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why is fixing/spaying your pet so bad :(


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Ever since I decided to get Kiana spayed everyone treats me like trash. I mean even strangers I don't know that stop me on the street while I'm walking her asking if I'm going to breed her. They tell me I should breed her cause she's "pretty" and "sweet" and that I should make money on the pups. I'm like what the heck its far more expensive to have pups as alot of you know. I DON'T want pups I want MY dog and a friend for her and me but that's IT. Even friends and family say I'm stupid and am jumping the gun she'd make a great mom don't get me wrong she's shown that with the pups my friend's have brought over and it kills me not to see her rear a litter but it's just not right to breed her because I want to see how great a mom she will be :( I don't understand when you make the right decision based on careful thought that someone has to beat you down for it. It's just not right and seriously makes me cry.

Sorry just been holding that far to long cookies and chocolate for all.

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Don't let them get to you, Tiffany. Trust me, having just had a litter of unplanned puppies, it's far too much work and a massive commitment. People don't seem to realise that just because a dog is pretty does not mean they should be bred. Don't get me wrong, Kiana is a gorgeous girl, and I'm sure she has a wonderful temperment, and she would have tonnes of support from you, but ultimately she is your dog and it's your choice. Personally, you're taking the responsible route by getting her spayed, possibly saving her from cancers later in life, and even more so saving her from complications due to pregnancy and whelping. +1 to you for sticking to your beliefs, and I hope your family and friends realise that you're definitely not on the stupid side of the argument.

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All it shows is their ignorance of the very good reasons we leave breeding to

the qualified breeders, and the fact that there are already too many Dogs of ALL

breeds in homes and shelters looking for a home.

Being a pretty dog is not sufficient justification.

You made the right decision. smile.gif

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Thanks guys I know it's the right thing to do and I stand by my decision I just wish I didn't have to feel so rotten about it you know. Her appointment is the 2nd of March and my firends puppy she rescued is going in the same day to be fixed lol. They will at least be miserable together. Funny thing is even the friend thats going with me says I shouldn't do it I'm like it's no different than getting your puppy spayed and she's like your girl doesn't hump while intact. LOL I'm like yeah she's just moody and bleeds everywhere lots different O_o

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You are doing the right thing Tiffany - for you, her (she is stunning by the way), and the breed in general. We had Micah and Ozzy 'fixed' on the same day, and the flak we received from everyone wanting puppies was amazing.

They could just not understand why we would not let them have a litter together. In our case, Ozzy and Micah are not registered, Ozzy was the result of an accidental pregnancy (and I am so lucky to have him), and my little Micah was a re-home, so why on earth would I even consider breeding them? It blew my mind at the time that people could not understand our reasoning for not wanting puppies - to these people, they are huskies, male and female, so breed them :blink:

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The next time someone says that to you ask them just how guilty they would feel if just because THEY think she should have a litter she died in whelping becuase you are inexpereinced and dont know what your doing, or if she didnt die but needed a C-section (very expensive operation) would THEY be willing to pay her vets bills etc?... Then when they're speachless tell them.. well exactly, MY DOG MY DECISION please keep your hurtfull and uneducated remarks to yourself!

Sorted no more idiots with their stupid comments! <_<

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People with attitudes like that are the reason there is so many puppies and adult dogs too in rescue. Because they are bred for money, sold for money to anyone usually to someone who doesn't know the breed, and then when they become too much hard work they are dumped in rescue.:(

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you've made the right choice huni (hugs)

when i 1st joined here i wanted to breed kira, i thought she'd make lovely pups, and figured it'd be pretty easy. I done some research and thought 'hell no!!' :lol:

people are always stopping and asking when she's gunna have puppies, how much are they gunna be, will i take their number etc etc. I've been telling them for well over a year now that she's been spayed, even though she's only just been done :lol:

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You made the right choice!

I watched a movie called "Earthlings" and there's already too much of an over population of pets, over 3 million a year are euthanized ... It's sickening and sad... I don't see why people feel the need to breed their animals if they are not a respectful breeder. Yes, I understand, there are such things as mistakes and usually the people will learn and fix it so it doesn't happen again. I didn't get my guy from a breeder, they had two dogs and they happened to have a litter. Sibes are not that common around here so I was glad I was able to get one.

I wanted to breed my guy because he's such an amazing dog, but I didn't, I'm sad he'll never have puppies, but just having him is more than enough to make me happy : )

Just think if everyone that had a pet decided to breed it because they would make "beautiful" puppies...

Can you imagine the over population of them then? ...There's already soooo many animals in this world that are not treated fairly, I wouldn't want to see the situation get any worst.

Here's a nice article that is really reassuring to get your pet spayed or neutered: Click the link!

I want to adopt my next puppy :D Or doggy.

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added to rep

good on ya hunni.....too many people buy dogs with the sole intention of breeding and making money,

they dont put in the research and the pups go to anyone who wants a cute pup...

daughtry isnt spayed YET but when i have the funds she will be, this was one of the reasons we couldnt take major/mojo....he was intact and we couldnt risk it

darwin came to us neutered and echo came spayed

i wish people thought about the commitment of pups and not money to be made

also i know that if daughtry had a litter of say 8 pups....i couldnt take them all back as adults should the new owners not cope and i dont think many of us could have 10 adults dogs in one house....but people see easy cash and the dogs suffer for it

well done for being intelligent and for doing the right thing for your dog x

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Gorgeous is not a reason to breed, and it appears everyone here seems to agree, or most that have responded (I only glanced through). Next time someone tells you different ask them if they can take time off their job to help out, go to the vet, be there for the birth, take care of the puppies, find homes for them, and pay for the whole thing, as well as guarantee that your heart won't be broken when you can't keep them all and/or some or even one doesn't make it. Bet that will shut them up!:D

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Well done for standing your ground.

At the end of the day that sort of attitude reflects on how naive, ignorant and plain stupid they are to think 'oh lets breed them, they'll be fine'.

I bet you wouldn't say that to a person would you?

Even with all the medical advances, drugs, technology, do you know what is still the biggest killer? Giving birth.

I wouldn't wish it to be inflicted on anyone who didn't have a choice about it.

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+1 hun well done for standing your ground, i was always asked if i was going to breed shadow but seeing how she was when we took her fave toy of her and the way she kept humping me we decided to have her spayed and in all honesty it hasnt affected her too much just we know shes safer whilst out walking and playing in the garden in case a stray male gets to her

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