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The "No More Huskies After This One"


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So was wondering if anyone else goes through this with their partners.

"We're not having another Siberian after Aleu".

Robyn doesn't want to have another Siberian after Aleu is gone. She's not a great dog lover, but she said that she can't be doing with the stubborness of huskies and their overall extra management that they require for the rest of her life, including all the crating management.

She's said that she will welcome me having something like a Border Collie after Aleu, but she never wants to have a Siberian again.

Im really disappointed, because I feel now that I've had experience with one, that I could bring up another pup a lot easier now as I have a better pack leader mind and that I could give a Siberian a really good home.

But I guess after Aleu I will become the leader of a border collie.... :\ I feel disappointed but Im not angry. Afterall, she is my fiance and I respect that she does not love dogs in the same way that I do, and if not having Siberians will give us a happier family in the future, then I'm willing to respect that.

Has anyone else had this with their partner?

Stacey xxx

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My relationship is the opposite, Andrew and I both came into our relationship with a great love of the breed, but only I had owned a husky before. After being together for over two years we decided to bring home Zoey, and then we brought home Cesar, and then decided to keep two of their pups as well. Once we move out of the city and out into the countryside, we're planning on expanding even from 4 huskies. I know I will always have sibes, and Andrew feels the same way. Neither of us really want children at this point of our lives, and I really don't want kids at all so it works out well for us. I'm sorry Robyn feels that way Stacey :(

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Hubby wouldnt dare, he'd be afraid of the answer he'd get! :P

If you love huskies but want something that is a little more easy going perhaps look into Samoyeds? Iv heard their very similar to huskies but a little more laid back and can go off lead coz they were bred as a herding dog... although if Robyn thinks Collies are any easier I think she should meet some! LOL Their VERY high energy breeds who also need alot of exercise! :D

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My other half won't let me have any more :(

I feel your pain :(

I don't think the exercise with Aleu bothers Robyn because well... I walk her lol!!! So it's litrally all the other aspects to a Sibe that she doesn't like.

I guess Sibes are for particular people. They're for me, but not for Robyn, but I think I would rather in the future, we had a dog breed that we'd both get along with (and we've both grew up around border collies).

Afterall, when we met, I had already got Aleu and I had already made my commitment to Aleu, it wasn't like Robyn had a choice in having a Sibe as she came as part of the package, but like I said I think for the future, perhaps its for the best.

Stacey xxx

...but still..... no more sibes makes me sad :( lol

*clings to Aleu*

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Thankfully when my boyfriend asked me what I wanted for Christmas two years ago and I replied a Husky puppy, he was all for it. I know he would rather have a German Shepard, or something that listens better but he knows how much happiness Embry and Zoey bring me that I think he knows that Huskies are the breed for us :) But I know two is the limit until Embry and Zoey pass, unless I can convince him otherwise in a few years ;)

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Aleu still has a long life in front of her. Robyn God willing will have many years with you and Aleu.

I will never get another breed of dog. Sibes and Mals are the only ones for me,

Maybe I can soften her up to them by taking her to see Siberian puppies when we're looking for a new dog lol.

Stacey xxx

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my hubby said i could not have a sib no way lol i always get my own way, so Odin came to us at 8 weeks. when he was 18 month i said he needed a play mate, again hubby said no way lol. Then along came my first rescue Loki. BUT then i saw a pic of Thor bless him, hubby still says no way 2 is inuf but i talked him into going to see him and lol we now have Thor.

He loves them all to bits, i'd love a 4th but i wont push my luck lol xxxxxxx

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I don't know your background, or how long you've been with Robyn, but in my opinion, there's always time for Aleu to grow on Robyn! ;) If you had Aleu before meeting Robyn, it could also be a tinge of jealousy coming into the relationship, like dating someone with kids. I was also going to suggest taking her to see Husky puppies, but I see that game plan is already on your mind heehee.

Or the next best option, how about a husky mix? My dog is a rescued Husky Lab mix (at least they think the dad was a Lab) and she's been AMAZING. Has a lot of the Husky traits (digging, "hand"-holding, the "wooo woooo" talking, love for snow, etc.), but the Lab makes her less stubborn (most of the time), more eager to please, more affectionate, and super easy to train! She knows a ton of tricks and can even be trusted off-lead...and she's only 4 months old!

