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i have a husky i can let off lead.


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have always thought that if i was to let one of my girls of lead Nikita is the only one i would think maybe be ok...

well after training with the 2 younger ones yesterday i came home and took Nikita out on her own with a long lead .. as we were walking around fields i decided to just let lead trail on floor..knowing that if she ran i would catch her soon as she would tire out quickly ... well to my surprise she didn't seem to notice.. spent 90% of the walk till we got back to the road .. with lead just trailing.. she was happy just plodding ..having a sniff and when i got few steps ahead she then ran about 30 foot in front ..stood ..looked and waited for me to catch up.. at corners she waited for me to catch up and tell her which way to go....

this moring after training with all 3 i let her out of cage.. told her to wait and she did... put leads on 2 younger ones and then told Nikita ..." go on then " and she happily just walked with us to gate .. and then in to front door..

wouldnt do it all the time ..but hey... i think its a major acheivement.. will make unloading 3 dogs at home after training so much easier..

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uuum well I'd just like to refer anyone who thinks their husky can go off lead to this thread I wrote today... My link If you think my day sounds fun and you'd liek to try it by all means continue to let your huskies off lead but personally I think your nuts! :blink: Work on recall by all means to try to prevent an accident but if you want to let your husky off just by god make sure you work on your own cardio fitness so like me your able to keep up and prevent a accident turning into a painful disaster! :(

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uuum well I'd just like to refer anyone who thinks their husky can go off lead to this thread I wrote today... My link If you think my day sounds fun and you'd liek to try it by all means continue to let your huskies off lead but personally I think your nuts! :blink: Work on recall by all means to try to prevent an accident but if you want to let your husky off just by god make sure you work on your own cardio fitness so like me your able to keep up and prevent a accident turning into a painful disaster! :(

i hear totally what you are saying.. i would never let mine off the lead normally.. and would advise away from it .. anyone that knows me knows i have always been very adamant that i wouldnt walk off lead.. but in my 2 cases of it has been with my nikita .. who is the softest of the lot and so laid back she is almost horizontal.. when i take her out alone after training the other two.. she never moves more than few feet away on the flexi lead..she loves the fact she gets daddy time with just me and her and she will stick close by me.. and the fields are fairly secure where i was so wasnt worried that she would get out before i could catch her especially with a long line dragging behind i could easily grab.. also also if you have seen my story about her on my website then you would know what i mean,, she doesnt even run fast so i wouldnt have problem catching her.

as for this morning.. well she had just ran 1 & half mile with me on push bike.. i know my dogs so well that i knew all she wanted was breakfast.. and her sofa .. so i knew 100% she would just follow me and other 2 and head for the house... plus i live in the country not a built up area with lots of traffic..

so i suppose what i had was two controlled situations that i was safe letting her off.. but either way ..yeh i wouldnt advise people to do it ..untill you have put time training and trust in.. but if you know your dog well enough that you can trust them ..why not... only each individual owner knows there dog well enough to make the judgement call. .. Nikita is proving to me that some huskies can be trusted off lead.. compare her to my other 2 and she is a very lazy husky..

i would love to be able to let all 3 of mine off when walking over the fields... would enjoy it more ..and prob go further cos im not being dragged..

so good luck to those that can..and im so jealous..

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Sorry for the dose of reality. Why get a Sibe if you want to let a dog off lead? You've all read that they can't be let off lead, but people still think they have the dog that can be. Teaching a dog recall is a good thing. Best taught when they are still small enough that you can catch them if they decide to run. But off lead? There are countless examples of people that thought they were different and lost their dogs to a car or a farmers gun. These are not made up stories - these are real.

Letting a Sibe off lead is gambling with it's life. Personally I am not prepared to lose my dogs.

[sorry Marc. had to say something]

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i feel i should mention that when i let skyla off she is on a feild there are NO distractions n she is with another dog who recalls well - shes only been offlead once - the other time shes been on a 100ft long lead - i personally will only let her drag the 100ft lead along i wont actually let her OFF lead again - once was enough n even tho she came back everytime i too value her life too much to let her off again

hence the long lead

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Sorry for the dose of reality. Why get a Sibe if you want to let a dog off lead? You've all read that they can't be let off lead, but people still think they have the dog that can be. Teaching a dog recall is a good thing. Best taught when they are still small enough that you can catch them if they decide to run. But off lead? There are countless examples of people that thought they were different and lost their dogs to a car or a farmers gun. These are not made up stories - these are real.

Letting a Sibe off lead is gambling with it's life. Personally I am not prepared to lose my dogs.

