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Just met an annoying guy on our walk


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I need to rant really need to rant !!!!!! Ok i took Sky for his long walk on the park about 1.5-2 hours i left Rufus at home because i don't want to walk him too far in one go (trying to follow the 5 mins a month rule) anyway we met his buddy Beau the GSD and his owner but i didn't have my 100ft lead with me today so they didn't play as much as normal. Anyway another guy comes with a Doberman and this happens

Guy your dog is very badly trained he should not be pulling and jumping on lead

Me no its fine he's playing with Beau i usually have a 100ft lead and they go crazy

guy thats just bad training

me HUH??

guy when the dog is on lead he should be at you side waiting for the next command let him off lead to play

me he's a husky they don't do well off lead they have a tendency to run off

guy like i said badly trained you have to dominate him and he will be fine off lead, he needs to know you are number 1, i can see right away he is the Alpha male not you

me yeah ok i have to be honest i don't think you know too much about huskies

guy dogs are dogs you train them or you don't and you don't .... let him off lead now and i'll show you how to do it

me eeerrr no

guy don't worry he will be fine i'll show you ..... my dog will bring him back if he runs

me right ok well i had a doberman and have a husky and i'm telling you your dog won't keep up with mine so thanks but no

at this point the guy reached over and tries to unclip sky lead

Me WTF are you doing

guy trying to help you

me i'm fine don't touch my dog

guy That dog needs 10 miles a day exercise ... you even have a harness on him how can you hope to show control using a harness

me he's a husky you muppet they use harness and don't do so well off lead let it go anyway he plays with my other dog Rufus in the garden and gets more than 1 walk a day, he gets plenty of exercise

guy says who and where is your other dog then

me everybody and he's at home because i don't want to over exercise him

guy well all dogs are part wolf it doesn't mean they can't be trained ... over exercise what are you talking about they tell you when they have had enough

me who said anything about a wolf ??? he's a husky and they run and pull and you you shouldn't over exercise a young dog !!!

guy all dogs do that but we shouldn't let them just like we don't let them kill other animals

me no all dogs don't run and pull like a husky and my dog would kill and eat something like a rabbit or squirrel given the chance

guy like i said he is the alpha male, you need to dominate and show no affection for 12 months always make sure he comes to you never go to him that will train him

his dog then gets in the middle of Sky and Beau playing he then belts his walking stick on the floor a few inches from sky and shouts leave his dog cowers behind him and Sky just looks at me

Guy see alpha male

me Try that again and i'll show you alpha male (few choice words added)

guy people like you should't have dogs

i just walk away at this point

I know its a long rant so thanks for reading but seriously i seem to be a muppet magnet


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Sounds like the poor guy knows less than what he thinks he knows. Knowledge, even if so slight, can be a dangerous thing in the mind of an idiot. I think I would have lost it dealing with that dufus.

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wow, you seriously deserve a medal for not flattening the idiot, ( I tend to avoid confrontation but I really don't know how I would have coped) Cannot believe he actually went to unclip YOUR dog who did he think he was.

makes you feel sorry for his poor abused dog.

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There are always gonna be people who think they know about dogs and how to train them, huskys are a differant breed and some people just think that there dog is the same as yours, sorry but they are wrong, I cant think why that in that situation I would have given the person a gob full, just feel sorry for the dog he has as this bloke is a t**t

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I got a guy like that last year on the canal when I walked Shaer. He kept saying he was an animal psychologist and know what he was talking about. He was doing my head in so I said obviously college was a waste of time because your a bl..dy idiot. At which point he lunges at me, so I told do that again and you will end up in the canal. He walked off mumbling to his self. A few weeks later he apoligised.

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I'm having one of those what i should have done/said moments now angry.gif

I was a bit taken back with it all to be honest i didn't expect that at all. When he went to unclip Skys lead from his harness i just thought he was going to stroke him then i realised what he was trying to do and pulled him away, luckily my lead clips and locks so i got a bit more reaction time. I did lose my cool at the end but just swore a bit and walked off.

Dave this guy was very much dog training is dog training whatever the breed and his way was the right way !!!! i do feel sorry for his dog now too

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I'd of just said 'you train your dog, your way and keep your opinions to yourself' I'd of walked off. If he'd of tried to un-clip mine I'd of told him I'd call the police if he didn't stop his aggressive behavior and removed his hand from my dogs lead. I'm surprised you didn't add 'then I punched him one' because I'd be holding in rage from an idiot like him. The worst I've had is 'What makes you get these dogs?' Errr because I love them and if I can give them what they need why shouldn't I?

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now here's one guy who knows A LOT about huskies, huh rolleyes.gif

honestly, I don't know what I would have done in that situation o.O

Recently, this woman who had a GSD came up to me and asked what breed my girl was. I told her she's a husky, and she's all like "Oh, but not a purebred husky, right?" and goes laughing in a way that says "ridiculous, that's never a husky". I tell her she is in fact purebred, and she suddenly starts telling me off all "There aren't any white huskys, you got ripped off, or she might be sick" and stuff like that @.@ She then tells me I should be owning a husky, and even tries yanking the leash away from me! x.x I got really scared and ran off, shila at my heals. She also seemed scared ^^

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Good Grief! How did you stay so calm?? How dare he tell you how to train your dog?? NO ONE knows your dog better than you do. Makes me so mad at this persons ignorance considering his own dog is cowering from him-yea brilliant training there!

Recently, this woman who had a GSD came up to me and asked what breed my girl was. I told her she's a husky, and she's all like "Oh, but not a purebred husky, right?" and goes laughing in a way that says "ridiculous, that's never a husky". I tell her she is in fact purebred, and she suddenly starts telling me off all "There aren't any white huskys, you got ripped off, or she might be sick" and stuff like that @.@ She then tells me I should be owning a husky, and even tries yanking the leash away from me! x.x I got really scared and ran off, shila at my heals. She also seemed scared ^^

I keep getting asked if my girl is a GSD or an Alsatian and when I say no shes a husky i get this look to say haha yea right! Ive even had some people say oh shes not a 'Proper' husky . . .Eh Wha??? Eff away off!! angry.gif

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If anyone tried to touch my dog or his lead like that I'd have punched him and called the cops and said he's trying to steal my boy.. lol. What an ahole! How rude of people to do this too, training is important and all but in the end it's completely up to the owner on how it's trained... It's not some random guy's business how and what you've trained your dog!

I feel bad for his doby :(

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what a tool! when someone is acting that absurdly it's hard to respond properly. i have a lot of those should've said/done moments after the fact. honestly, i'd have probably been speechless, might say something like, "i'm sorry but you're idiocy has left me speechless!" before being on my way. pushy people like that are the worst kind. they think that they're so right though so they don't even realize how misinformed or uneducated they really are. i can't believe that he went for your dog's lead!!! it's like consideration and basic manners completely escape this imbecile (is that ok? imbecile?). his poor poor dog. you could probably report him to the spca as i would suspect abuse there.

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