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OWNED by a small bat eared canine like creature!


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Hi all,

I joined yesterday, and have enjoyed looking through the pictures and posts since. I finally decided to pluck up the nerve to introduce myself and my adorable but head strong boy.

I am Eva, mum of 2 and new owner of Kyzar. He is incredibly beautiful but sheeeeesh he is hard work. I love him to bits, and regardless of how hard his puppyhood may be, he is with us for life. I got him almost a month ago, and he is almost 11 weeks old. I got him on his 7 week birthday. He is my first Husky, and I have spent a lot of time, energy and money on him thus far. He came un-inoculated and the first thing I did was pay for all his vaccinations for the rest of his life, with Vets for Pets, they offer this service. That way, no matter how hard times may become in future he will always be vaccinated. I also had him Microchipped. I live in Leeds and fear that if he should ever decide to go walkies on his own ( an alleged Husky trait) I have a good chance of him being returned.

I switched his food too, he came on puppy Bakers, and his poo was very very loose, so i put him on Wainrights. He isn't a fan of dry food, so I do compliment him with wet food ( 1 pouch a day), I also give him weetabix for supper. He is a good eater, but is very picky with his dry mix.

He is a nippy boy, and I am in the process of correcting this every time he has a bite. I understand he is still a baby, and forgive a lot of his puppy behavior. I have semi-crate trained him, he goes in when I leave the house for short periods. The longest he has been in his crate has been 2 hours. I have yet to crate him over night. He hasn't destroyed anything in the house YET, he is confined to downstairs as I have a cat, and his domain is upstairs. He sleeps in the living room of a night, crate door open. But, I would like to crate him on a night before he starts the petulant teenage stage I read so much about.

He uses puppy pee pads, and 89% of the time he does get it spot on. However, he does like to just go anywhere he feels like it. I do say no while he is doing that, point to it and say sternly 'what have you done', then clean it up. I also, givie him big cheers if he gets it right. I have noticed he goes outside to play in the garden and I walk him 4 x a day ( small walks obviously as he is still little) but he WONT go outside of the garden, and has taken to coming inside to go toilet. This needs correcting, so any advice would be lovely.

erm, what else, I have bought an array of toys, Kongs and the like, but his fave is a plastic bottle ha ha ha, we have great fun chasing those about.

I would like to know more about clicker training, as my feeble attempts at the 'a-ah' and 'no' when he bites and mouths are falling on Husky ears ( selective deafness) I have tried ignoring him, but he thinks this is just the best fun ever and jumps up and nips more LOL.

I can't believe how quickly I have fallen in love with my mischievous bat eared fur baby, he is a character. But one day he will be a big lad, and I do need to rein him in now.

Very nice to meet all of you, and dont hesitate to ask me if I have overlooked something.

Eva xx

My link Picture of my Boy x

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hi and welcome, be nice to see a pic Kyzar. first of i'd stop the weetabix just try add tinned fish like tuna in sunflower oil or sardines any thing like that. crate training takes time just increase the time he is in there, say add 5 mins each time.

i'd also think about getting him socialized with your cat whilst he is small xxxxxxxxx

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Only relieving in the garden is completely normal, it's a security thing. Storm did it too. Even now at 7 months old he sometimes comes home from a walk and then goes toilet! :blink: watch the lids on the bottles, and the rings too choking hazards. Overall you sound a pretty sensible husky owner to me so I will give you your first rep. :D Look forward to seeing some more pics.

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I tried to socialise Malcolm with Kyzar, but Malcolm's scared of him and runs... of course Kyzar thinks 'GAME ON', and chases. I do not go out of my way to segregate, but as Malc is a lazy bum and sleeps all day, he lives upstairs in MY bed blink.gif I have read negative things about Husky's killing cats, even after a long time of living with them, so I am not pushing the issue with our Malc. He comes and goes at his own leisure, and does stay in the living room for longer periods now (since Kyzar came he avoided the room) but chooses to watch from the relative safety of the window sill.

I gave Kyzar his name after the Kaiser Chiefs, I love them, but had to 'Husky' it up a bit LOL. I do call him Kyzar chief when he is in trouble, it is his Sunday name. ha ha ha.

If you want to see more pics of my boy, he has his own Facebook ha ha ha, look for Kyzar Mason. I set it up for my friends and family to watch him grow, as he was in danger of taking over mine lol.

I can't wait to socialise him with other dogs, he has met my friends Weimaraner, kiki, who he bounded all over. I am looking into puppy training classes but the nearest one to me is 10 miles away, which is a pain and could prove to be difficult due to the kids and their hectic after school clubs.


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Welcome aboard. biggrin.gif

These furry fiends are a never ending Challenge

So don't be afraid to shout if Kyzar is doing something "strange"

It's probably just Husky stuff that most other dogs don't do. biggrin.gif

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Hiya and welcome to the forum :wave:

Kyzar sounds like a little cutie. I personally don't like the puppy pads as they tell the puppy that it is okay to go in the house as long as you are standing on a pad. I know lots of people have success with them but as he is taking to coming back in the house and going the pads might not work for him. Maybe try putting some pads out in the garden and see if he goes on them outside.

Good luck with the little guy, you sound like you have done your homework on the breed.biggrin.gif

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Oh dear, we have had our first 'incident' tonight.