[sorry Marc. had to say something]

Totally agree with you xxx

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hmmmm seemed like a little back tracking went on !!!

i stand by my posts.. and what i said.. would only do it with Nikita and in controlled situation.. .. like when i know she is Knackered after running. let her out of van and all she does is trot up the path way to front door. and just wanting her sofa or miles away from traffic on the farm with just me and her...

i live in the middle of no where... honestly .. and i know 100% she wouldnt get far before she tired and slowed down so i can catch her and well before she gets near any traffic.. but also she is perfect on recall.. no matter what she is doin she always comes when i call her.. no matter where we are or whats going on..

Nikita i suppose is not the greatest advert for a husky cos she is not driven like my other two..by running or food , treats etc.. she is driven by the one thing that matters most to her....... me and my company.

she had hard life before coming to me and i suppose she shows her love by never ever being more than a few feet away from me in all the time i have had her... ..

fictional situation that i hope never happens... but i know 100% that if i fell while out walking and broke my leg or something.. and couldn't move... i know that Nikita is the kind of dog who would not leave my side 100% untill help was there .. and still wouldn't leave my side ..no matter what...!!!!

yeh we all know what is said about Huskies ... but no one knows there own dogs like them selves... and one thing is for sure... i do know my dogs 100% better than any book or anything that can be said..

as for my comment .. would love to walk mine of lead ... yeh would love to.. never would,, but doesnt stop me from wanting to... just co's i have huskies doesnt mean i cant want to be able to walk of lead...

would never every let even for a second my Tikaani or Macie off lead.....

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Ok, I have a husky I let walk off lead.

Kiana walks off lead every weekend when we have a walk around some local woodland, we probably walk for over an hour and she is always close.

In fact she is the one that rounds up our cocker spaniel if he goes for a wander, she'll nip the back of his neck and herd him back to us.

I admit she is quite bold, likes to go up to other dogs and play if they are willing or leave them alone if they aren't.

I would never let her off lead near roads and she is put on the lead before getting back to the car at the car park.

I also have Thor a 4 year old husky and he is never let off lead as he would just run with not a hint of recall.

Maybe Kiana is an exception to the rule but I would never take her for granted, the first signs of her not listening and running off will be her last time of freedom off lead.

I know that it is drummed into us by all Husky owners to never let our dogs off lead, but there are exceptions to the rules, I have owned Huskies for about 25 years now and she is the one and only that can be trusted off lead. I imagine there are quite a few more that will be ok off lead, but unless your confident your babies won't get hurt don't try it, find an enclosed space first.

Kiana's brother from a previous litter and her mother were also great off lead and as far as I know still are, so maybe it's in the breeding.

She has a reasonable prey drive, chases birds and the odd squirrel, but gives up easily when she is told to stop. Cows and horses roam the woodland where I mentioned earlier and she doesn't bat an eyelid at them, she has gone up to both horses and cows with caution I might add and quietly passed them by and not hassled them at all.

I know I'm waffling and as I said I won't take the situation I have with her for granted and no I'm not saying all Huskies should be let off lead but some can be trusted although I would never trust any breed of dog 100%.


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Sorry, but that's mistake number 1. NO sibe can be trusted 100%. 99% maybe (if you're lucky). But that 1% is all it takes for the dog to disappear. Is that worth the risk?

I'm not trying to scare anyone, just save a dogs life. This topic comes up regularly elsewhere. So many people listen, take in the not off lead thing, and then go and do it anywhere because they have the 1 dog that is different. It's heart breaking to then read that their dog has been killed in an accident.

The other post about "she is driven by the one thing that matters most to her....... me and my company.". I'm not picking on you, but she's a Sibe. Sibes are only interested in the one thing that takes their attention at that specific moment. If a cat/rabbit/sheep/squirrel/whatever suddenly made an entrance - would you trust your dog to stay by your side then? Their prey drive & hunting instinct is stronger than anything else. Their thirst for being bloody nosey is strong too. The red mist can descend at any time and you have to be prepared for it.

That's what I love about Sibes. They're so predictable, until they're unpredictable. If that makes sense blink.gif

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Ive let Aleu off with the lead trailing on the floor, she didn't bugger off, but I know that if she had spotted a bird I would have lost her. I made sure I was paying attention to her body language and stayed close to the lead so I could stand on it.

I wouldn't trust her off lead. It's not worth it. After all, I had a dog to walk with me.

Stacey xxx

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The other post about "she is driven by the one thing that matters most to her....... me and my company.". I'm not picking on you, but she's a Sibe.

understand what you are saying ..but ..erm well lets put it this way ..you don't know Nikita have never met Nikita..so how can you judge...one thing i do know ..is that i know my dogs...

i study my dogs..learn about my dogs in ever way....

if ever you met Nikita then maybe you would realise.. and understand......

and lets face it not all Huskies are typical Huskies

they say you cant have a Husky with a cat.. but lots of people including people on this forum are proof of that you can.... not all Huskies are typical huskies and some can be let of lead...

and i know this will open up for the question "well maybe she is not a full bred Husky " or "is she a cross breed" well my answer is yes....

