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1 or 2?


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Thanks for the warm welcome :)

Mishka is almost 5 months old now and we are considering getting her a friend :) and need a few views on when is the best time.

Would we be better getting one while she is young or leave it till she is a little older, we would try to get a youngish rescue dog ( male or female) so probably wouldnt be a pup but would an older one be m better?

I know all dogs are different but would love to hear of other peoples experiences on getting a second husky so any adivce would be greatfully received

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If you get another while shes young, you'll most likely find they will get on fine as they grow up together, Shes at that age where all she will want is play :)

Personally I would want to find one of a similar age, However I now have a rescue pup who is 4 months, and a male who will be 14 months when they meet.

I'll post up what happens in 3 weeks when hes out :)

Be warned though once you get 2 you will want 3 then 4 then 5 ... :P Their like a drug.

Best Regards

Rich & Kody

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If you're planning on getting her a friend, why don't you try and find a one or two year old rescue. That way, you're not dealing with two young puppies, and the older dog could teach her things? My girl Zoey was 3 years old when we brought home her buddy Cesar, who was just over 1 at the time. She's very mellow and lazy, and he is very hyper and crazy, so they now balance eachother out and it's great.

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When Mickey was a year old we began looking for another. We ended up with 8 week old Cheyenne. When she was a little over a year we got 5 month old Mishka. And then Odin just a few months ago. Personally I want my dogs out of the puppy stage before I have even considered another dog. If you really want another now i'd consider a rescue adult or wait until your pup is a bit older if you want another puppy.

That's what has worked for us anyway.

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we did things the unusual way round!

we fostered first then we adopted our 5th foster - storm. we were going to just have one...then an emergency foster came in locally so i had him for about 6wks. when he went it was obvious storm really missed his company. For many reasons i decided to get a pup rather than another welfare.

For us it has defo been easier having a 2nd, but believe me its a whole new experience walking 2 pulling huskies!! LOL

Storm was nearly 2 (& still very much a pup) when we bought thunder home at 8wks. they get on great.

There are so many in foster care who are desperate for a long term home but to be honest i would wait until yoru own is neutered before bringing in a new dog. its so much easier getting a dog over an op on their own rather than trying to stop them from playing.

Get a homecheck done and go from there, dogs are coming in all the time but its getting one right for you - SHWA, SHCGB and HIN will all be interested in trying to sort you a dog out

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what ever you decide to do.. well done.. personally i think every dog needs a freind to play with etc . my Tikaani wa 6 month old when i got Nikita who was nearly 4 yr at the time and they have got on very well..

got Macie at 8 month old when Tikaani was just over 2 yr old and they play really well together.. and allthough nikita who was about 5 & half when got macie..i have had no problems with them .. but nikita will very rarely play with her..but will curl up with her,, so i think the nearer the age the better for play mate.but then Nikita i think if it was just the two she would have played more than she does..

but good for you for wanting to make that step.. but me personally will always get a dog younger than my Nikita and Tikaani from now on. only cos i think it is easier to settle in a dog younger thatn your first / main dog

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we got got patch at 9 weeks old then when he was 4 months old we got kiya who was 11 weeks old and they got on fine.we then got deano as a rescue who was 6 1/2 months old a couple of months after that,they all get along fine now but we did have a few issues with the 2 boys fighting till we got them neutered.now its just one big happy family :D

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I'm guessing you guys with more than one dog have more than one crate? Or trust the dogs to sleep in your house?I am generally happy to leave flash alone downstairs while I am upstairs but sometimes I find him chewing on cushions even though he has a toy and balls! And bones! And the tv is on! I don't knowHow you could trust 2 doggys alone unless they just play with each other non stop?

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I'm guessing you guys with more than one dog have more than one crate? Or trust the dogs to sleep in your house?I am generally happy to leave flash alone downstairs while I am upstairs but sometimes I find him chewing on cushions even though he has a toy and balls! And bones! And the tv is on! I don't knowHow you could trust 2 doggys alone unless they just play with each other non stop?

yep we have 2 crates, they only use them at night and when we go out but we rarely leave them. We only crate at night as we have a cat and need to ensure we have no accidents. They are BIG crates so they have plenty room & have water bowls in there etc. When the cat isnt with us :( then i wont crate at night but will keep them available to use as they are so useful.

I am happy to leave them on their own if i go upstairs for a shower etc thunder is now 5 mths but it did take me a while just in case something kicked off and i wasnt around. but i trust them now i just need to ensure no food is around - not even butter on the kitchen side!! LOL

Neither of mine are chewers though, if i am upstairs they usually wait in the hall way for me....ahhhh they loves their mummy!!

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I'm guessing you guys with more than one dog have more than one crate? Or trust the dogs to sleep in your house?I am generally happy to leave flash alone downstairs while I am upstairs but sometimes I find him chewing on cushions even though he has a toy and balls! And bones! And the tv is on! I don't knowHow you could trust 2 doggys alone unless they just play with each other non stop?

