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i have a husky i can let off lead.


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so whats being said is that.. even though in my first post ..i was pleased that had happened and it was in controlled situation... people decide to knock what i had done..even though many many owners have done it many many times and never had a problem..... i never said i would do ot all the time or never said i would do it again.. i was just voicing my pleasure that it had happened... if newbie's that come on here read one post and think its ok to walk off lead well then they shouldnt have a husky cos they have not learnt enough about the breed....

bit like being told by a person at a welfare organization that they would never re home with me cos i have cats.. and when seing said welfare at a show.. and mentioned it to one of the main people .. a statement that was made by that person to the person who refused me.. along the lines of well hang on he has got 3 ... ( so good home that a dog lost out on )

make your own minds up from that...!!!

but yet plenty of us have got cats and live happily with them and Huskies...

its about time we all started treating each individual Husky as exactly that individuals....

all 3 of mine are so different !!!

and don't see why they should be treated as the same ..just co's they are a husky

every breed is different .. and every indiviual dog within that breed is different..

i have had a rescue sheltland sheepdog ..escape and run under a car.... so should i walk them on the lead all the time...

sorry but way to many times.. one incident causes people to think that the whole breed is the same way

.when that is simply not the case...

my 2 daughters have turned out good.. some peoples daughters have gone into bad... crime ... murder etc... do we treat all females the same.


so why do we treat all Huskies as if they can't be trusted.....

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I just say that ALL dogs can't go offlead, until you get to know them personal. I trust Dana offleash because of how she behaves. I only do it when I'm fully sure there is nothing to distact Dana from. So far, she listened to our call, even when she played with a bunch of other dogs on the beach while she was 50 meters away from us. She DID once ran away, but didn't go further than 15 meters. She stood and waited for me to come up to her. She didn't ran away, even while their was enough fun stuff in front of her (playing dogs, cats etc).

However, I know that it doesn't take much for a husky to turn deaf and I realize that. This isn't a husky trait IMO. ANY dog can have this, as proven by my story a few days ago of a 13 year old golden retriever that suddenly ran out of his house, while he always has been walking offlead his whole life. So following the no-husky-offlead logic, ALL dogs should be permanently on a leash. Always. No matter what. Because that 1% *CAN* happen.

I personally think the only one who can decide what's best for the dog is the owner itself, and not someone on the other side of the world who just reads your message.

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but people do rehome and take on breeds inappropriatly. only the other week i failed a homecheck massively due to his arrogance for not willing to keep on lead. he's already lost a husky due to being killed on a train. not in hell is he getting another if i have anything to do with it.

of course there are individual cases but the large % will have the husky characteristic. You may have the 'odd' one whcih is exception to the rule, but im not willing to find out.

This forum gets many many new owners and many with little experience. I personally feel that care needs to be taken as to how things come across.

Just my view

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richard hasnt said anywhere he thinks huskies CAN be let offlead hes saying he has ONE who can - he has 3 sibes - he KNOWS his girls - and knows he can trust nikita compared to tikaani and macie who he cant trust offlead

just like i can trust bings and skyla but not blaze - no1 on here is saying that huskes can be let offlead - we are saying we have 1 that can

but we also say we dont do this ALL the time and we only do it where we no we can trust them - walking up to the path towards the house (which we also do with skyla) or when we are on a field after they are tired after a run ect - we arent advising that everybody start letting their sibes off - and we will also be some of the first to advise against it

but like all people arent they same - neither are all animals including sibes = my two couldnt be more different if they tried

just my opinion

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richard hasnt said anywhere he thinks huskies CAN be let offlead hes saying he has ONE who can - he has 3 sibes - he KNOWS his girls - and knows he can trust nikita compared to tikaani and macie who he cant trust offlead

just like i can trust bings and skyla but not blaze - no1 on here is saying that huskes can be let offlead - we are saying we have 1 that can

but like all people arent they same - neither are all animals including sibes = my two couldnt be more different if they tried

just my opinion


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+1 to you Richard -

I understand that this went from a happy, casual comment to heated debate with people getting their hackles up.

The problem is that some people just want to pick-

Richards original post had nothing to do with advice to a newbie - just a proud/happy feeling he wanted to share.

People should understand that posts in this forum are for people to share their feelings, experiences, advice etc. and not all posts need to be

directed at always thinking - "I need to think before I post as a newbie might read it"

And telling someone about what their dog is like because he's "a Husky" is ridiculous.

To quote an infamous man

Cant we all just get along (LOL)

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I can see both sides of the picture on this I really can but I'm afraid I'm with Richard on this one.

The same as no 2 people are alike no 2 dogs are alike.

For all my issues with Molly I can be assured that if I let her off leash over our local country park she will go 50 ft in front stop wait for me to catch up and then move back on.

She comes the second I call. The same as with Richard I am no1 to her and fuss off mum is too her more interesting than anything.

