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Reputation System Change


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I don't have very much rep to begin with, but I don't really see the problem in being able to give both positive and negative rep. As the admins have said, it will be monitored.

The purpose of a forum is to bring together people with a common interest in order to discuss that interest. With an animal as dynamic as a husky, surely most people realize there will be a healthy amount of debate along the way. As others have already mentioned, hopefully the negative rep feature will simply help everyone think a little more clearly about the possible impact of what they are writing. This may not be "real life," but as Sarah said there are real people behind these user names. Ideally the ability to give negative rep will help foster lively and respectful discussion, rather than have certain controversial topics deteriorate into people being mean to each other.

For the most part I have found this forum wonderfully supportive. I've gotten tons of ideas and different advice, both from my own topics and those I've simply read. I personally can't see myself ever using the negative rep for a matter of differing opinion, unless it was an issue of obvious animal cruelty or something like that, which I don't expect to find. If everyone thought the same thing this would be a boring place! I can definitely understand why those with a huge amount of rep might be a little nervous about the negative rep feature, but you guys must be doing something right to get all that rep in the first place! :)

Anyway, that's my two cents.

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you see, Nanci, this is the issue - you shouldn't be "judged" by what opinion you post - all I have read tonight in various threads is "it's just my opinion" .... but then followed by a gripe at someone or something specific. And it's good to get your opinion on this out in the open forum so that MEMBERS OPINIONS are taken into consideration by Admin, after all, it is you guys that make this place & I'd like to think we are all here with 1 goal in mind .... and we wouldn't be human if we all thought the same, we be droids!! :lol: You are still going to learn about what you came here for, if members respect the forum & rules, nothing will change, please reconsider your leaving

I don't think I will leave, but I will hardly post like I usually do because frankly....if we are all adults, then we should be able to ignore what we don't like. Someone asked me at a job interview on monday how i handle conflict...and i said directly. Lay it out on the table and figure out how to do it different. Just seems like if there are rules, and they aren't being followed, then that person should not be allowed to post. Like i said, I'm an "older" adult and a newer double husky family...so i came here to learn...usually just skip the drama. Had enough of that raising my kids, hardly want to go through it with dogs. Thank you for your post...i'd rep you for it, but............:blink:

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I think its great!!! I don't care about the rep really, thats not why I am here. I am not here to break any records or anything, just here to learn, share what I know and have fun. And I think the negative is a good thing. Maybe now some people think twice about the way they say/write things. Nothing wrong with a different opinion, it's just the way people sometimes express their different opinion that upsets me. Lately I have also seen some new members getting some rude responses because they were here asking for advice after the fact that something had went wrong. Most of these people didn't know better which is why they came here just to get blamed or get a rude response for something they did that they didn't know they should have done different. There were a few where I thought if it had been me I had closed my browser and never came back.:blink: Anyway.....I think its great. :)

Plus the red circle makes it less likely for me to press the + button when I want to multiquote!! :lol:

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nanci - it should stop you from posting - heck it ent gonna stop me wether people like it or not ;) lol - yes we are all adults - i think :unsure: lol :P jokes - but sometimes things get heated just like they do wether we are on a forum or not

like sarah said its just a trail to see how it goes and if it doesnt work out or it gets abused it will be removed

and if it makes people stop and THINK about what they are posting/how its coming across when they post it then its doing its job

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Personally, I think that it's going to inhibit those of us who are new to the site and don't have much rep, whereas those of you who have been around for a while feel a little bit more solid about your place in the forum and your rep status. Those of us who are new have more at stake, I think - we have a reputation to build up or to trash, whereas those of you who have been around already have a good reputation. I truly believe that you deserve it, and I'm not knocking the positive rep system because I do think it's encouraging. But now I'm going to feel like I can't disagree with people or else I'll never get going on here. Personally, I think a heated debate or two can add to the flavor of a forum, and that discouraging it only encourages the dissenters to keep quiet. I know it's been said that you're not supposed to neg rep for simply disagreeing, but we're all human, can everyone really keep our discussions completely impersonal?

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nanci - it should stop you from posting - heck it ent gonna stop me wether people like it or not ;) lol - yes we are all adults - i think :unsure: lol :P jokes - but sometimes things get heated just like they do wether we are on a forum or not

like sarah said its just a trail to see how it goes and if it doesnt work out or it gets abused it will be removed

and if it makes people stop and THINK about what they are posting/how its coming across when they post it then its doing its job

Did you mean it "shouldn't" stop me from posting? Just a typo?

Remember not too long ago the phantom "newbies" that showed up asking beginner questions and making such a ruckus? Is that what started this? I'm too old and smart to care what anyone thinks about me on the internet....it just takes away the fun because it's obvious there are "groups" and lots of people that are long time personal friends, so I am more concerned about it inhibiting new people who don't know the rules....because really....who reads them? I didn't even know there were rules until I had a post removed because a site sold dogs, and I didn't even have a clue. Does someone really read all the posts...???

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I am happy either way as I don;t look at what my rep is. Sometimes I may give good advice, sometimes bad advice but I will always try my best.

