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Food for yucky tums?


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Flynn has been on CSJ for 10 days now and his poos are still unformed, not diarea but unformed. So I think he may have a dodgy tummy. I'm keeping Yuri on CSJ as he's happy on it but I think I might have to get a sensative food for Flynn. Now the first one that springs to mind is Chappy because it's cheap... I can't aford much over £20 per 15kg bag and I know pets at home have 2 for £25 right now. I would of fed the skinners chicken and rice but it's £30 a bag. Any ideas? Does anyone know of a sensative food thats around the £20 mark? If Flynn was going to settle on CSJ I'd of thought he would have by now as he's been on it nearly 2 weeks.

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I feed raw and live in SA, but remembered reading a post about Chappy on a previous post.


Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for and which will help Flynn. Nothing worse than trying to pick up unformed dog poop :(

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try reducing the amount it could be you are slightly over feeding Flynn. Good luck

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He is always after more after I feed him? I mean obessivly trying to eat everything...

LOL . . . yep they all do.

Be firm, then he will be. . . firm biggrin.gif

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there is a new CSJ food called fit and fast its gluten free £20.40 for 15kg perhaps that may be better

Thanks I'll have a look.

Thanks Andy we are working on teaching him a 'stop pestering' comand. It took a while with Yuri and he still sneeks if you arn't looking :lol: But Flynn actually tries to climb on you while your eating :blink:

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My dog had the same problem. I tried a dewormer, just to be safe, and then fed her cooked chicken and rice or cooked ground beef and rice for a bit . She had been on puppy chow...I know it isn't good, but I live in the arctic and that was the only food for dogs under 1 year old. It is corn based, and a lot of huskies can't tolerate that. Anyway, that seemed to settle things down. Dewormers are hard on their tummies too, I know, but so are worms, and if they have worms, even the best food in the world won't fix the problem. Also, a spoonful or two of canned pumpkin is magic for an upset dog tummy. I've tried it before and it helped.




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I've had a lot of issues with runny poo's, not so much with my husky but I have a dalmation with a few different health problems. I spent about a year and a bit trying to figure out what was causing it. One of the best things I find, is if its a bug in his tummy is to fast the dog a day or too. he'll get all the bad stuff out then reintroduce the food. Also pumkin works, plain yogurt can help too if it isn't a bug. Also sometimes they need a little extra help with the fasting and Pepto Bismo works also (be wary of the dosing... might want a vets approval for that...:unsure: ). A gastro type food helped wonderfully for my dal even though it didn't solve any of the real reason's she has the problem (allergies to a lot of common filler foods in dog food.).

When my sib, Kea was a pup, he got into some baking on my kitchen counter one day and had runny poos for a long time. Vet said it wa because of all the sugar he ate.

It could also be a parasite too, my sib had this issue this summer when we were camping and ate something he shouldn't have (I'm thinking a frog hahaha) but it was explosive and horrible! Needless to say he spent about a week outside unless it was raining and I had to replace my living room carpet. :(

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Wish they sold canned pumpkin over here for more reasons than one.. miss my pumpkin pie at thanks giving.. Will be quizing you guys on dog foods available state side in a few years when we go back home (hubby is American). Not sure we have Pepto bismo here.. Hubby told me what it's for and I'm not sure if we have an equivilant or not. Only thing I can think thats simular is Tums.

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Just a warning. My vet said to NEVER give a dog human medicine. There are so many chemicals that are fine for us and deadly for dogs. Please don't take the risk. You could give him boiled fish/chicken with rice for a few days. Maximum for a week. No loonger.

Storm used to be so hungry all the time but now I'm lucky if he eats all of his dinner! :blink:

Be patient, and give him time. I know it must be hard financially atm with Yuri's problems. Can you not get some help financially?

P>S> how is yuri now?

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I will keep him on what he's on. I wouldn't give human medication with out asking my vet first. Yuri is depressed and can't go out for walks. His insicision site has a small hole which we are getting checked on the weekend. It is tight, I'm getting a pay day loan because I've used up all Yuri's free post ops and I have to pay for him to get seen again and then if he needs any more meds.... We've had him transfered to the local vet so it's not as far to go. I wasn't expecting to have to spend out £100 ontop of Yuri's nueter. We are only £6 short on the rent which I'm paying tomorrow, next month will be a lot easier! We made some bad judgements this month but next month will be easier :)

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Mine was because I wasn't properly informed by the vet. What I would do is get him a special pair of pants that stay on him made. That way he won't be able to lick it. Use the buster collar and he should be fine after 4 days. Yuri was an unusual case, not many dogs get as unlucky as him :( Although he still seems to have the energy to try and escape though the front door this morning :lol:

If I didn't have another dog I never would of bothered knowing what I know now...

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