The future is bright and open and there's plenty of time to change one's mind! ;)

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My ex didn't want a dog at all. I had to beg and plead for one. We got into a lot of fights because I wanted a freaking dog and he didn't really. We got Mickey and it all changed. But we both did stuff with Mickey. It wasn't just me caring for him and Kyle doing nothing other than living with him. Perhaps you can incorporate Robyn into Aleus life more? Show her the really fun and great side of a Sibe? Personally I want dogs all my life. Managing a Sibe and dealing with all that comes with them is fun for me. And I won't stop because someone doesn't like it. Please don't take this the wrong way but I think it's selfish for her to say "no more Huskies" and have that be that. That wouldn't sit well with me anyway.. Relationships are about both peoples wants/needs. Not just one. You still have a long time left with Aleu and plenty of time for her to change her mind.

I don't see what's wrong with owning both a sibe and a BC. tongue.gif

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So was wondering if anyone else goes through this with their partners.

She's said that she will welcome me having something like a Border Collie after Aleu, but she never wants to have a Siberian again.

Has anyone else had this with their partner?

Stacey xxx

Our first dog was a border collie.

We had to rehome him because we really were not ready for such an energetic / destructive dog.

His name was Biscuit

we got him as an 8 week old pup from a working sheep farm in wales.

So he was full blood working collie.

After a year he was so hyper and destructive, despite us walking him miles per day

and offlead ball throwing until he was quiverring with exhaustion.

He ate the furniture / shoes / boots / clothing / underwear / fixtures and fittings.

if he could fit his teeth around it he would chew it to tiny pieces.

We loved that boy but. . . he was too much. sad.gif

Took us a good few years of learning before we were ready for Huskies.

and this time we came in with our eyes wide open.smile.gif

A collie is not a good alternative /replacement for a Husky. unsure.gif

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That's so sad :( Now I own a sibe I'll never be without one. It's been a massive thing to get Kiska, it feels like I own a rare exotic animal or something - that's how weird it feels to know I own my own dog, it's a BIG thing for me :lol: So now I'm in the position to have one I always will. From now on it's a package deal with me - if a guy doesn't want to own sibes for the rest of their life, they don't want to be with me :D I can understand your fiance having her own breed preferences but if you got together after you already had Aleu, surely your love for the breed and intentions to continue owning sibes came up in conversation? I'd be so frustrated to be in the same position as you, I'd just want my own way (probably why I'm still single! :P ).

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Aleu is still young and theres many years ahead for them to bond. I think its best to never say never, you never know what the future will hold and you where you will be when that time comes. Never give up hope focus on showing Robyn what a wonderful loving breed Siberians are and in time she wil hopefully come around :)

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I couldn't be having that.. mine is only 1/4 and hubby knows full well once we are in our own property there may be several new additions (over time of course) to the family ;) and not of the human kind either, quite happy with one human child.. She'll change in time. Hubby can't say no, just give her the 'please I really want one' eyes, it gets them every time!

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alex was always the one insistent on having a husky and that no other dog would do. it got to a point when i was unsure we could handle one and he basically said husky or no dog. i wanted a dog so i caved in. and im so glad i did. storm is a joy to have and a valuable family member. i now wouldnt have any other breed. mind u i want another and atm hes resisting! give me a few yrs i will get my girl. :D x

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I wouldn't worry to much at this point, Aleu is young so you have many years before you won't own a husky. From my experience a lot can happen in a Sibs lifetime.

When mine came along I would have sworn I would be with my partner for the rest of my life. We have already been together for 4 years at that point. Of course I was only 20 years old so 4 years was a long timerolleyes.gif. 4 years later I left him but my dogs were still with me. Now another 8 years later and I am married to someone else and living in another country, but my dogs are still with me.

Hopefully Aleu will grow on Robyn over the years.

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I won't have any more Huskies after Ozzy and Micah pass on - hopefully after a very long life :( I will be too old, and it would not be fair on them - how bl@@dy depressing is that :blink: I dread not having them as part of my life.

Same here I won't be getting any more while I got these 2 and after there life I'll be pushing 60 I don't think its fair on the dogs to be even thinking of getting one at that age :(

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Even though I will pushing serious senior years when my boys are ready to go to the bridge, there are also many senior huskies that need a home....and not as much attention/exercise as a teen husky. I thought that we would always be lab people when I met Jeff, but he really fell in love with my Stormy girl when she was the only one left. After Andy, we figured he needed a mate, and while I was really entertaining any breed, my mate only wanted to get another husky! Nobody has a crystal ball, so worrying about it now probably isn't worth the time and effort.

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