My adult dogs aren't crated when I go out, they are behaved enough to be left loose. The two puppies are crated, and the door to the room with their crates is kept closed so their parents don't bug them while they're in their crates. Once they're older and understand not to chew/destroy/cause mayhem then they can be left loose as well.

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we got blaze when bingo was 9/10ish years old - (had him for 6 years) blaze was 7 weeks - they get on wonderfully - tho it took bingo a while to get used to him - they are now best friends - we got skyla at 14 weeks old when blaze was around 16 months old - they have their moments where they dont get on - but skyla is annoying :lol: so i cant blame him for getting peed off with her

spinstorm - none of mine are crated - blaze and skyla get locked in the kitchen - more so now as skyla has started chewing my stuff

bings gets run of the house (minus the kitchen obv lol) but he tends to just sleep on my bed

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Be warned though once you get 2 you will want 3 then 4 then 5 ... :P Their like a drug.

Best Regards

Rich & Kody

So true!!

If you're up to the work, then by all means, get another - they will keep each other company and give you some time to sit back and watch, and the works not quite double, but they'll go hog wild playing ALL the time-

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My rule is always don't add another dog to your household until the one you have currently is trained to the level you want it to be trained to.

All my dogs have four years apart, my next pup I probably won't be getting till next year, which will put my oldest at five.

I don't get another dog for my current dog, I get one for myself, and I won't be letting my new puppy run with my adult dogs anyway.

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I have shadow first who is 6 months and I recently Rehomed Logan who is 4 years old they get on so well were able to leave them together now after only a week I was going to get another pup when shadow was a year old but this happened and I'm so glad it did! Shadow has learnt alot from Logan

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We waited until Max was 2.5 years old to get Kaya at 8 weeks. He's well-trained enough to be able to teach her the tricks and show her the ropes, but having been independent for so long, he still isn't as in love with her as she is with him. They do love playing together, though.

We leave Max out during the day (and at night), while leaving Kaya crated. We have two crates, but mainly use them to crate her in different rooms without dragging the thing around.

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Thanks for all the replies - they certainly helped see different pro's + con's.

Whilst considering our options we were asked by a friend of a friend if we would consider fostering a husky as the owner was going in hospital and wouldnt be able to care for her for a while and maybe leading to giving her a forever home.

We decided to take her and see how things go, if she was ok with Mishka - they get on really well, she is so laid back and placid, she is 10 month old and huge compared to Mishka :)




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We got Denali when she was 8 weeks. We knew from the start that we eventually wanted to get a 2nd, but wanted to get through the first training class with Denali, and get adjusted to her before we added a second. When she was 9 months old we decided that we wanted to start looking for a second. It took us 6 months to find a breeder with Denali, so we figured that it would take a few months, and Denali would be around 1 before we would get the second one. Denali is silver and white, and my wife really wanted a red and white, so I figured it would take a little longer since we were being a bit more picky on the color. The next week a 5 month old red and white mail showed up on one of the local rescues. We filled out the application to see if they would consider us (rescues in this area are really picky about where they place dogs, even more so than any of the breeders we talked to). That we we found out that we were approved by the rescue, and they wanted to bring Yukon (then Nikko) by for a visit with a home inspection. Since the rescue volunteers were not used to dealing with puppies, we could tell that they were anxious to find Yukon a home. The Friday evening visit/home inspection turned into them leaving Yukon with us for good. It was a bit of a shock as we did not have a crate or anything for him. I had to make a quick run to the pet store to pick up all of the supplies that we needed for him to spend the night. The 2 of them now get along great. The rescue said that they wanted to place Yukon with a home with another younger dog because he was very playful, and needed a young dog that could keep up with him. We have found that having a female and a male has turned out great. Denali was already fixed when we got Yukon, so we did not have to worry about keeping them separate. Now they are both fixed, so there will not be any litters of puppies in our house. They are only 3 months apart in age, so they are at the same life stage, and they play well together which makes it easier on us.

We started crating Denali from when she was 8 weeks, so she did not have any issues with the crate at night or when we went to work during the day. Yukon had not been crated at all, so he was none to thrilled to be crated. After a few nights of crating them both, we decided to try leaving them out at night. We have a baby gate that keeps them from coming back into the bedrooms, but they have free travel between their room with the crates down stairs, and the living room/kitchen/dining room up stairs. The door that we use to let them out into the yard is in the dining room, so we figured that if they needed to go out, they could go to the door and bark that we would get up and leave them outside. We have been doing this now for about 5 months, and they have not destroyed anything in the house at night. They let us know when they need to go out, which is usually right around 5 AM. We still crate them during the day if we go out to work, or to run errands. Yukon still has a little bit of separation anxiety, so we do not know what he would do if he got upset when we were gone. We will continue to keep them crated when we are not there.


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