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Help....Please!!!! lol


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So, my girlfriend and I got a female puppy a few weeks ago from a nice family in the city. We were at their house and everything seemed really tidy and clean with momma and daddy there as pets. She was born on December 23rd, so she is only 6 weeks old. Kira is adorable and everything that we wanted except.....SHE IS CRAZY! lol We're having a few problems such as:

1) She is infatuated with biting everything, human, clothing etc...HELP

2) She does NOT sleep at night in her kennel, she cries as if we were hurting her. HELP

3) We are having an issue getting her potty trained. Ideas?

4) Lately we have noticed a couple fleas on her. Can we frontline or what is the best option?

If anyone can offer insight and advise it would be GREATLY appreciated, we would like to sleep at night.



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I got my dog at 6 weeks, it is a little young but not bad. The best time to get your dog is at 7 weeks, on the 49th day because that's when their brain becomes fully developed. Any later than that then the dog could become more dog orientated, if too early than they could become more human orientated (less socializing time/mother teaching it proper doggy mannerisms).

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that is not a very good reason to either have a litter or seperate them early, you have your work cut out for you.

she didnt have a chance to develop her bite inhabition with her littermates and puppies explore things with their mouths. i would suggest giving her toys that are made for puppies to chew on. if she bites you make a high pitched squeak and pull away so she knows not to do it, or at least not that hard. for biting other things take her away from what she is biting and say no, rince and repeat until she gets it.

crying cant be helped very much, move her kennel into your room she needs the comfort of having someone else there, she has just been seperated from her mum and littermates so she is scared and lonely. i had that problem with Zara when i first got her but after the first week of having her in my room i was able to move her crate into another part of the house.

toilet training, take her outside every half hour especially after eating or drinking, she is 6 weeks old so you cant blame her for going inside.

get a puppy flea collar or puppy flea powder, if you do go for frontline make sure you get the puppy brand and use her weight as a guide.

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She's 6 weeks and you got her a FEW WEEKS AGO? So she was 3 weeks?

Hard to believe-

1 - The biting thing is something that would have been taken care of by mama and Sib's- but - your going to have to do that now-

Scold and replace with something she can chew on- be consistent.

2 - She's not having an issue with potty training- you just have to be patient - SHE'S 6 WEEKS OLD

3 - The sleeping in her kennel is another thing you'll have to be patient with - SHE'S 6 WEEKS OLD

4 - Giver her a bath with DAWN dish soap - keep out of eyes - this will kill the fleas- Wash her bedding.

Oh - BTW- Welcome to the forum- she's beautiful. Just try to be consistent and patient as it will take some time.

There is a lot of helpful info here you should read thru.

Good luck

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Most flea/tick products are recommended for pets 8 weeks and older.

Most of your issues stem from getting a puppy too early. In these last 2 weeks they are really learning how to interact with each other appropriately as well as bite inhibition. Hence why she is biting like crazy.

These are common and typical problems with a Husky and if you use the search feature in the upper right (after selecting "forum" not "this topic") you will find thread upon thread.


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We tried bringing her into our room but she continues to cry, we tried putting a shirt I had worn in her kennel so she can smell me which seemed to work for a while until she woke up again, plenty of toys with her that she likes. Crazy part is that Kira plays all day! lol She is prolly the rowdiest, play filled dog i've met, which is why I'm confused.

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Welcome to the forum - Kira is adorable!

Keep in mind that at 6 weeks, she has a teeny-tiny bladder, and can only "hold it" for at most 3 hours at a time, very possibly less. Puppies of that age play hard, and if they're with their littermates, do a pretty good job of tiring each other out. You'll have to do the job of mom and littermates all by yourselves. At night, a couple of hours before bed, take away the water (let her have an ice cube here and there if she's thirsty), and try to make sure that she stays awake until you're ready to go to bed. Play with her - teach her behaviors you want, such as sit, down, come, and stay. Work on other behaviors, such as "get it"/fetch, give paw/shake hands/wave, roll over - see if you can find a book of dog tricks at the local library. Then put her in the crate, and put a pair of ear plugs in! If you haven't yet, you'll soon figure out which cry means "I'm bored and lonely" and which means "I have to go out, and I have to go NOW!" Take her out when she needs to go, give loads of praise when she eliminates, but otherwise, try to not give her any more attention while you're waiting for her to go than you have to - it's her "job" at the moment to go out and relieve her bladder and maybe bowel! When she's done and you've praised her, give her a little cuddle, and put her back into her crate - give her some command you decide to use, such as "go to sleep" or "go night-night" - and stick to it! Put the earplugs back in if you need to. She'll learn that there's a time to play, another to cuddle - and there's a time to sleep!

