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john and leesa

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is getting really annoyed with this site, you are always saying this site is friendly and offers advice to owners etc but lately all you do is slate at people what they feed their dogs and how they should be managing them the ammount of posts on here lately with " accidently mating" is beyond a joke i cant see how you get an accident when you know your female is in season and has been in season so your own common sense shows that you shouldn't let another male near your female but it seems that people haven't got a clue then moan about what they are going to do if you are going to breed your dogs then you need to make sure that the timing is right and you know everything you need to know and incase anything goes wrong, and if you don't want to have any puppies you should get them all seen to like we have and be responsable and for the sake of the dogs!!

People say how nice it is for a dog to be rescued but then they are soon quick to slate people who just breed them for the money but this site is not meant to be just for registered dogs its meant to be for all huskies,

RANT OVER !!!!!!

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No one here has anything against unregistered dogs, my 2 are unregistered, and they are more than welcome! Theres also bingo, who isnt even part husky, and everyone loves him.

I agree with you on the accidental matings, Kira was intact for 2 years, spent time around intact males while on heat, and we didnt have any 'accidents', but you have to just ignore it, if it bothers you, dont reply, I just dont bother reading the threads, or just leave the thread before I can get too wound up.

No ones slating anyone for what they feed, Yes we try to advise on better foods (me more than many), but it is for the dogs own good, good food doesnt have to be expensive, I feed a quality food at £34 a bag (inc. delivery) and it lasts a month for 2 dogs. Thats not expensive.

NO ONE should breed dogs for money, its selfish and unneccesary, I dont get what this has to do with rescuing?? Of course rescuing is good, it gives an unwanted dog a 2nd chance.

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is getting really annoyed with this site, you are always saying this site is friendly and offers advice to owners etc but lately all you do is slate at people what they feed their dogs and how they should be managing them the ammount of posts on here lately with " accidently mating" is beyond a joke i cant see how you get an accident when you know your female is in season and has been in season so your own common sense shows that you shouldn't let another male near your female but it seems that people haven't got a clue then moan about what they are going to do if you are going to breed your dogs then you need to make sure that the timing is right and you know everything you need to know and incase anything goes wrong, and if you don't want to have any puppies you should get them all seen to like we have and be responsable and for the sake of the dogs!!

People say how nice it is for a dog to be rescued but then they are soon quick to slate people who just breed them for the money but this site is not meant to be just for registered dogs its meant to be for all huskies,

RANT OVER !!!!!!

i dont really 'get' some of this rant.........

food-yes people are opinionated on what they feed their dogs but no one is slating each other for it-it is opinions we need otherwise how would people with no idea about nutritional values learn??

accidently mating-i agree with you i have no idea how accidental mating takes place-that is lack of responsibility on the owners part

rescue dogs-yes most of us would prefer people to take in rescue dogs than get them from people who are breeding them just for financial gain and not looking after the mother's needs.

as for breeding for money when completely clueless.......surely you agree that this is a bad thing??

registered dogs-only one of my dogs is registered and up until a week ago we didnt have a clue that he was...........and my other dog is a GSD x collie and everyone loves him just the same.........

as i said-i don't 'get' some of this rant, it doesn't make sense regarding rescues and breeding for money..............:blink:

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Morning guys,

Sorry you feel this way at the moment. just been looking at the threads wondering what posts your referring too, but unsure what has stirred these feelings.

I know obviously we have differences of opinion on some topics, but isn't that part and parcel of being on a forum? so that we can listen to both sides?

I have to say, that we are experiencing an awfull situation at the moment and the members of this site have offered support, advice and literally bent over backwards to help and without them the whole situation would be unbereable.

I do however, read threads sometimes and have the same response as you have explained in your post, but life would be boring if we all agreed on everything. I just take a deep breathe and move onto something else ;)

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I can see where you are coming from.

We start out trying to give the best advice.

However sometimes WE get frustrated.

and that comes across in our posts.

Why ?

Lets take the "what should I feed my Husky" issue.

We try to inform and educate as what are the best type of ingredients to feed your pooches.

then the person asking the questions says yeah, but I feed mine on (insert name of cheapest supermarket food here) and he's fine on it.

Then a few days later they come on saying their dog is Hyper, aggressive and destructive.

Well. . .Duh!!

The cheap stuff is the equivalent of feeding your children, coca cola, MacDonalds and sweets all day.

It's when they ask for advice and then blatantly do the exact opposite, and that gets us frustrated.

and sometimes that comes across in our posts. . . unsure.gif

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I dont think the Drama LLama thing was necessary, that just fuels more aggro when people are irritated and though we might not understand where this person is coming from, I don't think it's fair to humour them when obviously it means something to them.

John and Leesa if this is seriously concerning you about the website, I would advise that you collect quotes from threads and PM them to an administrator with your concerns.

People are very big on what they feed, but everyone has to respect that each husky is different and not all of them will get on well with the biggest brands or the cheapest brands. Some people were critising CSJ because of the amount of cereals and things, which is ok if you have a husky that can live on a high meat diet, where as if you have one that is very protein sensitive like mine, you need to have more cereals to help fill her up. I don't think personally anyone upset me with their critisism because at the end of the day, that diet pleases my husky and thats good enough for me and you just have to respect that everyone has different opinions. I had a look on that dogfoodanalysis website, which I think is good, but at the same time it's a very opinionated based analysis in their write ups of the food. See it as like when you go to see a movie. For example I went to see The Number 23 years ago and I thought it was awesome, where as my dad thought it was the biggest pile of poop in the world.

Find what food is good for you, and just smile that it works for you.