I'm just glad the neg rep wasn't around when I was sprouting Wagner all day, I would be about -500 now

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everyone can vote me down i dont mind.

i realise that the internet doesnt convey intention, so you can type something helpful, that sounds a bit agressive.

Thats why i hardly reply to anything becuase i dont want to sound mean or agressive.

i can honestly say i dont have issue with anyone

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Did you mean it "shouldn't" stop me from posting? Just a typo?

Remember not too long ago the phantom "newbies" that showed up asking beginner questions and making such a ruckus? Is that what started this? I'm too old and smart to care what anyone thinks about me on the internet....it just takes away the fun because it's obvious there are "groups" and lots of people that are long time personal friends, so I am more concerned about it inhibiting new people who don't know the rules....because really....who reads them? I didn't even know there were rules until I had a post removed because a site sold dogs, and I didn't even have a clue. Does someone really read all the posts...???

yep i meant shouldnt - i dunno why but i always seem to miss on the nt lol sorry

yeh i know - but no thats not why the neg rep was brought back i belive , we have to realise when a newbie is geniune tho and when they are just spamming and trying to wind us up

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It's nice to see the discussion both for and against the issue here especially since it's regarding neg rep. Whether it carries on or not, I should hope people would still pass on their thoughts and points of view. It may cause people to think a little more about the organization of their words and how they are coming across with what they say, but that's something I've been taught to do regardless of where I am. We should all be thinking first and then speaking. Taking that extra second to think about what you are about to say can have a profound impact on how what you have to say is received.

I honestly don't understand the rep system here, and honestly I don't really care. I'm here to pass on my thoughts and opinions and to hear what others have to say. To me the rep just tells me who's been on the site the longest. Not that there's anything wrong with that. When I read the posts here, I barely look at who is replying. Instead I look at what is said first and foremost. Then I analyze and maybe check out who said it if I'm looking to reply to them. Just the way I work.

Really though, good to see all of the discussion on this!

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having been on forum the first time minus rep was apart of it.., hell i was here before rep was thought of lol.. i can actually say im not sure if i agree or disagree with it... will be sitting on the fence ... with finger in ear saying "red backwards"..

seriously though .. plus rep is a good thing.. personally minus rep .. i'm not sure about .., never was first time round... both minus and plus rep is open to being abused in one way or another.. .. im sure admin will monitor what goes on very carefully.. but i have to ask.. if some one is given bad rep.. or even good rep .. is it just one or more people of admin that decide ..was that rep given fairly or was it .. given to either help boost some one or in the opposite have people ganged up on one person stupidly and given bad rep...

have seen people say they are not worried about rep etc... well no neither am i .. and of those that do know me know what i am like those that dont well. i was here from virtually the start of this forum...

yeh i may get wound up with something someone says or they get wound up with som thing i have said... but i do beleive in "FAIR PLAY"

i'd hate to see the negative rep ..cause bigger issues.. and people then hold it against each other,, cos they can see who gave them the negative...

the rep system ..i think is a good idea ..but the knowing who gave you what for which post... sorry Marc and Sarah.. i'm not sure that part is a good idea.. in my opinion its leaving the forum open to more arguments..beteween members,,

can rep not be an avearge thing.. ..if more people give bad rep to a post than positive then that person is given minus 1 and visa versa.... dunno if can be done just throwing ideas to the wind... i know there is more registered members on here now than when i was last on but ..seems to be lot more .. well for a want of better words ..bitchyness..and this is never what was appealing about this forum..

i have been on other forums that i wont mention that .. you are treated like an outsider and a nobody.. .. there is no warm welcome.. they dont even make an attempt to interact with new people.. they are just out to show how good they think they are.. and this forum has always tried to be different / more friendly... and the opposite of any others.

this is a forum .. a discussion forum.. and ill be the first to admit we should all leave the heated debates / arguments.. at the door before we enter this froum....

anyway thats my thoughts on it for what its worth..

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  • 1 month later...

Err call me dumb but until Marc put this up I had no idea what all this plus 1 thing was, if I think it was a good post I just tell the person, :blink: still dont know how to do it :unsure:

you click the green + at the bottom right of someone's post to give positive rep - Get your wife to show you lol tongue.gif

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I've only been on here for about a month and to be honest I never paid any attention to the rep status (or ever knew how to give a +1, I do now though) I came here for advice because although I've done my research on Huskies before actually getting one it's better to actually talk to someone who's been through the same stuff or is going through the same issues and can therefore help out. That hands on advice is invaluable in my eyes however I don't want to be slated either if I've done something I shouldn't have-I want to learn from experiences and I think that's what positive rep is all about. I definitely don't agree in - rep willy nilly but think it should be given in circumstances like animal cruelty. Us newbues just want to learn and give the best care to our dogs!!

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Err call me dumb but until Marc put this up I had no idea what all this plus 1 thing was, if I think it was a good post I just tell the person, :blink: still dont know how to do it :unsure:

its easy Dave i done you twice today lol :lol:

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