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when to stud?


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Unfortunately it wont better him. His testosterone will go through the roof, he will hump everythin, he will run through fire to get to an in season girl.

He may also become agressive to other intact males, especially if there is a female around

Once he has had sex its all he will want, but he wont miss what he's never had, so its best for him to get him neutered.

You say you want whats best for him, so do you really want him to be constantly frustrated and looking to get laid?

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Unfortunately it wont better him. His testosterone will go through the roof, he will hump everythin, he will run through fire to get to an in season girl.

He may also become agressive to other intact males, especially if there is a female around

Once he has had sex its all he will want, but he wont miss what he's never had, so its best for him to get him neutered.

You say you want whats best for him, so do you really want him to be constantly frustrated and looking to get laid?

yess very true i think im guna have to have a long think about what i want to do

wat would you say the pros n cons of gettin him neutered and not getting him neutered

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i think i just think its a natturall thing for dogs to breed and thort it would be better for him to relise all his testostrone my 1st consideraticon was for my dog and didnt rely have a 2nd and its not for the money i would do it for free it it was bettering my dog

it is natural for dogs to want to mate. They are animals, and smell hormones and have prey drives and want to hunt and run about. But dogs nowadays are mostly just pets. He doesn't need to start his own pack, or increase his existing one. . So we as owners need to stand up and take responsibility for our dogs and help them by taking away that urge to mate and the ability to have unwanted litters.

And you aren't a breeder, with knowledge or a life time of experience to know what you're getting into. I really wouldn't bother. Why go to the trouble of getting involved with having puppies.

For a male dog, like others have explained, it's really better to have one desexed. There's less risk of him being frantic and fence jumping to get to a ***** on heat and stands a better chance of not becoming ill with cancer.

Glad you're rethinking your views on it now though. :)

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yess very true i think im guna have to have a long think about what i want to do

wat would you say the pros n cons of gettin him neutered and not getting him neutered

This is what I wrote in another thread,

I hope it helps!

I used to work at a vets, so I will give you the general lingo:

When to Neuter a boy: Boys can be neutered when the testicles have fully dropped. This is normally around 7 months old.


  • Can in some cases reduce aggression/hyperactivity. This is commonly told but it's actually a minority that do have that effect.
  • Can't get Testicular Cancer which is increasingly common.
  • Less likely to scent mark around your house.
  • No Prostate Problems.
  • No Risk of getting a ***** pregnant.
  • Can make them less dominant (can reduce humping).

  • Lack of testosterone can cause a reverse effect. Particularly small dogs have been known to try and be the bigger man because they lack in the dominance of their testicles.
  • General Surgery Risks - Risks of General Anaesthetic, Possible infections of the areas.
  • They can gain excessive weight.

Theres are not all the pros and cons, but these are the main ones.

The after care in ******* is extremely important. Dogs and ******* generally act like they are over the surgery before they have actually healed. I have seen dogs walk into the vets with sections of their internal body hanging out from them popping their stitches open from running about.

I hope this helps.

Stacey xxx

Stacey xxx

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It might seem like a natural thing, but have you thought of the things that could go wrong during the mating? There is chance of infection, and if not properly supervised, the male and female can really hurt one another while they are "caught", there can be bruising, painful urination, etc. My male and female had an accidental litter this past October, and it's been hell trying to find homes for their nine puppies. I also had to take 8 weeks off work to care for the puppies, so there's lost wages (and with increased costs like extra food for mum and pups, blankets, a whelping box, shots for the puppies, exam for mum, etc.) it is a huge financial responsibility. I realise that you own a male, so you wouldn't really be dealing with this, but if you allow him to breed you may be causing someone to go through all of this when they're simply not prepared. The Siberian Husky Club of Ontario (where I live) says that if you're interested in breeding Siberians, you need to treat it as a career choice and spend the next 5 years researching it. And after those 5 years, if you're still interested, then that is the time to take the steps to do so. So please think it over, and even if you don't neuter him, don't breed him unless all the proper tests have been done, etc.