Nikita ( lady makoshika ) is 100% Husky KC registered and no cross breeding and has some serious champions in her heritage ..

i have been at race meets / rallies.. and seen Huskies off lead... at one of my last open meet at Thetford..i believe was organised by Lorraine a member from sibe space..

i was actually park next to a women and was amazed that she had 4 sibes that were off lead and happily did not move away from the van.. and came as soon as she called...

but ran in harness like a rocket..

so im sorry but not all huskies are the same as the text book says they are !!!!

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Shaer is not like 99% of Huskies off lead. she hardly leaves our side when walking. Lots will have noticed on Sunday at the dog park that she rarely left either mine or Jennifers side. I would never tell others to let their dogs off the lead because Shaer is the exeption not the norm. We couldn't train her from being a puppy because we got her as an adult.

But I trained Buck from 12 weeks old to be off the lead, some may say I have been lucky, I believe you can train a pup to be ok of the lead, never near a road though as huskies have no road sense at all, and seem to feel it is upto others to get out of the way rather than they should do so.

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i feel really sad and disappointed that off lead with huskys is inadvertinatly promoted and appears 'ok'.

Anyone who has reserached the breed will know the major risks associated with it. What concerns me is a new husky owner who has done no training what so ever may miss understand the information and think its ok to spend 10mins practicing recall on a long lead and think...yay my husky recalls.

eh oh....now the rainbrow bridge (however far down the line)

I have fostered dogs due to this very reason and i find it sad that risks are taken. my first foster was in as her owners was threatened by the local farmer. instead of keeping on lead they gave her up. I just dont get it, its beyond my understanding.

I adore my dogs so much and i do feel for them being so contained at times...but i love them and need to protect them. that means they are on a 6ft lead or in a secure garden...end off! They get their running enjoyment from scootering/rig. They dont need to be off lead for exercise. that would only meet my need as it would make my life easier. I would rather get pulled about than loose them.

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When we got Buck we read all the Don'ts and Can'ts about owning huskies

We had two cats (Huskies will kill cats) Never happened and they used to curl up together.

Huskies will kill livestock, Buck loved Sheep, cows, horses,Donkeys and Alpacas. We had all these living in fields close to our home. He ran with the horses. who trusted him, one night Buck found one bound up in barbed wire, he called me over and the horse let me remove the wire from it's leg, at no point did Buck spook the horse (it was pitched black) and walked with the donkeys, he would leave cows alone in fields we walked through and stick his noise through fenses to say hello to others. The alpacas used to come up to the wall to say hello touched noises etc. Sheep Buck had a soft spot for because he sat and mothered two Lambs through a gate, many times over 4 weeks. All these animals he could have got at and chased and killed if he wanted to.

Huskies will run away if off lead. He did it once when on a snow covered field he saw a rabbit. He chased that rabbit across two fields before catching it and bringing it down with a swipe of his front paw. As soon as he had done that he didn't touch the rabbit again and it ran off while he ran back running like he was proud of himself and saying look if I wanted to do so I could have killed that rabbit but I didn't want too.

But I would never trust Talon or Shaer with Livestock because they were not brought up around them as a pup. Was I just lucky that Buck was a one off or was it because of our training him from a very young age. I can not answer that because he is the only puppy I have ever had.

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i feel really sad and disappointed that off lead with huskys is inadvertinatly promoted and appears 'ok'.

Anyone who has reserached the breed will know the major risks associated with it. What concerns me is a new husky owner who has done no training what so ever may miss understand the information and think its ok to spend 10mins practicing recall on a long lead and think...yay my husky recalls.

eh oh....now the rainbrow bridge (however far down the line)

I have fostered dogs due to this very reason and i find it sad that risks are taken. my first foster was in as her owners was threatened by the local farmer. instead of keeping on lead they gave her up. I just dont get it, its beyond my understanding.