As for the fleas, if the bath with the Dawn soap doesn't do the trick, talk to your veterinarian (she should be due for her first vaccination, anyway. At least several years ago, there was at least one product that was ok to use on young puppies and kittens. Good luck!

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My rehome male, Cesar, was taken from his mother at 5.5 weeks old, and sent home with his new owners (the people who had him before me). When I brought him home with me at 1.5 years old, I had to start from the beginning on bite inhibition because he hadn`t learned it from his mother and littermates, and his old owners thought it was agression. He`s much better now, but it took a lot of time and bruised arms on my part. He and my female, Zoey, had an accidental litter this past October, and her puppies were with her until 8.5 weeks old, some until 9.5 weeks. I kept two of their puppies, who are 15 weeks old now, and they are still learning things from her and their dad. Just be patient with her, she`s just a baby afterall. She needs you to take the place of her mom and littermates, and it will take some time for her to settle.

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i'm sorry but your puppy should not have left mom and litter mates until 7 weeks at the earliest. During weeks 6-8 they learn bite inhalation from mom and litter mates, without them there you will need to teach her, when bites yelp and turn away ignoring her.

She's a puppy, she's going to cry at night and it's going to take a bit for her to settle down. Don't let her out or give her attention while she's crying, she will learn to associate crying with being let out if you do. Also she might be crying because she has to go potty, at her age she can probably only hold it for a little over an hour. I'd recommend setting a timer to let her out every hour. Also covering her kennel with a blanket to make it feel more den like should calm her down.

Husky puppies are very stubborn when it comes to training, we didn't have embry potty trained until he was 9 months, it was a nightmare. Zoey on the other hand was brought home at 18 weeks and only had a few accidents if that, she was great. Like I said above set a timer, and limit her access through the house with a baby gate so you're always watching her. When she goes potty outside make sure you give her tons of praise and treats so she will want to go outside :) As for the fleas i'd call your vet and see what they say.

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read the thread on here about bite inhibition. this is what your pup needs to learn which is now difficult as the mum and other litter mates would have taught. this will explain why its so important for pups to remain with the litter until they are older, it isnt just because they are on solid food. they learn so much

But what is done is done but please read up on it so you dont make the same mistake and you can understand why your pup is behaving the way it is.

Everything else you are gonna have to be REALLY patient. pup is very small, missing mum and litter mates. You need to reassure and comfort so she feels safe and secure. I totally agree with crate training but this takes time, never tell her off for whining and dont bang on crate etc. she needs to have a good association with the crate. reward for going in and make a good fuss, but dont give her a big welcome when she comes out. (its better going in than coming out).

As for toilet training, take outside every 30mins during the day and probably twice during the night. have a tasty treat hidden in your hand. everytime she goes for a wee. you say 'weee weeee' and treat immediatly. it wont take her long to associate the two together. My pups breeder had the litter trained on command by 8wks and its so useful. He is now 5mths and i can say 'weee weee' just before we go out in the car and i know he's empty etc. personally i wouldnt bother with paper training as it gives the message its ok to wee in the house and you need to then train to go outside making it far harder and longer. You will have accidents, but these are not her fault. they are YOUR fault for not getting her outside quick enough and having her at such a young age. please DO NOT tell her off for this, it will take time.

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I know it wasn't your fault but 5 weeks was way too young and alarm bells should have rung in your head :angry:


The owners were in a pinch to get rid of the litter to make some money, one of there kids is currently having some medical problems.....Wasn't really my place to ask and it was a great deal.

Umm yes it was your place to ask if you were buying a puppy. People like that who breed to make money are the reason there are so many Siberian Huskies in Welfare. Or any breed of dog for that matter. :angry:

A great deal??? :blink: nothing about the pups welfare there at all, saving you a few bucks.

I'm sorry but I feel sorry for the poor little girl.

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Let's stop the attacking. It is making me sad.

Welcome to the forum! I think your questions have already been answere din great detail, but I'll throw in my feelings as well.

1) She is infatuated with biting everything, human, clothing etc...HELP

She's young. Give her a few toys to chew on... granted, it took my boy Viggo (who I happend to pick up at 8 weeks old) a LONG time to stop biting on things. All puppies are different.

2) She does NOT sleep at night in her kennel, she cries as if we were hurting her. HELP

Crate training takes patience. However, it does not work for every dog. My boy Viggo would poo in the crate after about 5 minutes of being in there (guaranteed every time). And then he would cry for hours... he did not stop. After about 3 weeks to a month of this, I said... forget it. He is afraid of the crate and I will not force him to go in and sit in his waste all day long. That is not healthy. From then on, Viggo slept in my bedroom with me and he was a MUCH happier pup.

3) We are having an issue getting her potty trained. Ideas?

It'll take a while. Especially if you give up on the crate as I did. Just be patient with her. She is very young and really cannot hold her pee for very long at all. So if you are not there to take her out every couple of hours, mistakes are going to happen.