When I got Codey one of my biggest fears was he would have to stay on lead. Once again I was lucky to find a puppy who felt the same as Molly.

Me and my other half often get them to race between us to give them a chance to run.

I NEVER have them off lead near a road but once they are in the park and I know they will be ok I let them go.

I know I am lucky that my two can be trusted and the same as someone else said the second they push it they will go back on their leads till I can trust them

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I have to agree with those that don't let theirs off, i used to let Luna off, until i couldn't get her back. Would never risk it again, and i found out my last holiday sitter let Luna off all the time after i told her specifically not to, i would never let them off lead, had too many close calls. And its heartbreaking.

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I could be really annoying and open the can of worms that it's actually illegal to let your dog off lead anyway... Lol. I'm trying to behave seriously, I know that reality is that people do, but technically it's against the law incase they randomly decide to attack someone or incase another individual has a fear of dogs and your dog goes bounding up to them.

But yeah, Richard, I don't think you've done anything wrong and people shouldn't be having a go at you, even if this was just a one off, it's all experimentation to see how well your girl would respond if she did manage to get off the lead. You didn't just take her off the lead and let her bugger off, you kept her on the line and you supervised her well.

Whether you continue to risk this is up to you, but I'm sure everyone here is aware of the risks that we take with our Sibes. Be proud of your girl - but don't allow yourself to slip into over confidence with her in it either. I'm not saying you will, it's just an easy mistake.

Stacey xxx

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why do people still insist on promoting letting sibes off lead!!!

i know of 2 dogs killed this year, one by shooting, by a local farmer as it ran into a field of sheep.

A good friend of mine lost one of hers this summer. she was only 30 seconds behind her with her 2 of her other dogs, a samoyed and an elkhund. The farmer didnt even think twice and shot the dog on sight, as he is entitled to do. i cannot tell you how much upset this caused my friend, but she lernt her lesson the hard way and doesnt let her dogs off lead at all now, she also has 2 other sibes. all this happened in a so called 'safe' 'secure' field in cheltenham, guess what her perfectly trained, very loyal sibe, she could trust off lead to stay close by after years of training... didnt come to recall, did find a hole in the fence and was gone as quick as a flash! with my friend giving chase as she did so she herd the shot ring out and knew instantly what had happened. The other one was by a car accident. once again escaping from a so called secure field where other dogs and dog walkers were playing at the time, her dog just took off after a game of chase into a hedge, chased after something probably, a rabbit and got hit by a car the other side of the hedge. the car owner was trying to sue her on top of this for damage to his car! im not trying to be gory or nasty but this is what can happen and all to often does!

these happened to sibes that were '100% safe to let off lead' or so said the owners. it might be the case that you can let your dog off or rather you choose to let your sibe off the lead, so be it its your choice, your dog, you know best, but please undestand that others will try this who DO NOT have sibes that can be let off lead, will try it and go against all the good advice not to because its easy to just unclip the lead one day and see your dog running free, have it come back that once and think, great! mine can run off lead too and it can end with disterous results, do you want to be responsible for that persons loss when the enevitable happens?

i have owned, trained, raced, showed, organised beginners teach-ins, organised races/rallies for various sibe clubs and helped welfare for sibes for over 10 years and been involved in the bred a lot longer, my advice never let your sibe off the lead! you can never be 100% sure what they will do or react...ever! prey drive or no prey drive i can assure you one day they might just go..is it worth loosing you best friend for that one chance? Why do the majority of experienced husky owners make such an effort to tell people NOT to let the dogs off the lead unless there was some very very good reason for it!

instead buy a long horse lunge line ( around £19.99 in country wide) let them gallop around on them ( watch the back of your legs ) and have fun on. its far safe and the dogs can enjoy the extra freedom from a shorter lead.

thank you

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why cant people read my post properly ..i was not promoting walking dogs of lead.... im getting sick off people just not reading post fully and jumping in with the do's and bloody dont's..

and then posting replies as long as a bloody essay ... about never leting dogs off leads and blah blah blah......

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz people read my post.. give me some credit ... and anyone in there right mind that will let dog off lead near sheep or livestock is a bloody fool... the farm land i walk on has no livestock at all. and is with the full permission of the farmer..so the risk to live stock or my dogs being shot is ....a big fat ZERO !!!!!

if posting what was a happy pleasurable moment that i felt pleased and wanted to share .. is gonna keep causing people just to feel its a chance to insert some sort of ...." i know best attitude "

then why should anyone bother again....

about time some people got off there high horses and see the post for exactly what it is......

a one off enjoyable moment with one of my dogs that i wanted to share with what i thought was like minded Husky owners .. not a bunch of people.. that have to ***** and moan and pick friggin holes in it....

admin can you please close this post... because i think some people are taking it a bit to far and so far away from what the original post was about...

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