Accidental mating... I can see where you are coming from, but I know lots of people that have strictly kept their dogs seperate, and all it takes is for say a young child to accidently open the door, the dog gets loose and is straight on the bitch. Everyone has their own level of understanding, but at the end of the day, I always find that having a calm approach with people and giving them advice is better than going "Omg how the hell could you let that happen??!?!?!?!?!?" (not an actual quote obviously but I have seen reactions like this).

Not quite sure what you meant by the last bit and rescue huskies, but again everyone has their own opinion and everyone just needs to respect that when it comes to issues like this.

Hope I havent offended anyone and if I have, I'm sorry.

Stacey xxx

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I dont think the Drama LLama thing was necessary, that just fuels more aggro when people are irritated and though we might not understand where this person is coming from, I don't think it's fair to humour them when obviously it means something to them.

Find what food is good for you, and just smile that it works for you.

I ment it tho just thought it would look nicer in picture form.......:lol:

You see Stacey, im just like the Dog food you talk of, if you like me and i work for you then stick with it, if you dont like me then leave well alone........

Above all i love my sense of humor and it will never change, no matter how much it may upset someone cause at the end of the day it is just a joke.....Live life be happy...WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

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Stacey-it's just Tony (Sibe 77s) way! he tries to defuse the situation with laughter.:)

I can see how people would think it's funny, but being on the other side of an arguement like this before (on many other websites) I can see how it could very well aggrivate them more which I just think we are better off avoiding doing.

Stacey xxx

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my wee tuppence worth- I am new here and I just love this site. So far I have read lots of peoples views on lots of topics, some I agree with others I don't but the posts 'always' seem to be from a helpful and caring stance.(however I admit that I pick and choose what I want to read.) I regularly look on another doggy site and everyone there was so opinionated and b****y I don't ever post anymore. I would really be disappointed if this site ended up the same as I have been blown away by how caring people have been to each other.

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my wee tuppence worth- I am new here and I just love this site. So far I have read lots of peoples views on lots of topics, some I agree with others I don't but the posts 'always' seem to be from a helpful and caring stance.(however I admit that I pick and choose what I want to read.) I regularly look on another doggy site and everyone there was so opinionated and b****y I don't ever post anymore. I would really be disappointed if this site ended up the same as I have been blown away by how caring people have been to each other.

Good post. There are a lot worse forums than this one. This one is generally quite calm and friendly.

Also I think text can come accross completely wrong as well. If you met some of the people here at a meet, you would see how amazing this community is really.

Stacey xxx

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Good post. There are a lot worse forums than this one. This one is generally quite calm and friendly.

Also I think text can come accross completely wrong as well. If you met some of the people here at a meet, you would see how amazing this community is really.

Stacey xxx

i totally agree stacey,

Its amazing how a post can be read in a totally different manner to how it was meant. i know tony would definately not have meant this to upset, he was merely putting a jokey take on things. must admit i love nutty sense of humours, and he managed to put a smile on my face for the first time in 4 days, but i can definately see how people can misread things sometimes. As long as we respect other people's point of view, even if we dont always agree, then i dont think we can far wrong xx

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Its amazing how a post can be read in a totally different manner to how it was meant. i know tony would definately not have meant this to upset, he was merely putting a jokey take on things.

Oh I know you're right about that.

Sorry Tony, I wasn't attempting to make a dig at you or anything, it's just I'm trying to see it from both sides, I know you're lovely really !

Stacey xxx

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Excellent posts.

Angela. I don't think this site will ever change from the caring community that it is. We all have our views, some of them may be stronger than others, but the bottom line is we care, for our huskies and the friends we have made here. The core of the forum is strong and has excellent leadership, so when we slip up, they will let us know pretty quickly :lol:

It is good when someone voices their concern about the direction we are going, it makes us take notice, and as long as it is done in a manner that does not offend 100% of the members, we can learn from it and move on :)

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I agree with Stacey and have said before,i think sometimes the way a reply is worded can be read into more than it should.

some people take some advise as a personal criticism on themselves and their care of their dog when it was not meant in that way,

having said that,we are all here for help,friendship and advice and sometimes some people do come across as 'holy than thou' which i personally choose to ignore.

i dont care if you( not you personally-generally) dont agree with a reply ive posted,it was my opinion,and thats what this forum is suppose to about.

hope there is just a select few posts/topics that have got your back up and that you stick around to get to know us all a little better :)

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I'm quite new here and as the owner of a husky x mal can safely say this is the ONLY forum where I gave been accepted and my dog has not been scoffed at. I can even refer to him as a huskamute without getting the "designer dog" reaction. We didn't purposefully look for a cross he just sort of arrived in our lives and I like belonging to a site which doesn't crucify me for his origins.

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is getting really annoyed with this site, you are always saying this site is friendly and offers advice to owners etc but lately all you do is slate at people what they feed their dogs and how they should be managing them the ammount of posts on here lately with " accidently mating" is beyond a joke i cant see how you get an accident when you know your female is in season and has been in season so your own common sense shows that you shouldn't let another male near your female but it seems that people haven't got a clue then moan about what they are going to do if you are going to breed your dogs then you need to make sure that the timing is right and you know everything you need to know and incase anything goes wrong, and if you don't want to have any puppies you should get them all seen to like we have and be responsable and for the sake of the dogs!!

People say how nice it is for a dog to be rescued but then they are soon quick to slate people who just breed them for the money but this site is not meant to be just for registered dogs its meant to be for all huskies,

RANT OVER !!!!!!

Theres always the taking away reputation option now! I absolutely understand where you are coming from. It's often difficult being from the other side of the ocean to understand if someone is joking or serious, also.

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