My daughter is 4 years old, and has been living on the backs of our sofa for the last 3 weeks for fear of little K's nippy teeth, I have been actively encouraging her to play with him and chastise him with 'a-ahs' if he mouthed her. So she has been getting braver with him.

I always supervise both kids when playing with Kyzar ( I always have a camera in my hand too, to capture this stage of both the kids lives and puppyhood, as both will be gone soon) so I was very happy to see my Daughter want to play tonight. She was playing tug with Kyzar, and I kept telling her to be gentle, and she was doing really well, and Kyzar was too.. both playing very well with each other. In an instant both of their tempo's went up a notch, both full of excitement and both appeared to tug hard at the same time.

Kyzar, never made a sound but stood licking his lips, and I told my girl I thought she may have hurt him. Within seconds he was back for more, and I decided to step in and calm it down between them. So they both played then on the floor with her wanting to 'nurse' him, by putting him on a pillow and covering him up, He let her!!! LOL. It was very cute to see, and they got on very well. Then I noticed blood.

I thought at first he had lost a tooth, as I couldn't get into his clamp like jaws long enough to see. My girl was uspet, but it was just an accident and I told her this. I left Kyzar alone a bit, then re-checked his tooth with the lure of peanut butter. I can now see his tooth has broken, in half. The root and about half of it is intact, but the lower half has gone.

Is this a bad thing? I will of course be calling the vets in the morning to see what is to be done, but I can't help feeling bad for both the dog and my daughter. They are just both babies, and they got too giddy.


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Hi all,

I called the vets this morning and explained everything. She has advised me to keep an eye on him and if he looks like he is in pain, stops eating or it goes red then to take him in.

I am now on tooth monitoring duties until said tooth falls out, fingers crossed it is soon, and it doesnt cause him any grief. x

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So, I thought I would share some of kyzar's quirky little tendencies, as I think he is hilarious and certainly un-doglike at times.

1) he likes to have my thumb in his mouth, it settles him LOL. He just sits with it in and rests his tongue underneath for a while... blink.gif

2) he talks I SWEAR he talks. It's more like a high pitched whine, but he answers me back. For instance - me - 'kyzar get down', Kyzar- 'oooh-uhhh' Roughly translated to 'I dont think so matey' and one particular noise even sounds like NO.

3) he likes to walk ME, he takes the lead in his mouth and leads me off on his merry way...LOL. Or he grabs at my UGG boot and drags me to where he wants to go. He bores easily I have noticed, and when we take my daughter to school I chat to another mum ofr 10 mins every morning. He gives the signal that he wants to go by promptly grabbing my boot and leading me off down the road..rolleyes.gif I have since gained the reputation of the lady who has a small dog attached to her ankle every day!!!! pmsl.

4) He does love affection, and most of the time it is on his terms, but he does snuggle up like a baby. He even sits on my hip like a baby too! I dont think this will be a long term thing, as I cannot imagine him fully grown Husky wanting to sit on mummy's hip!!!

5) He likes frozen peas... he will chase them about the kitchen floor for ages while I cook.

6) I am convinced he controls what his ears are doing. One minute they can be erect, the next as floppy as a piece of leather! Some days it's one up, one down....

7) he does have excitement peaks at certain times of the day. Between 7-8.30am it's chaos in the house, with the kids getting ready for School and him trying to steal their breakfasts, tug at their clothes and generally disturb everything! Next is 4-7pm. More Chaos for Mad dog and giddy kids! I have learned to crate him during tea time though as he can be very naughty with stealing or trying to steal food from plates, jumping up etc..... I suppose nothing tastes finer than stolen food to a dog.biggrin.gif

8) He likes to sleep on my feet when I am cooking, thus welding me to the floor stood in front of the cooker. Hence the frozen pea distraction!

9) When my mum comes to visit he is the perfect Angel, oh yes he is. He loves his nanna and makes it very hard to believe that butter wouldn't melt.........

10) When my dad comes to visit he likes to eat his shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haha.............ooops! It's a grand job my parents love him as much as we do.

What are your Dogs, quirky tendencies? I'd love to hear some. xxx

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First off welcome to the site, u r doin a good job thats 4 sure n he sounds lovely............. just ur typical Husky.

I say this 2 all new members (well try 2) who have pups........... when u c the pup teeth comin loose n stuff keep an eye out for them n have a couple as a keepsake.

I still have 2 of Scooby's n they r close 2 12yrs old :D they make me smile everytime i look at them n remind my of how tiny she was, i have some of my 2 boys aswell.

I gave u a rep +1 on a particular comment u made bout ur cat. I think its a really good idea to let them meet each other cos they will get on BUT here comes the +1........... Ur right to never trust them, i always stood by my opinion n experience of......... if the dog n cat have grown up 2gether they will b fine, if u introduce a cat in2 ur pack when ur Husky is older it will 99% of the time kill it within a short period of time n i stood by that opinion for yrs. I still stand by my 2nd opinion, u r just askin 4 trouble there.

To my horror 1 day out of the blue i came home to our pet cat Minnie dead n by my 3 n they had been livin happily 4 yrs n yrs, i dont know wot happened but it could have been anything that triggered it.

ANYWAY now that dismal part is over.............. as im typin this Mushu (who u will get 2 know im sure) is snorin soooo loudly atm its like havin my ex in

bed with me :lol: my camera just wont pic up the sound tho, so frustrating.

Have fun n enjoy the site.

Emily, Scooby, Nanook n Mushu xxx

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