I adore my dogs so much and i do feel for them being so contained at times...but i love them and need to protect them. that means they are on a 6ft lead or in a secure garden...end off! They get their running enjoyment from scootering/rig. They dont need to be off lead for exercise. that would only meet my need as it would make my life easier. I would rather get pulled about than loose them.

i researched the breed for some 8 years or so before i even thought about having a Husky..so i am fully aware of the risks,,, but i also studied my girls ..learnt about my girls as individuals ..not just as a husky but as an individual.....as for saying about no training what so ever... my dogs have had lots of time and energy into training... a hell of a lot... my wife is a trainer with many years experience .. so its not a case of i have made it up as i go along... i have been to classes have carried on from them classes every time i walk my girls i will do some training with them...and have some very very experienced husky owners that are friends ..that i have stood talked to listened to and have been given advice from.. ..taken in all that has been said..and have learnt very much from these people and some have had Huskies for well over 20 years... as for also the comment about think its ok to give 10 mins practice at recall... well please credit me with more brains than that... i have put extensive training into my dogs.. and extensive amount of times watching and learning.. i even record every time i run them on rig so i can watch video back numerous times to learn every single movement.. to find what im doing wrong or right.. whats their best or worst bits etc etc...how do they react to this that or the other...

its bit like a japanese akita ( fighting dog ) as they are known..yeh they have had bad press.. but i know of one dog that is as soft as anything.. and doesnt deserve the rep the breed has been given..

Shetland Sheepdog is known as a soft but working dog and 99% are fantastic off the lead..... but have seen my fare share that have been the opposite.. and when i say fare share ..my wife runs the rescue for south east for the Shetland Sheepdog..so over many years of marriage have seen every end of the scale.... point being not all Huskies are what the books say they are... !!! just like any other dog ..not all are what books say they are..

im a gemini ...does that mean i am exactly what the book says i am..

there is so many Husky owners out there that have had long and great lives with their Husky off lead..and never had a problem......

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Every now and again on every husky forum, eventually I have to repeat this story.

Years ago, when we first started in the breed, we sold one of the pups from our first litter to a lovely lady who had a husky collie cross which she worked very successfully in obedience and agility. She was an absolutely brilliant dog trainer, and was determined to get her pup, Quilla, involved in obedience trials and agility competitions, while being aware of the breed's issues and ensuring Quilla's safety every step of the way.


From a baby puppy, Quilla was off-lead in safe situations, learned obedience and, from the age of two, started to take part in agility competitions as well with great success. I have never, ever seen such an obedient husky as Quilla and her relationship with her owner had to be seen to be believed.

Then one day, at the age of six, she spotted something interesting, jumped the fence into the neighbour's garden (something she had never done before) and ran towards the neighbour's open gate. Mary called her back immediately and for the first (and last) time ever, Quilla ignored her call, and ran out of the gate straight under the wheels of a car. She was killed instantly.

That is all it takes - one time in a thousand.

My dogs are much too precious to me to ever take the risk.


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i researched the breed for some 8 years or so before i even thought about having a Husky..so i am fully aware of the risks,,, but i also studied my girls ..learnt about my girls as individuals ..not just as a husky but as an individual.....as for saying about no training what so ever... my dogs have had lots of time and energy into training... a hell of a lot... my wife is a trainer with many years experience .. so its not a case of i have made it up as i go along... i have been to classes have carried on from them classes every time i walk my girls i will do some training with them...and have some very very experienced husky owners that are friends ..that i have stood talked to listened to and have been given advice from.. ..taken in all that has been said..and have learnt very much from these people and some have had Huskies for well over 20 years... as for also the comment about think its ok to give 10 mins practice at recall... well please credit me with more brains than that... i have put extensive training into my dogs.. and extensive amount of times watching and learning.. i even record every time i run them on rig so i can watch video back numerous times to learn every single movement.. to find what im doing wrong or right.. whats their best or worst bits etc etc...how do they react to this that or the other...

its bit like a japanese akita ( fighting dog ) as they are known..yeh they have had bad press.. but i know of one dog that is as soft as anything.. and doesnt deserve the rep the breed has been given..

Shetland Sheepdog is known as a soft but working dog and 99% are fantastic off the lead..... but have seen my fare share that have been the opposite.. and when i say fare share ..my wife runs the rescue for south east for the Shetland Sheepdog..so over many years of marriage have seen every end of the scale.... point being not all Huskies are what the books say they are... !!! just like any other dog ..not all are what books say they are..

im a gemini ...does that mean i am exactly what the book says i am..

there is so many Husky owners out there that have had long and great lives with their Husky off lead..and never had a problem......

if you read what i wrote - i said that new owners could do 10mins of recall on a lead and think its ok to do off lead. i didnt imply that is what you did. people rehome adults all the time. if someone was a bit confused, came and read the thread could easily think...yeah my dog can do it too!

my pup is 100% with recall while on a lead. only the other day he got off (no idea how), did he come back...did he hell. We go to training classes, we practice all the time and he returns each and every time...yet the first time he's off lead (in error) he doesnt come back.

I just feel care needs to be done so that new owners dont think its a 10min job/assessment so it doesnt look that off lead is promoted and can be easily developed. As you say much work has gone in into it.

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