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Hey you...DON'T TEACH MY HUSKY!!!!


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Why do people think they can or even have the right to teach my husky? I'm good with strangers playing and letting my dog sniff their hands...but why why why do some random strangers try to teach your husky obedience in the 2 minutes they spend with my dog, and why do they feel the necessity to give you tips on how to train a dog, a husky of all things, when they don't own a dog and have never formally trained one?

...I'm just saying.

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Have to laugh - went into PetSmart a few times some time ago, and their trainer came up to Shad with cookies (he'd been trained as a show dog to stand for treats in the ring), and as he was standing there, the trainer kept asking him, "Can you sit?" in a silly, sing-song voice. Shad just looked at him, and the look on his face said, "Of course I can! BUT you aren't telling me to do it!" I suggested that the man TELL him to sit, and when he did, Shad sat immediately! biggrin.gif

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Depends what you mean by "training". I personally hate when someone else lets their dogs jump all over me if I meet them while out and about (I let the sled dogs jump up on me but thats situational). I'll make the dog get off me and keep 4 paws on the floor before I give him/her any attention. I dont consider it being rude since after all the dog was rude to me first. If the dog doesn't cooperate because he's just far too exuberant I dont point out the bad manners I simply will not give the dog any attention and move on.

I think what you are getting at though is the strangers who try to get dogs to do a whole number of behaviours and yes that gets me too. First off, I have trained one of my dogs to not listen to anyone but family LOL So people get especially worked up when they repeatedly command him to sit and he blatantly ignores them and I just say the command once and he follows suite. I'm not sure why people think dogs should listen to anyone who waves a cookie in their face...they dont own my dog I do.

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LOL. My dogs are trained NOT to obey commands given by other people so I guess they'd could look pretty disobedient if a stranger tried to handle them ;)

ETA: Though it is one of my pet hates when people practically yell commands at their dogs. I ask commands like a question, but my tone has no impact on their willingness to comply - eg if i ask my dog to down they will throw themselves on the ground as fast as they can.

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I always get the opposite reaction here. I hate when people allow my dog to jump up on them and say it's ok when it's not. if he thinks he can jump up on one person, he'll think he can jump up on everyone. Also people always go to pet Pongo and pull their hand away so he feels the need to jump up to get to their hand. *sigh* If you're going to pet him, keep your hand there! lol that's all he wants! and every time I go into petsmart they try to sell me their dog training, blah! they don't even have licenses to do that and the trainers at petco do. And people seem to think this breed is untrainable too. I bet their Labrador can't do a finish move (walking a circle around you and heeling to your left), but my husky can! biggrin.gif

also I like when someone has a golden retriever or some other breed and I mention that Pongo is blowing his coat and they talk like they understand... yeah they have NO idea lol

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I do think it's funny when Max obeys people who don't even know what he's doing. When we're at a friend's house and they put down a bowl of water for him, they'll say "Why is he staring at me instead of drinking?" I respond, "He's waiting for you to tell him 'okay,'" and when they repeat "Okay!" and he starts drinking, they have a hilarious look of wonder on their faces :)

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Part of the problem is we have a world full of the great unwashed. . . sorry Non Husky owning public.

Who watch Television.

They watch Cesar and Victoria and think themselves instantly qualified to dispense doggy wisdom and training.blink.gif

If I need advice I will come here and ask YOU guys. . .WHY??

because you're experienced husky owners with years of Husky ownership under your belts.biggrin.gif

I'm not gonna take any notice of some dumbass who watches TV and who's mate has a staffie.angry.gif

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Good for you Andy, The great unwashed :lol: My mates got a staffi :lol: I do not listen to what other non husky owners say, I just nod with a blank expretion on my face hoping that they will just go away with the yappy thing on a rope and hope that my sibe dont bite it :lol: :lol: :lol:

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i HATE this - when Blaze was younger i didnt like him jumping up at people he didnt know - and told him so but i HATE when people say no its ok! i dont mind! yeh u might not but the next 5 yr old who hes bigger than, or the next 80 yr old who hes stronger than WILL mind!!!! :angry: i dont want my dog jumping up so dont tell him its ok too!

i also dont let other people dogs jump at me if they go to jump i move back so they miss n wait till they have sat or are even just standing nicely b4 they get a fuss its just good manners for the dog and for people to do so!

i also hate people who tell my dogs to do something - erm no saying it in that way telling them to sit down isnt gonna work - if i say 'sit' im firm but im asking them do it so they oblidge use the right words n the right tone of voice dammit!!!

i also hate people who have singsong voices then moan when the dogs get worked up - well DURH be calm n speak in a normal register and they WONT go crazy!!!

rant over lol

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