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Couple Looking for a New Puppy


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So I was browsing Kijiji and noticed that there was an ad for a couple looking for a puppy.... A FREE puppy, that always worries me..

Here is what the ad said:

"Wanted: We would love a new member of our family

Me and my boyfriend are moving into a pet friendly appartment; we're on a budget and can't really afford to buy a puppy. However, we can certainly afford to maintain one. Neither one of us has ever been without a dog, and we can't bring our old dog with us, because he has lived here his whole life with his brother. We could never bring him to the city, hes a country dog. If you could help us out, that would be great :) Thank you so much!"

The being on budget really worried me so I wrote them a response:

"If you can't afford to buy a puppy, how are you going to afford all the costs that go along with one? My dog cost me $400 to buy and within the first year with booster shots, food, toys, dishes, leashes, vet visits, classes he cost me well over a few grand.

I just want you to think about it before you buy one, too many people get pets and then end up having to get rid of them within only a few months... sometimes less :(

I've had dogs all my life, I had to go four years of my life without one until I was able to afford the costs of one.

This message isn't too hassle you, but I'm just worried that if you cannot afford to buy a puppy, then you cannot afford the expenses that go along with it."

To which I got a nice response of:

"we've got other pets, we just dont feel like paying 500 for a puppy. we can certainly afford to maintain one."

ARGH!!! Tick me off.. They definitely don't deserve a dog, especially not with an attitude like that. I really want to respond to them but I don't know what to say ;_;

People on kijiji piss me off.

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Here is the same. There are ads everywhere about wanting a pup free or for no more then 50-100 euro. And when they decide that the want a puppy, they want it NOW. I can't understand that. Those people can choose a phone....or a sofa for months, but when it's for puppy they think it's like buying a kilogram of potatoes...You just go to the market and buy it. In bulgarian dog forum there was a ad of boy that said "I'm searching for white siberian husky, less then 2 months old for 50 euros. If you have one, contact me on..." And I was thinking...Hey dude, are you serious!? Searching? How can I understand that you are searching? You are NOT searching, you WANT and you want it NOW. And what the hell will you get for this money?

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Ahhh that drives me crazy!!! Just like when people meet Akira and then say aww I want a husky look how well behaved she is and i look at them and bluntly tell them that she is so well behaved because we have spent over $4,000 on training for her and another $2,000 on sledding stuff and bikeing stuff to keep her excersized propperly (not that you have to spend that much to propperly take care of a husky but its not cheap). And then they just give us the oh look. Gaah some people! And those sites should be shut down a good breeder isant going to post their puppies on that site!

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All of my dogs (besides Mickey- animal control) have been free and I myself (a few years ago mind you :) ) put an ad up similar to that on craigslist. Huskies are a "rarity" here and the odds of finding one in a shelter and being able to get there in time to actually meet the dog and adopt it are very slim. Everyone wants the "snowdog" so the actual people who are actually equipped to own one are normally beat out by idiots smitten with their looks.

I'm not having a go or defending them... but I have been in those shoes. Husky rescue denied us left and right (no yard, apartment, work schedules... ect. ect. ect.) and left us with hardly any options. Most people who did respond to that ad did try to sell us a dog and I said no. Didn't matter anyway as my dogs pretty much fell out of the sky :D

Just saying, there's more than one side to everything. Just because someone wants a dog for a small price or for free doesn't mean they're irresponsible/don't know what they're doing.

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