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Ozzy & Micah are sick


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We have had an awful few days with Ozzy and Micah :( They got hold of a frog (a huge ugly specimen) in the backyard. They have done this before, so you would think they learned their lesson the first time, but no, the excitement of having this creature hopping around is enough to drive them crazy. They did not kill it (husband went out to investigate and found the frog hiding under some leaves), but probably had it in their mouths and were 'playing' with it.

Micah was foaming at the mouth and an hour or two later after visiting the emergency vet, was vomiting all over the place :( She is ok now though, thank goodness. Ozzy, we are not so sure. We don't think he had the frog in his mouth, as he was not foaming at the mouth, but he is very sick. He has very, very bad diarrhea - looks like, and has has the consistency of melted chocolate (sorry, know it sounds gross). He was at the vet again yesterday, but so far there is no improvement and they are not sure what the problem is. He is on three different medications, so hopefully he will start improving soon.

We almost never went to the Rammstein concert last night, but eventually decided to get a pet sitter in. We left straight after the concert to get home and they were sleeping peacefully, but this morning Ozzy is really not well. I am besides myself - what must I do, I am so worried about my boy :(

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Rosemary, is he hydrated enough? I would talk to the vet about that, and seeing if running fluids through him (either in hospital with an IV or on an outpatient basis with subcutaneous fluids) might help flush the toxins... At least call them, and let them know how he is doing at the moment, and that you aren't seeing improvement. Hope the poor guy is on the mend soon! Hugs... (and prayers!)

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Thank you Tiffany and Gigi. He had an injection yesterday, and wouldn't even drink water after that, but this morning he has had about a tablespoon of chicken and rice and drank quite a lot of water. I will call the vet when they open and see what she has to say. She said we must put him on some kibble she recommends but Ozzy is on raw because he has an intolerance to processed food so that will only make the problem worse. I think she disapproves of Ozzy & Micah's raw diet :(

Ok, while I was typing this Ozzy came and woo wooed at me, which is a sign that he wants something, I followed him to the kitchen and he went to stand in front of the fridge - he does that when he wants cheese. I gave him a tiny little piece. Not sure if it was the right thing to do though :( I hate not knowing what to do.

Should I try yogurt or scrambled eggs ?

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See what he'll eat - probably any of those, including the cheese (a food I also prefer when I'm recuperating!) are good choices. That he's drinking a lot of water is VERY good; it will really help flush out the toxins! Sounds like he's mending, and I can go to bed feeling much better about that - thanks for the info!!! smile.gif

Doubt my vet would approve of feeding raw, either - but as much faith as I have in him otherwise, I really think too many vets get too much of their knowledge regarding food from Hills Pet Foods!

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it is nice to hear he is showing signs of improving.

dont worry about the vet, after all for hundreds of thousands of years dogs have eaten raw. its only the last 30 years that dogs have begun to eat processed rubbish.

hopefully they will learn their lesson this time

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oooh start of that thread I was about ready to cry and then you said he came and woo'd now Im tearing up with releif!!!

Sounds like hes getting there just taking his own sweet husky time about it (dont they always!) Yeah as the others have said vets very knowledgable about medical things but knowledge about food and nutrition ZIP! STUPIDLY its not part of vetinary medicien which makes no sence as you very much are what you eat! You keep pluging at it feeding him what he will eat and Im sure he'll be back on his feet digging up your garden in no time! :)

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*Hugs* I hope he has a speedy recovery now that he's starting to want things : )

When I took Kira into the emergency vet last weekend he said that he wouldn't recommend the raw diet, it's dangerous... I was pretty ticked when he said that, like, that's what they have ALWAYS ate until they made up crappy kibble... Even before kibble they were fed table scraps. Vets know NOTHING about feeding, they recommend garbage foods like Science Diet because they are paid by those companies to sell their product. I never listen to a vet when they make food suggestions. I know that I know more than them.

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Thank you everyone for your concern. Micah is doing much better, but Ozzy not so good. The cheese is the last thing he ate. I have tried everything, he just sniffs at it and turns away :( He is drinking water though, so that is at least something. The vet says to give it another 24 hours and if there is no improvement we must take him back and they will do further tests - I told her to do them today, but she says it is too early to go down that road - wtf?

Ozzy has already lost quite a bit of weight - today is the third day he is not eating. He does not carry much fat as we keep him on a strict 540gr diet - he is inclined to be porky if we allow it, so we keep an eye on his weight - now I am wondering if that is such a good thing, because he is losing weight so fast ? What do you think?

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