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so iff he didnt get the chop and didnt have sex would he be ok or just realy horney lol

He could still be sexually active for a long time if that's what's really occurring rather than dominance, but as for being "Ok" it depends on what you mean. Theres all the concerns for cancer he can get in his testicles if he keeps them, so, no-one can guarantee you he will be ok if he keeps them.

Try to weigh up the pros and cons I outlined above and judge what you think is best. But I think at this point breeding from him is definately looking as a negative for you to do.

Stacey xxx

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LOL @ Jay's comments!

We will be bringing our boy home in a few weekends, when he is old enough. And he will be neutered between 4-6 months of age.

I have had 2 males (not Sibes) and they were both neutered at 5-6 months of age, and I never had any issues with them. I know a lot of people are worried about them not growing to size, etc... but as you can see in my signature, my current boy is just fine in size. He is 70 lbs and the vet actually thinks he could lose a few pounds.

I see no "pro" to keeping your boy intact. Please, please just get him neutered. It is in his best interest.

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I wished i'd recorded the noise Marley made when the girl next door was in season,that'd put you off i'm sure...it was deafening.

Marley's been neutered now because he is our much loved pet and if a simple operation will stop any cancers in that area thats a great plus for doing it.,he is 2 and half yrs and has never tried to hump anything.

that said,+1 to you for listening to what people are telling you rather than being pig-headed and not listening to any advise offered.

some pics of your boy would be nice too :)

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thanks realy good post and to be hounest i aint thort that much about breeding him was only wondering what sort off age they do breed as in the future i would like to. He is kennel club and pedergree parents have won comitions and also brothers and sisters have aswell he comes from a realty good breader and very good parents

At the moment it was only a thort dunno why iv had a a bad rep mark ??

That was interesting - rep is a great tool but its better to ask questions 1st :)

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breeding responsibly and ethcally is something to really consider and thnk long and hard. There are so many in welfare and even more pups just increases the pressure on welfare.

my pup was humping my adult from 8wks LOL its a sign of dominance & testing boundaries and not cos he fancies a bit of nookie!!! LOL On a serious note though before any breedng takes place you need to consider soooooooooooo much and who is going to give the pups good stable suitable homes for LIFE. Homes need to be vetted etc also both dogs need good/low hip and eye scores and of course you need to consider suitablity of the personalities of the dogs etc. ITs way more than just lettiing your boy get rid of his frisky behaviour.

There are many benefits to getting a male neutered. Vets always recommend to neuter as there are health benefits in doing so. In the meantime i would recommend you look into some training for him.

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i think i just think its a natturall thing for dogs to breed and thort it would be better for him to relise all his testostrone my 1st consideraticon was for my dog and didnt rely have a 2nd and its not for the money i would do it for free it it was bettering my dog

In a wolf pack, only the alpha couple breed; they don't allow the younger/less dominant members of the pack to breed. Sometimes youngsters will break off and start their own packs, but still, not all wild dogs get to reproduce, so while it's natural for him to WANT to, it isn't so natural for him to DO so.

I have had, shown, run, and bred Siberians for over 20 years, and not all of the males that I have kept have I used at stud, despite the quality of the pedigree and genetic health of my dogs. Some have shown a quality at some point that I preferred not to pass on (the dog that drives me nuts by going absolutely nuts when I'm busy feeding - he's down the line a ways, or didn't mature the way I'd hoped), and in other cases, I simply didn't have a b*tch I wanted to breed with that specific dog, and wasn't showing him. In each case, I've neutered those dogs to prevent both disease like cancer, and frustration.

When a male smells a b*tch in season, he is a very unhappy camper! He may stop eating - sometimes for days! He is so distracted by the hormones messing with his brain that he literally can NOT pay attention (nor does he really want to!) to me or any training I want to do with him. After neutering, they may show interest when a b*tch is in season, and might actually try to breed one if I were to turn them out together, but it's more like they do it because that's what they think they're supposed to do, rather than that they're frantically driven to do it. If I see this happening and call out, the response is something like "Huh? I'm not supposed to? Well.... ok...," rather than "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!"