4) Lately we have noticed a couple fleas on her. Can we frontline or what is the best option?

I'd recommend talking to a vet.

Good luck with your girl!

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Im sure Acario knows that the pup shouldnt have left it mother at just over 5 weeks. There is nothing that can be done now, the pup is in it's new home and I am sure they are trying their best.

Acario is just asking for help, people seem to being a bit hard and repeating the same things.

i hope you get the advice you need and things work out for you and your new pup.

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hey chris

welcome to the forum

um you will need some rope toys or soft puppy toys and give the pup them when its chewing clothing.....its just working its teeth on stuff, its normal dont worry

with the crate training just keep at it......the noises they make are awful but pup will learn soon and you will be thankful for sticking to it...............maybe put a radio next to the crate so pup can hear voices and won't feel alone.....also a big teddy to cuddle up to helps

potty training is hard as they dont get full control of their bowels till 5 months so pup wil have accidents....just clean them up and praise and potty stuff done outside.....

if pup has fleas then id say a vet due to pups age....they have the better stuff that will be gentle but effective

hope this helps...if not im sure someone on here will know.

hope to see you on the forum more and lots more pix of pup :)


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1) She is infatuated with biting everything, human, clothing etc...HELP

She's been in a pen with other puppies and that's how puppies play. You now need to teach her that we don't communicate like this. Everytime she does it make a high pitched yelp to make her let go. It should startle her into not biting. Also use the word No so she starts to learn that biting people is a no no!

2) She does NOT sleep at night in her kennel, she cries as if we were hurting her. HELP

Again she's used to being around puppies, not on her own. Use things like scented blankets and DAP spray to make the puppy feel at home. You can also put a ticking clock under the blanket she sleeps on so it feels like mummys heart beating (I heard that works quite well)

3) We are having an issue getting her potty trained. Ideas?

She's 6 weeks old. Babies aren't potty trained till nearly 1 1/2-2 years old. We shouldn't expect a puppy to do it within 6 weeks of life. She needs gradual training. Potty training can take anything up to 6 months to a year to get it right.

4) Lately we have noticed a couple fleas on her. Can we frontline or what is the best option?

You can use Frontline Spray on your puppy. It is effective and cheaper than the spot-on brands. It also has a longer effect of a month than the spot-on. Frontline Spray can be used after just a few weeks old (I used to work in a vets so I've read the directions tons of times lol)

If anyone can offer insight and advise it would be GREATLY appreciated, we would like to sleep at night.

Unfortunately this is the commitment you have made in getting a puppy. You need to think positively and work hard. Huskies will challenge you, and this is only the beginning. You should see when they hit their teenager behaviour. In saying that, don't give up and do not scold your puppy for making mistakes.

And finally, welcome to the pack!

Stacey xxx

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Hi and welcome,there is some good advice being given to you,the only thing i'd add regarding the crate training is when we put Shadow in hers for bed i use to just lay down next to it in the dark and just gently stroke her through the bars while saying "sshh"" quietly,5-10 mins later she was settled for the night,just thought it might be worth a try.

good luck xx

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Welcome and good luck!

Lots of good advice has already been given, so I don't have much to add except one thing: our breeder told us not to use any flea prevention meds until at least 12 weeks, as they enter the bloodstream. I would talk to your vet to learn more and find out about options before doing anything.

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Welcome and good luck!

Lots of good advice has already been given, so I don't have much to add except one thing: our breeder told us not to use any flea prevention meds until at least 12 weeks, as they enter the bloodstream. I would talk to your vet to learn more and find out about options before doing anything.

Good Advice, but trust me, Merial the company that runs frontline guarantee's that the frontline spray version is completely safe for the use on young puppies. In actual fact, if I remember rightly, the label actually says you can use it from just 2 days old.

Stacey xxx

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We got a 5 year old husky about a month ago, but also have a Shih Tzu that I have since 8 weeks old. I have only trained one dog, so I don't have too much input, but as far as potty training goes, Shih Ttzus are very hard to train. One thing the vet suggested was to make it a "happy" time for her and she would get excited about it. SO what I did was ask her if she had to potty, but say it real lively and playful. This definitely helped! It just takes alot of patience.

When we got our husky a few weeks ago I felt bad for taking him away from his "buddy" who he had been with since birth. (We got him bc the owner just couldn't handle 2 huskies anymore.) I asked the owner if she or her other husky could sleep with a blanket for a few nights so it would have their scent. We put this in the kennel with him and he was fine and our first couple of nights went well. However, he was already kennel and potty trained, so we only kennel him when we have to leave the house. This probably didn't help much, but I wanted to mention about the scent thing. I noticed that you put your shirt in there with the puppy, but could you get something of the mothers or other puppies to put in there?

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