the stairs ???

I have 2 comedy falling over stories last one happened about 5 years ago walking my dog on the park with a a friend (lady friend and yes i was trying to impress) with her dog, my dog at the time was a Doberman so i let him off lead and we played ball, i throw he brings back, my friend was like wow my dog never does that he won't even come back if i let him off lead at which point i throw the ball again he fetches it comes running back at me hell for leather runs into my legs and bowls me straight over, i landed in mud and she had a hard time trying to laugh

The other one was when i was at school about 14 yo we had a class outing to a gym (no idea why ) anyway we found a boxing ring and me a friend decided to do some WWF style macho man vs hulk hogan wrestling, no teacher about and about 7 or 8 of our class mates watching i climb up the corner post stand on the top rope give it a big OOHHHHHH YEEEEEEEAH fall off face first and brake several fingers trying to stop myself !!!!!!! i got detention for a week and put on report for a month !!!!

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Feel better soon Diz!

When we first brought Zoey home we had her on lead out on our front lawn, and she saw a squirrel and tried to run for it. Stupid me grabbed her collar thinking I would have more strength to hold her back, how wrong I was! She jerked so hard that she pulled me straight over flat on my face! I had 3 sprained fingers from them getting caught around her collar, and I had a black eye from smacking my face on the sidewalk!

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