Truly, sometimes it's best to help nature along, rather than let it rule! tongue.gif

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i hate threads like this, call me a ***** but there is no reason to breed your dog. he isn't a champion show dog, or a great sled dog. he doesn't have his hip and eye scores. Have you looked at all the shelters in your area? have you seen all the dogs sitting in those cages because irresponsible people decided hey i don't want to neuter my dog, he's so frisky and horny i'm going to go let him hump any ***** he wants. please just neuter him, we don't need any more dogs being put to sleep do to irresponsible and unnecessary breeding's, leave it to the breeders.

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i hate threads like this, call me a ***** but there is no reason to breed your dog. he isn't a champion show dog, or a great sled dog. he doesn't have his hip and eye scores. Have you looked at all the shelters in your area? have you seen all the dogs sitting in those cages because irresponsible people decided hey i don't want to neuter my dog, he's so frisky and horny i'm going to go let him hump any ***** he wants. please just neuter him, we don't need any more dogs being put to sleep do to irresponsible and unnecessary breeding's, leave it to the breeders.

who are you to say what my dog is or is not and to say what i should do sayin im irrisponsible making me out to be a clueless person hump any bi tch he wants and leave it to the breeders you say on about the 5th walk i had with him a local husky breeder asked me to breed in a few years as he thort he was such a good dog and had never seen a husky as good behaved as he is so dont judge `i hate threadys like this` when this thread has atually helped me alott .

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shoot me for it i don't care but

+1 jennet i agree completely

there are too many dogs in shelters that may or may not have papers.......

too many people breed and kc reg or not......too many pups end up as rescues.....

being well behaved for a husky doesnt add leverage to breed....

neuter him

my boy darwin had excellent pedigree's a 5 gen paper trail and is perfect in everyway for breeding.................................

his owners neutered him and im glad they made that conscious decision not to breed and have pups that couldnt be homed

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tommy jennet said what she said because he ISNT a champion show dog or sled dog n doesnt have his hips scored or eyes tested - im glad most of us have helped you rethink but as you know people are always going to give their opinions on what THEY think as they are entitled to do so - please dont get defensive - you came on here for advice we are giving you advice some will be helpful others wont its a risk you take when asking a question about breeding on here when most of us on here are against it

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who are you to say what my dog is or is not and to say what i should do sayin im irrisponsible making me out to be a clueless person hump any bi tch he wants and leave it to the breeders you say on about the 5th walk i had with him a local husky breeder asked me to breed in a few years as he thort he was such a good dog and had never seen a husky as good behaved as he is so dont judge `i hate threadys like this` when this thread has atually helped me alott .

oh wow thanks for the -rep :) really nice of you :D

i can tell you don't show or race your dog by reading your replies, plus as i'd hope you know your dog couldn't be a champion show dog by 9 months, and couldn't be pulling a sled at 9 months.

my boy is 9 months old now and is getting a bit frisky lol
that sounds so responsible, maybe think about what you type, you could have made it sound a little better.

my boy is incredibly well behaved with a great temperament and has even gone to elementary schools, did i breed him? no, i neutered him. there are tons and tons of well behaved huskies.

just my two cents.

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While I agree that you have a point, Jennet and Kells, and I understand where you're coming from, in his earlier posts, he was asking for information and trying to make an informed decision.

Unfortunately, when we who have more experience and information on a subject like this get irritated and tell someone off because of it, they usually stop listening to what we have to say. Unfortunately, if they haven't already "heard" what someone else has/had to sa on the topic, they usually seem to decide we don't know what we're talking about, then, and do what they want. I've found that calmly giving the reasons for being for or against something works generally the best, and that when I've stated my opinion too strongly, people discount what I have to say. I know that when I feel attacked (and usually that isn't the other person's intent), I tend to react something like this, anyway. I think that's human nature... smile.gif

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